Using sum match kernel with balanced label tree for large-Scale image classification

In this paper, we proposed a method for learning an effective and balanced label tree for efficient multi-class classification. Based on the explicit feature map, we reformulated the sum-match kernel as a distance function between mean feature vectors of classes in the mapped-feature space. Thus, the cost of building label tree is significantly reduced. In addition, the balanced tree structure built by our proposed algorithm gains the computational efficiency in classification. The experimental results on the benchmark datasets indicated the advantage of our method on large-scale classification in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency. For further research, we are going to exploit the relationship, such as semantic, correlation, exclude among classes in order to learn a label tree structure.

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cation accuracy, their learning cost is too costly because the classifiers have to be trained multiple times until the solution is converged. Hence, in this paper, we follow the methods in which these two tasks are learned separately, as [3], and focus on the task of learning the tree structure. The popular learning methods are to use clustering algorithms (e.g., k-means, spectral clustering) to recursively partition a set of class labels into subsets such that classes which are easily confused or highly similar should be grouped in the same subset. Each subset corresponds to a node of the tree, the root contains all class labels, and the leaf node contains a single class label. For example, the methods (e.g., Bengio et al. [3], Griffin and Perona [14], Wang and Forsyth [34]) used a spectral clustering algorithm and a confusion matrix which measures a confusion among classes. First, training OVA classifiers for all classes, and evaluating these classifiers on a validation set to obtain a confusion matrix. After that, the spectral clustering is used to recursively split the classes into groups. However, these methods have several limitations. First, training all OVA classifiers is costly for a large number of classes. Second, the confusion between two classes is not reliable when the OvA classifiers have poor accuracy due to a small number of available training samples and the curse of dimensionality. Third, the tree structure may be unbalanced because the objective function of spectral clustering does not take into account the size of groups. Consequently, the testing complexity may not achieve the maximum efficiency. Another method is to use k- means clustering algorithm on training samples [20]. In this method, the mean of all feature vectors of the training samples of a class is used as a representative of that class. However, using the mean is not effective for classes with large variations, and the resulting tree is not always balanced. USING SUM MATCH KERNEL WITH BALANCED LABEL TREE FOR... 135 The above-mentioned problems are addressed as follows. First, we used the spectral clustering and a similarity matrix to learn the tree structure. To measure the similarity between classes, we used a sum-match kernel instead of having to train OvA classifiers as the prior work. Second, by using the feature map [32], we reformulated the sum-match ker- nel function in the original feature space as a dot product of two mean feature vectors in a mapped-feature space. Finally, we proposed an algorithm for learning a balanced tree which gains the computational efficiency while maintaining the classification accuracy. Experimen- tal results on large-scale datasets, including Caltech-256, SUN-397, and ImageNet-1K, have shown that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Generally, this study introduce a novel approach to learn balanced trees for hierarchi- cal classification. Compared to current state-of-the-art tree-based systems, we propose to use similarity of classes instead of their confusion scores. There are two main benefits of such an approach. First, the similarity of classes can be computed with low computational cost. Second, experimental results have shown that using class similarity results in higher classification accuracy (e.g., our method achieved 42.96% in accuracy using CNN feature on ImageNet-1K, compared to 24.97% of the confusion metric based method of Bengio et al, as shown in Fig.2(a)). This is mainly due the precisely built and balanced tree structure. However, there is a trade-off. By using a balanced tree for classification, we significantly reduce testing cost since the number of evaluation needed for each sample (i.e., new im- age) decreases, compared to flat-based methods. But, this also causes accuracy drop. For example, we achieve 50 times speed-up with the accuracy drop from 57.09% to 42.96% on ImageNet1K. Such a trade-off should be carefully considered in real-life application. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2. introduces related work. Section 3. describes the proposed method for generating a similarity matrix using sum-match kernel and learning a balanced tree. Section 4. shows the experimental results. In Section 5., the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed method are under discussion. Finally, Section 6. presents the conclusion and further research. 