In this paper, we have designed, simulated and
fabricated a frequency reconfigurable antenna array
of 4x3 elements. By using metamaterial structure on
ground plane and MRS, the proposed antenna’s gain
and bandwidth is improved. The key limitations of
microstrip antenna, that are gain and bandwidth
which are improved significantly. The antenna’s gain
is 7 dB and 11 dB at center frequencies of 6.75 GHz
and 9.3 GHz, respectively. The bandwidth of antenna
covers from approximately 6.6 GHz to about 8 GHz
and from 9 GHz to greater than 10 GHz, so this
bandwidth is enough for broadband applications.
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Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 026-031
A Novel Reconfigurable Array Antenna Using Metamaterial Structure
Nguyen Ngoc Lan*, Vu Van Yem
Hanoi University of Science and Technology, No. 1, Dai Co Viet, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Received: January 06, 2017; Accepted: November 03, 2017
A novel compact 4x3 elements reconfigurable antenna array using PIN-diode for C and X band applications
is presented in this paper. By using metamaterial structure on the ground plane, not only antenna’s
bandwidth is improved, but also the size of antenna is reduced. In addition, the gain of the proposed
antenna array is improved by using Metamaterial Reflective Surface (MRS). The proposed antenna array is
designed, simulated and fabriacated on FR4 substrate with thickness of 1.575 mm, εr = 4.4 and tanδ = 0.02.
The proposed antenna is designed at center frequencies of 6.75 GHz and 9.3 GHz, respectively. The
simulation results are obtained in CST Microwave Studio software and are compared to measurement ones.
Keywords: reconfigurable antenna array, pin diode, frequency reconfigurable antenna, microstrip antenna
1. Introduction*
Nowadays, the trend of modern wireless
communication systems is smart and reconfigurable.
In these systems, antenna is an important component
whose quality affects directly to transceive progress.
Therefore, the antennas must become smart to be able
to meet the above requirements. With their
advantages, for example, pattern, frequency,
polarization can change, the reconfigurable antenna
using microstrip technology can satisfy the
requirements of modern wireless communication
systems. The key features of microstrip antenna are
lightweight, small size and easy fabrication.
Therefore, microstrip antenna is increasingly
widespread application. However, the disadvantages
of microstrip antennas are narrow bandwidth, low
gain and low efficiency. Hence, the challenge in
microstrip antenna design is how to increase the gain,
bandwidth and efficiency. Besides, the concept of
reconfigurable antennas can be dated back to a 1983
patent of D. Schaubert [1]. Reconfiguring for an
antenna can be achieved by changing its frequency,
polarization, or radiation characteristics. Today, there
are variety of techniques to reconfigure for antenna
such as RF-MEMS [2], PIN diodes [3], varactor [4]
and so on.
Another aspect very important of the antenna
design is also is antenna miniaturization. Today, there
are many different antenna miniaturization
techniques: magneto-dielectric substrate [5],
corrugation [6], loop loading technique [7] and so on.
However, the most popular technique is using
* Corresponding author: Tel.: (+84) 904.024.242
metamaterial structure. The concept of metamaterials
(MTMs) was first investigated by Veselago in 1968
[8]. Metamaterials are broadly defined as artificial
effectively homogeneous electromagnetic structures
with unusual properties not readily available in nature
[9]. Currently, metamaterials are used in many fields.
Specifically, in the antenna design, metamaterials are
used for: gain and bandwidth enhancement [10][11],
antenna miniaturize [12][13], reduction in the peak
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) [14][15].
Besides, with advantages such as broadband and
high gain, using array antenna is also one of methods
for parameter improvement of antenna. Therefore, to
respond all the above requirements, this paper
proposes a frequency reconfigurable array antenna
using metamaterial structure to improve gain and
bandwidth for antenna. Moreover, to enhance
antenna’s gain, Metamaterial Reflective Surface
(MRS) is also used. The selected reconfigurable
technique in this paper is using PIN diode. There are
some reasons for this selecting such as ease of
intergration, fast switching speed. Therefore, PIN
diodes have met all requirements of the switching in
antenna. The proposed antenna has large bandwidth
and it is enough for applications at C and X band. The
frequency reconfigurable antenna array is designed in
C and X bands, at the center frequencies of 6.75 GHz
and 9.3 GHz, respectively. The antenna array
includes 12-elements linear array (4x3), and it is
based on FR4 substrate with parameters: thickness =
1.575 mm, dielectric constant = 4.4 and tanδ = 0.02.
2 The proposed array antenna
2.1 The model of proposed array antenna
The model of the proposed antenna is shown in
Fig. 1. The size of antenna is 120 x 110 mm. The
Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 026-031
array antenna includes 12 elements and 3 T-junction
power dividers. The distance between two antennas is
approximately λ0/2 with λ0 is the wavelength in free
space. Each element consists of very thin metallic
strip (patch) and feed placed on ground plane.
The array antenna based on FR4 substrate on
ground plane. Here, D1, D2, ... D8 are PIN Diodes
while L1, L2, ... L4 are inductors. In here, inductors
(L1 – L4) is added to block alternating current.
Fig. 1. The model of proposed antenna: top (a) and
bottom (b)
2.2 Array antenna design
2.2.1 Design of array antenna
The proposed antenna model is shown in Fig. 2.
The antenna includes 12 elements and the model of
each element is shown in Fig. 3. In here, the
parameters of an element is calculated as in [16].
Table 1 shows parameters of an element in array. The
distance between antenna and MRS is h = 20 mm
while the size of antenna is 110 x 120 mm.
With unusual properties that common materials
do not have such as reversal of Doppler effect,
reversal of Snell’s law, metamaterial can improve
simultaneously many parameters for antenna, for
example: gain enhancement, bandwidth
improvement, miniaturization, mutual coupling
reducing, and so on. For the above reasons, this
paper uses metamaterial structure in ground plane to
enhance bandwidth for antenna.
Fig. 2. The model of antenna
Fig. 3. An element in array
The distance between rings in ground is 40 mm
(equal to W/3) and 36.67 mm (equal to L/3). Using
metamaterial structure on ground plane creates
parasitic capacitors and inductors and this also helps
to create consecutive cavity resonators. As a result,
the bandwidth of antenna is enhanced. We know that
the resonant frequency of antenna is given by:
= (8)
It is clear that the resonant frequency of antenna
is descrease when L and C values is increase. This
means that the antenna size is reduced.
Table 1. The parameter of an element in array
wf lf a lp wp x
6.5 1.5 11 11 2
Besides, the impedance matching for antenna is
illustrated in Fig. 4. To impedance matching, this
paper uses quarter-wave transformers to transform a
large input impedance to 50 ohms line, by using
0T inZ Z Z= (9)
Where: Zin: input impedance of line, Z0: characteristic
Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 026-031
Fig. 4. The impedance matching for antenna
Currently, the major types of reconfiguration
techniques that can be used to implement
reconfigurable antennas such RF-MEM, PIN diode,
varactor, and so on. However, PIN diode is the best
candidate thanks to some reasons, for example: easy
to integrate, fast switching and small size. Therefore,
PIN diodes is slected to achieve the reconfiguration
for antenna in this paper. Moreover, the
reconfiguration is achieved by changing the length of
the transmission line. This is achieved by adjusting
the status of the PIN diode: ON/OFF. Here, we
design and implement an array antenna that is
composed