2. RELATED WORK Multi-class classification problem in large-scale datasets is a challenging and interesting problem. One of the popular approaches is to decompose multi-class to binary classification problems such as One-versus-All (OvA) [25]; or conversely to combine binary classifiers toward a multi-class problem such as Error-Correcting Output Coding (ECOC) [2]. In OvA method, one binary classifier is independently trained for each class. For class ith it assumes i-labels as positive while the rest is negative. In classification, all classifiers have to be evaluated on a test sample, the class label corresponding the highest score is assigned to the test sample. Although this method shows good classification accuracy [1], its testing complexity scale linearly up the number of classes. Therefore, it becomes impractical with a large number of classes. In contrast to OvA, ECOC combines several binary classifiers to classify a test sample. In this method, the main task is to design an optimal coding matrix N × L, where N is the number of class labels and L is the desired number of binary classifiers. Each row corre- sponds to a unique codeword which is associated with a class. Each column corresponds to 136 TIEN-DUNG MAI a binary classifier. In classification, all L binary classifiers are evaluated to obtain an output codeword. The class whose codeword is closest to the output codeword is assigned to the test sample. In Spectral ECOC [37], the coding matrix is designed basing on the eigenvec- tors of the normalized Laplacians of the similarity graph of the classes. In Sparse Output Coding [38], the optimal coding matrix and binary classifiers is learned separately basing on semantic similarity between classes using training data and class taxonomy. However, when the number of class labels is large, it is extremely difficult to design a coding matrix that ensures two properties: each row is a unique codeword for robustness and the number of binary classifiers L is minimized for computational efficiency. The hierarchical classification is one of the efficient approaches to reduce the testing complexity to a sub-linear with the number of class labels while maintaining reasonable classification accuracy. The main idea is to exploit a hierarchical structure in the label space for organizing classes into a tree [3,10,12,19,39]. The root contains all classes, each internal is associated with a subset of classes and each leaf node is associated with a single class. For classifying with a given tree, test examples traverse from the root until a leaf node is reached. Therefore, for a well balanced tree, the number of classifier evaluations on the path is logarithmic with the number of classes. Bengio et al. [3] used a confusion matrix to measure confusion and a spectral clustering to recursively partition a set of class labels into disjoint groups. Each group corresponds to a child node of the tree. The confusion matrix is generated by applying OvA binary classifiers to a validation set. Due to the objective function of spectral clustering penalizes unbalanced partitions, the result is implicitly a balanced tree. However, this method is not reliable for a large number of classes. The reasons are as follows: training OvA classifiers is too costly, and the confusion among classes is not exactly estimated when the corresponding OvA classifiers have poor accuracy due to the curse of dimensionality. Deng et al. [10] proposed a method that combines class partitioning and classifier learning for each child node in an optimization problem. The problem is solved by alternating between two optimization steps. However, learning cost is high because the classifiers have to be trained multiple times until the solution is converged. Moreover, by allowing overlapping of classes among child nodes to reduce false navigation, it increases the testing cost. The relaxed hierarchy method proposed by Gao and Koller [12] is an alternative based on max-margin optimization in which a subset of confusing classes is allowed to be ignored at each node. This method shares the idea of the method proposed by Marszalek and Schmid [22], but has significant improvements over it. However, learning complexity increases if there are more than two branches at each node. Sun et al. [29] considered the classification problem as finding the best path in the label tree and proposed a branch-and-bound-like algorithm. The bounds and the classifiers are jointly learned using structured SVM formulation with additional bound constraints for a trade-off between efficiency and accuracy. Wang and Forsyth in [34] proposed a method to aggregate the probability distribution associated with a leaf node of trees in a label forest i.e. an ensemble of label trees. The (i+ 1)-th label tree is constructed by applying a method of Bengio et al. [3] with a confusion matrix computed for the i-th label tree on a validation set. Although this method improved classification accuracy, computational cost can be significantly increased if a large number of label trees are used. USING SUM MATCH KERNEL WITH BALANCED LABEL TREE FOR... 137 Liu et al. [19] proposed a probabilistic approach for learning a tree structure. Each node of the probabilistic label tree is associated with a categorical probability distribution and a maximum likelihood classifier defined as a multinomial logistic regression model. The training process at each node is formulated as a maximum optimization of a log likelihood function, which is then solved by using alternating convex optimization. Recently there are some interesting results in which the features and classifiers are jointly learned using a deep learning architecture [7, 15, 28]. Although these methods archived the excellent results in large-scale classification, they require the modest computational resources and GPU programming skills. In this work, we follow the methods in which learning the tree structure and learning node classifiers are learned separately. Specifically, the spectral clustering algorithm and similarity matrix are used to build a tree structure. Moreover, we proposed an algorithm for learning a balanced tree aiming to gain the computational efficiency while maintaining reasonable classification accuracy. 3. OUR APPROACH In this section, we first represent a technique for generating a similarity matrix among classes using the sum-match kernel in Section 3.1. We then describe an algorithm for learning a balanced label tree structure in Section 3.2.. 3.1. Generating the similarity matrix A similarity matrix among classes can be used in a spectral clustering algorithm to partition these classes into groups so that the classes in the same group are more highly similar and the classes in different groups are less similar. Thus, the similarity between two classes is measured more exactly, the clustering algorithm achieves higher accuracy. In this study, the sum-match kernel is used to measure the similarity. The reason is this measure recently has been achieved the effective results in evaluating the similarity between sets of local features [4, 36,38]. Given a set of class labels L = {c1, ..., cN}, a similarity matrix SN×N is a symmetric matrix whose element Si,j represents the similarity measurement between two class labels ci and cj . Let fi,p and fj,q be the feature vectors of corresponding images of class ci and class cj . Then, the similarity between classes ci and cj is defined by summing the local kernels between every pair of feature vectors of class ci and class cj : Si,j = 1 ni 1 nj ni∑ p=1 nj∑ q=1 }(fi,p, fj,q), (1) where }(.) is a Mercer kernel function; ni and nj are the total number of images in class ci and cj , respectively. By this way, the similarity matrix SN×N can be built without the need of OvA classifiers training as the prior work. Eq.(1) requires to compute the kernel function }(., .) for all feature vectors, so the computational cost is too expensive when the number of images of classes is large or the number of class labels can be in the thousands of classes. This is also a limitation of our previous work [21]. In this work, we introduce an approach 138 TIEN-DUNG MAI to deal with this problem by applying recently developed feature map [32] that is described in Section 3.1.1. and 3.1.2.. 3.1.1. Explicit feature mapping Relying on a property of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces [27], it is guaranteed that there exists a function ϕ mapping the data x into a Hilbert space H for any positive definite kernel function }(x, y), such that }(x, y) = 〈ϕ(x), ϕ(y)〉, (2) where ϕ(x) and ϕ(y) are the mapped data point of x and y in the Hilbert space, and 〈ϕ(x), ϕ(y)〉 denotes the inner product between ϕ(x) and ϕ(y). Moreover, following [32], if }(x, y) is an additive kernel, known as a homogeneous kernel (e.g., the Hellinger’s, χ2, intersection, and Jensen-Shannon), a suitable feature map ϕ can be explicitly constructed for sufficiently approximating it to a linear kernel. This allows using }(xi, yj) = 〈ϕ(xi), ϕ(yj)〉, where ϕ(xi) and ϕ(yj) correspond the mapped data point xi of the feature vector x and yj of the feature vector y, respectively. 3.1.2. Sum-match linear kernel Given the explicit feature map, an additive kernel function in the original feature space can be approximated by a linear kernel function in the mapped-feature space. As a result, we have }(x, y) = 〈ϕ(x), ϕ(y)〉 = ϕ(x)T · ϕ(y). Then, the value of Si,j in Eq.(1) can be written as follows: Si,j = 1 ni 1 nj ni∑ p=1 nj∑ q=1 }(fi,p, fj,q) = 1 ni 1 nj ni∑ p=1 nj∑ q=1 (ϕ(fi,p) T · ϕ(fj,q)) = 1 ni 1 nj [ (ϕ(fi,1) T · ϕ(fj,1) + · · ·+ ϕ(fi,1)T · ϕ(fj,nj )) + · · ·+ (ϕ(fi,ni) T · ϕ(fj,1) + · · ·+ ϕ(fi,ni)T · ϕ(fj,nj )) ] = 1 ni (ϕ(fi,1) + · · ·+ ϕ(fi,ni))T · 1 nj (ϕ(fj,1) + · · ·+ ϕ(fj,nj )) = ϕ˜Ti · ϕ˜j , (3) where ϕ˜i = 1 ni (ϕ(fi,1) + · · · + ϕ(fi,ni)) and ϕ˜j = 1nj (ϕ(fj,1) + · · · + ϕ(fj,nj )) are mean feature vectors that are computed by averaging the mapped-feature vectors of class ci and cj , respectively. Consequently, Si,j can be computed as a dot product of two mean feature vectors. 3.2. Learning a balanced label tree structure The motivation of the label tree approach is classification efficiency, which is measured in terms of the average number of operations needed to produce a final label for a new sample. The efficiency will be maximized when the tree structure is balanced [10,19]. USING SUM MATCH KERNEL WITH BALANCED LABEL TREE FOR... 139 The process of learning a tree structure can be presented as a clustering problem which splits a set of N class labels of node v into Q clusters. Each cluster corresponds to a child node of v, and Q is the desired number of children per node. However, the objective function of clustering algorithm (e.g., spectral clustering [23]) does not take into account the size of clusters, and thus the output tree might not be balanced. Although the constrained clustering algorithms may be applied, the balancing constraints are formulated as a linear programming that is known to be an NP-complete problem in practice [10]. In this work, to overcome this drawback, we propose an algorithm for balancing the number of class labels in each cluster. According to [23], let L be the Laplacian matrix of the similarity matrix SN×N (e.g., L = D−1/2SD−1/2, where D is the diagonal matrix whose (i, i)-element is the sum of S’s i-th row). The Q largest eigenvectors e1, ..., eQ of L are formed into the matrix Y = [e1e2 eQ] ∈ RN×Q. Each row yi ∈ Y is treated as an eigen-based feature vector of class ci. The k-means algorithm is applied to partition Y into Q clusters. A class ci is assigned to a child node j th if and only if an item yi is assigned to the cluster j th. To create a balanced tree structure, at each node v, its child node has at most Pmax = QH−1 class labels, where H = logQ(N) is the maximum depth of node v to the root, and N is the number of class labels of node v. So, if the child node jth has more than Pmax class labels, several its classes have to be moved to others. This is equal to moving several eigen-based feature vectors in the cluster jth to other clusters. The process for balancing the number of class labels in the child nodes basing on the eigen-based feature vectors at the node v is summarized by Algorithm 1. To learn the label tree structure, the similarity matrix SN×N is firstly computed with the given set of N class labels L = {c1, ..., cN} as described in Section 3.1. For each non-leaf node v, beginning from the root, we rebuild a similarity matrix Sv basing on the matrix S with a set of class labels Lv of the node v. Then, the spectral clustering algorithm [23] - implemented as [Y,G,A] = SpectralClustering(Lv, Sv, Q, Pmax) - is applied to the matrix Sv to partition the set of class labels Lv into Q clusters. The maximum number of classes in each cluster is Pmax. The outputs of this function are three sets Y , G, and A. Here, Y is a set of |Lv| eigen-based feature vectors, Y = {y1, ..., y|Lv |}. G is a set of Q cluster centers, G = {g1, ..., gQ}. And, A is a set of |Lv| items, A = {a1, ..., a|Lv |}. ai = k indicates that the class ci is assigned to the cluster gk. Finally, these outputs are used as the inputs of the Algorithm 1 for balancing the number of class labels in the child nodes of the node v. This learning process is performed repeatedly for each node until the tree structure is completely built. The algorithm for clustering at every node of the label tree is summarized in Algorithm 2. Following the notation in [10,19], a Q-way balanced label tree is denoted as TQ,H , where H is the maximum depth and QH approximate the number of class labels. Notice that it is unable to partition into Q child nodes with less than Q class labels. 140 TIEN-DUNG MAI Algorithm 1 [A] = Balancing(Y,G,A, Pmax): balancing the number of class labels in the child nodes of the node v Input: 1: • Set Y = {y1, .., yN} of N items correspond to eigen-based feature vectors of class labels at node v; 2: • SetG = {g1, ..., gQ} ofQ cluster centers that were obtained from spectral clustering; 3: • Set A = {a1, ..., aN} of N items, each item ai = k indicates that class ci is assigned to cluster gk; 4: • Pmax: the maximum number of class labels in a cluster; Output: Set A = {a1, ..., aN} contains information about the assignment of class labels into Q children. ai = k means that class label ci is assigned to child node k th. For each child node, the size of its set of class labels is at most Pmax. 5: Step 1: 6: • Let R be set of clusters whose number of items is greater than Pmax. 7: • Let T be set of clusters whose number of items is less than Pmax. 8: • Let D be set of items that will be assigned to clusters in T : D = ∅ 9: Step 2: For each cluster in R, we only hold Pmax items whose distance to its cluster center is minimum in the 2-norm. The remaining items are added to D. 10: Step 3: 11: while D 6= ∅ do 12: yi ← D 13: Assign yi to cluster tj ∈ T such that the distance from center gj to yi is minimum in the 2-norm: tj = tj ∪ {yi} 14: Update center gj : compute gj as the mean of all items assigned to cluster tj . 15: if |tj | = Pmax then . the number of items of tj equals Pmax 16: T = T \ {tj} 17: end if 18: end while Algorithm 2 [A] = Clustering(Lv, SN×N , Q, Pmax): for clustering the set of class labels Lv into Q children. Input: 1: • Lv : the set of class labels of node v; 2: • SN×N : the similarity matrix among N classes; 3: • Q: the number of children per node; 4: • Pmax: the maximum number of class labels in a child node; Output: Set A = {a1, ..., aN} contain information about the assignment of class label into Q children. ai = k means that class label ci is assigned to child node k th. For each child node, the size of its set of class labels is at most Pmax. 5: Step 1: Compute Sv matrix basing on the similarity matrix S and Lv. 6: Step 2: Cluster [Y,G,A] = SpectralClustering(Lv, Sv, Q, Pmax) 7: Step 3: Balance the number of class labels: [A] = Balancing(Y,G,A, Pmax) USING SUM MATCH KERNEL WITH BALANCED LABEL TREE FOR... 141 4. EXPERIMENTS 4.1. Experimental setting 4.1.1. Datasets The experiments are carried out on benchmark datasets which are usually used to evaluate large-scale image classification approaches. • Caltech-256 [13]. There are 29,780 images of 256 object classes. Each image is assigned to a single class label, each class contains at least 80 images. Images are different lighting conditions, poses, sizes, and resolutions. • SUN-397 [35]. This is a subset of the SUN dataset. It is selected from 908 scene classes used for a scene recognition. There are 108,754 images of 397 classes, at least 100 images per class. The collection of images covers a large variety of environmental scenes, places, and the objects within. • ImageNet-1K [26]. The dataset contains 1,461,406 images of 1,000 classes (e.g., animal, plant, artifact, events, people). Each class contains at least 668 images. With SUN-397 and Caltech-256, we randomly picked 50% of the images for training, 25% images for validation and the remaining for testing. Meanwhile, on ImageNet-1K, we used the provided image sets for validation with a total of 50,000 images, each class includes 50 images. For testing, there are 150,000 images, each class includes 150 images. We randomly pick 100 images from each class for training. In our experiments, the validation set is used to compute the confusion matrix, similar to [3]. The training set is used to obtain the similarity matrix represented in Section 3.1., and to train the OvA classifiers as well as the classifiers at the non-leaf nodes. 4.1.2. Image descriptors Besides standard features for a fair comparison with previous methods, the state-of-the- art feature i.e., deep features is also applied to investigate the influence of feature selection. Particularly, two types of features are applied, including: • SIFT+LLC+SPM feature. In order to compare our method with the others, e.g., those of Bengio et al. [3] and Deng et al. [10], we used the same feature settings as in [10]. Specifically, we extract dense SIFT feature for each image by VLFeat toolbox [30]. These features are then encoded using the Locality-constrained Linear Coding (LLC) approach described in [33]. The code book consists of 10,000 visual words generated by using k-means with images randomly selected from the dataset. Each image is encoded using a two-level Spatial Pyramid Matching (SPM) [17] with 1× 1 and 2× 2 grids. The results are feature vectors with 50,000 dimensions. • CNN feature. We used the state-of-the-art deep feature for image representation. Following settings that have been widely used in recent work [6, 24, 28], we used Mat- ConvNet toolbox [31] with the VGG-VERYDEEP-16 model. The model is pre-trained 142 TIEN-DUNG MAI on the ILSVRC-2012 dataset with 16 layers (13 convolutional layers and three fully- connected layers) [28]. The output of the network at the fc7 layer with 4,096 channels was widely used as the feature vector of an input image. 4.1.3. The baseline methods In this section, we briefly describe baseline methods that are used for comparison. • First is the label embedding tree of Bengio et al. [3]. This method achieved state-of- the-art results in testing with the tree structure learned by using a confusion matrix. N binary OvA classifiers were trained independently, where N is the number of class labels. These classifiers are then evaluated on a validation set to compute a confusion matrix C¯ and an affinity matrix A = 12(C¯ + C¯ T ). Starting from the root, the spectral clustering algorithm [23] is applied to the affinity matrix A to partition the set of class into subsets. Each subset corresponds to a child node. This process is recursively repeated until the label tree is completely built. • Second is the SVM tree of Liu et al. [20]. This method used the mean feature vectors of classes to build a binary SVM tree. We re-implemented this method for comparison. In particular, each class is represented by a mean feature vector obtained by averaging all feature vectors in this class. In contrast to [20], the k-means algorithm was used for partitioning the set of mean vectors into Q clusters to build a Q-ways tree instead of the original binary tree. • Last is the Fast-Balanced Tree of Deng et al. [10]. This method combined tree con- struction and classifier learning at each node in an optimizing framework. Due to the insufficient description, we cannot re-implement the method, we used the experimental results on ImageNet-1K with the SIFT+LLC+SPM feature for comparison. To make a fair comparison, the LIBLINEAR library [11] is used to train all OvA classifiers and the classifiers at each node of the tree without parameters tuning. 4.2. Evaluation measurement To compare the methods, the classification accuracy and test speedup are used. These measures are widely used in the label tree-based classification [10, 19]. In addition, the run-time is recorded for evaluation. • Classification Accuracy (Acc) is measured as the number of correct predictions among the total number of predictions on the testing set. It is calculated as follows: Acc = 1 M M∑ i=1 1yi(yˆi), (4) where M is the total number of testing images and 1yi(yˆi) is an indicator function. The value of 1yi(yˆi) = 1 if the predicted class yˆi and the given assigned class yi are the same; otherwise, the value of 1yi(yˆi) = 0. USING SUM MATCH KERNEL WITH BALANCED LABEL TREE FOR... 143 • Test speedup (Ste) is used to measure a speedup capacity of the label tree-based clas- sification comparing to OvA classifiers-based classification. That is the one-vs-all test cost divided by the label tree test cost [10]. Since we only used the linear classifiers in experiments, this measure may be computed as follows: Ste = N ∗M P , (5) where N is the number of class labels, M is the total number of testing images, and P is the total number of dot products that are performed for classifying M testing images. For example, the Ste of the tree T16,2 is 8.0, meaning that only 32 linear classifiers are used for classifying a testing image instead of 256 OvA classifiers. The higher the value of Ste, the more computationally efficient the method. • Run-Time is used for evaluating the length of time required to classify the testing set. For a fair comparison, all experiments were carried out on the same hardware configuration with the same dataset. To ensure the stability of the experimental results, each experiment is repeated at least five times for each dataset. The reported performance measures are the average values and their standard deviations. 4.3. Experimental results In this section, we report the experimental results on benchmark datasets with different tree configurations. For each configuration TQ,H , the maximum depth H and the desired number of children per node Q are adjusted such that QH approximate the number of class labels. In addition, our method is reported with the popular kernels, including χ2 (Ours - kchi2), Intersection (Ours - kinters) and Jensen− Shannon (Ours - kjs) [32]. From the experimental results, some essential conclusions can be drawn as follows. First, the classification accuracy (Acc) and the test speedup (Ste) depend on the tree configuration. In particular, when the value of H increases, the value of Q decreases; this leads to decreasing the number of classifiers evaluated at a node. And the test speed up is significantly improved but the accuracy is also dropped. Second, our method outperformed the other tree-based approaches. At the same accuracy level, our approach was more efficient. Moreover, at the same speedup level, our method achieved higher accuracy in most cases. Lastly, our method is faster than others in terms of the run-time in most configurations. 4.3.1. Results on ImageNet-1K Table 1 lists the experimental results using the SIFT+LLC+SPM feature on ImageNet- 1K. The results show that our method significantly outperformed in terms of computational efficiency and classification accuracy. For example, considering the tree T32,2, our method achieved the best accuracy Acc = 14.52 ± 0.01% and Ste = 15.74 ± 0.02 (average 32 ∗ 2 classifiers evaluated) with the χ2 kernel. Meanwhile, the accuracy of Bengio et al.’s method [3] was Acc = 6.51 ± 0.10% and Ste = 15.93 ± 0.03. Although its value of Ste is slightly greater than, our method is two times more accurate than. In addition, the accuracies of 144 TIEN-DUNG MAI Table 1. Comparison of the average and standard deviation of our method to the other methods on ImageNet-1K using the SIFT+LLC+SPM feature Methods T32,2 T10,3 T6,4 T4,5 Acc Ste Acc Ste Acc Ste Acc Ste Bengio et al. [3] 6.51 15.93 4.73 31.49 4.06 38.15 3.73 43.89 ±0.10 ±0.03 ±0.08 ±0.54 ±0.12 ±0.46 ±0.04 ±0.41 Deng et al. [10] 11.9 10.3 8.92 18.20 5.62 31.3 NA NA Liu et al. [20] 12.51 15.81 10.61 30.91 9.73 38.10 9.08 42.03 ±0.07 ±0.05 ±0.10 ±0.05 ±0.09 ±0.50 ±0.05 ±0.40 Ours - kchi2 14.52 15.74 11.44 33.33 10.28 42.92 9.79 50.11 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.20 ±0.00 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.15 ±0.02 Ours - kinters 14.47 15.77 11.37 33.33 10.10 42.78 9.69 50.12 ±0.22 ±0.02 ±0.23 ±0.00 ±0.29 ±0.16 ±0.06 ±0.02 Ours - kjs 14.48 15.75 11.55 33.33 10.35 43.05 9.52 50.11 ±0.08 ±0.01 ±0.08 ±0.00 ±0.02 ±0.06 ±0.21 ±0.01 the methods proposed by Deng et al. [10], and Liu et al [20] are 11.9% and 12.51 ± 0.07%, respectively. The relationship between the accuracy and the test speedup are illustrated in Figure 1(a). As we can see, the accuracy drops when the test speedup increases. The reason is that the average number of classifiers evaluated for classifying a test image decreases. The result is that there is less information to make a correct classification. However, in all of the cases, the accuracy of our method is significantly higher than the accuracies of others at the same test speedup. We recorded and reported for each method the length of time they require to classify all images of the testing set in Figure 1(b). The result has shown that our method is faster than the others with the same tree configuration. This is because the lengths of all paths from the root to a leaf node on our balanced tree are mostly equal. They may not exceed logQ(N), given Q is the number of children per node and N is the number of classes. Unbalanced trees, e.g. those constructed by the methods of Bengio et al. [3] and Liu et al. [20], may have longer paths. As a result, they require more time for classification. Figure 2 illustrates the results of the methods using the CNN feature. Similar to the results using the SIFT+LLC+SPM feature, the experimental results demonstrate that our method achieved a higher Acc than others at the same Ste in most cases. Furthermore, the run-times were consistent with those described above. An interesting result found from the experimental results is that the run-time depend on the number of dimensions of the feature vector and the depth of the tree. Specifically, when the depth of the tree increases, it takes a longer time for making a decision which child node to follow. USING SUM MATCH KERNEL WITH BALANCED LABEL TREE FOR... 145 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 ImageNet−1K: Average Accuracy vs Ste Test Speedup (Ste) Av er ag e Ac cu ra cy (in % ) Bengio et al. Deng et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinter Ours−kjs (a) The average accuracy and the test speedup of methods T32,2 T10,3 T6,4 T4,5 350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050 1150 1250 ImageNet−1K: Run−Time R un −T im es (se co nd s) Bengio et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinters Ours−kjs (b) The run-time of methods Figure 1. Performance of the evaluated methods using the SIFT+LLC+SPM feature on ImageNet-1K 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 ImageNet−1K: Average Accuracy vs Ste Test Speedup (Ste) Av er ag e Ac cu ra cy (in % ) Bengio et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinter Ours−kjs (a) The average accuracy and the test speedup T32,2 T10,3 T6,4 T4,5 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 ImageNet−1K: Run−Time R un −T im es (se co nd s) Bengio et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinters Ours−kjs (b) The run-time of methods Figure 2. Performance of the evaluated methods using the CNN feature on ImageNet-1K 146 TIEN-DUNG MAI Table 2. Comparison of the average and standard deviation of our method to the other methods on SUN-397 using SIFT+LLC+SPM feature Methods T20,2 T8,3 T5,4 T4,5 Acc Ste Acc Ste Acc Ste Acc Ste Bengio et al. [3] 31.08 10.18 24.87 16.77 22.84 20.23 21.34 21.22 ±1.05 ±0.25 ±1.06 ±0.37 ±0.71 ±0.33 ±0.34 ±0.48 Liu et al. [20] 38.26 9.84 34.94 15.78 33.73 18.63 32.72 19.65 ±0.27 ±0.11 ±0.12 ±0.23 ±0.56 ±0.11 ±0.15 ±0.36 Ours - kchi2 39.44 9.96 36.61 17.34 34.44 21.26 33.81 22.53 ±0.56 ±0.01 ±0.32 ±0.02 ±0.18 ±0.08 ±0.26 ±0.16 Ours - kinters 39.56 9.95 36.68 17.36 33.70 21.07 32.98 22.50 ±0.27 ±0.00 ±0.87 ±0.07 ±0.30 ±0.07 ±0.54 ±0.16 Ours - kjs 38.74 9.95 36.56 17.22 34.74 21.13 32.38 22.56 ±0.71 ±0.01 ±0.45 ±0.08 ±0.54 ±0.22 ±0.13 ±0.03 4.3.2. Results on SUN-397 Table 2 and Figure 3 show the experimental results using the SIFT+LLC+SPM feature on SUN-397. The results are consistent with those on ImageNet-1K. At the same level of speedup, we observe that our trees have much better performance than other methods. For example, considering the tree T20,2, the best classification accuracy of our method is Acc = 39.56±0.27% with Intersection kernel meanwhile of the method proposed by Bengio et al. [3] and Liu et al. [20] are 31.08± 1.05% and 38.26± 0.27%, respectively. The results are shown in Figure 4 using the CNN feature. The trees generated by our method achieves comparable or significant accuracy while achieving better speedup. 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 20 25 30 35 40 SUN−397: Average Accuracy vs Ste Test Speedup (Ste) Av er ag e Ac cu ra cy (in % ) Bengio et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinter Ours−kjs (a) The average accuracy and the test speedup T20,2 T8,3 T5,4 T4,5 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 SUN−397: Run−Time R un −T im es (se co nd s) Bengio et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinters Ours−kjs (b) The run-time of methods Figure 3. Performance of the evaluated methods using the SIFT+LLC+SPM feature on SUN-397 USING SUM MATCH KERNEL WITH BALANCED LABEL TREE FOR... 147 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 30 35 40 45 50 SUN−397: Average Accuracy vs Ste Test Speedup (Ste) Av er ag e Ac cu ra cy (in % ) Bengio et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinter Ours−kjs (a) The average accuracy and the test speedup T20,2 T8,3 T5,4 T4,5 10 12 14 16 18 SUN−397: Run−Time R un −T im es (se co nd s) Bengio et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinters Ours−kjs (b) The run-time of methods Figure 4. Performance of the evaluated methods using the CNN feature on SUN-397 4.3.3. Results on Caltech-256 The experimental results using the SIFT+LLC+SPM feature on Caltech-256 dataset are reported in Table 3 and Figure 5. As shown in this table, with the trees built by our method, the classification accuracy and the test speed for different kernels is significantly higher. For example, we consider the tree T16,2, the best classification accuracy of our method is 39.31± 0.46% with Jensen−Shannon kernel meanwhile of the Bengio et al.’s method [3] and Liu et al.’s method [20] are 31.55± 0.43% and 36.59± 0.48%, respectively. Figure 6 shows the results of methods using the CNN feature. As can be seen, at the same level of speedup, the performance of our method is better than of the other methods. An interesting result with the tree T16,2, the accuracy of using 256 binary classifiers is 79%, meanwhile, we achieved 73% but our method is 8 times faster than OvA method. Table 3. Comparison of the average and standard deviation of our method to the other methods on Caltech-256 using SIFT+LLC+SPM feature Methods T16,2 T7,3 T4,4 T2,8 Acc Ste Acc Ste Acc Ste Acc Ste Bengio et al. [3] 31.55 8.01 27.48 12.16 24.64 14.13 22.60 28.42 ±0.43 ±0.13 ±0.52 ±0.19 ±0.24 ±0.27 ±0.48 ±0.29 Liu et al. [20] 36.59 7.62 34.00 11.17 32.02 13.12 29.28 23.02 ±0.48 ±0.10 ±0.68 ±0.37 ±0.64 ±0.59 ±0.70 ±0.93 Ours - kchi2 39.30 8.00 35.45 12.95 33.02 16.00 30.02 32.00 ±0.61 ±0.00 ±0.52 ±0.09 ±0.57 ±0.00 ±0.60 ±0.00 Ours - kinters 38.92 8.00 35.15 12.93 33.23 16.00 29.93 32.00 ±0.72 ±0.00 ±0.28 ±0.06 ±0.12 ±0.00 ±0.43 ±0.00 Ours - kjs 39.31 8.00 35.10 12.84 33.01 16.00 29.85 32.00 ±0.46 ±0.00 ±0.20 ±0.05 ±0.39 ±0.00 ±0.37 ±0.00 148 TIEN-DUNG MAI 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35 40 Caltech−256: Average Accuracy vs Ste Test Speedup (Ste) Av er ag e Ac cu ra cy (in % ) Bengio et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinter Ours−kjs (a) The average accuracy and the test speedup T16,2 T7,3 T4,4 T2,8 10 15 20 25 Caltech−256: Run−Time R un −T im es (se co nd s) Bengio et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinters Ours−kjs (b) The run-time of methods Figure 5. Performance of methods using the SIFT+LLC+SPM feature on Caltech-256 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 50 55 60 65 70 75 Caltech−256: Average Accuracy vs Ste Test Speedup (Ste) Av er ag e Ac cu ra cy (in % ) Bengio et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinter Ours−kjs (a) The average accuracy and the test speedup T16,2 T7,3 T4,4 T2,8 0 2 4 6 8 Caltech−256: Run−Time R un −T im es (se co nd s) Bengio et al. Liu et al. Ours−kchi2 Ours−kinters Ours−kjs (b) The run-time of methods Figure 6. Performance of the evaluated methods using the CNN feature on Caltech-256 5. DISCUSSIONS In this paper, we follow the methods that learn the tree structure by the spectral cluster- ing algorithm with the similarity matrix among classes. Our method has some advantages as follows. First, using sum-match kernel helps to improve the classification accuracy since similar classes are precisely grouped into clusters. Based on a feature mapping technique, the sum match kernel function can be computed as the distance between two the mean fea- ture vectors of two classes in the mapped space. Second, by building a balanced tree, the proposed method is more efficient in classification than other methods which employ unbal- anced trees. Here, the balanced tree is constructed without solving a NP-hard optimization problem as in other methods (i.e., Deng et al. [10]). But, the disadvantage of our method is the features vectors in the original feature space are needed to be mapped into a new feature space. USING SUM MATCH KERNEL WITH BALANCED LABEL TREE FOR... 149 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK In this paper, we proposed a method for learning an effective and balanced label tree for efficient multi-class classification. Based on the explicit feature map, we reformulated the sum-match kernel as a distance function between mean feature vectors of classes in the mapped-feature space. Thus, the cost of building label tree is significantly reduced. In ad- dition, the balanced tree structure built by our proposed algorithm gains the computational efficiency in classification. The experimental results on the benchmark datasets indicated the advantage of our method on large-scale classification in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency. For further research, we are going to exploit the relationship, such as semantic, correla- tion, exclude among classes in order to learn a label tree structure. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research is funded by Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City VNU-HCM under grant number B2015-26-01. REFERENCES [1] Z. Akata, F. Perronnin, Z. Harchaoui, and C. Schmid, “Good practice in large-scale learning for image classification,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 507–520, Mar. 2014. [2] E. L. Allwein, R. E. Schapire, and Y. 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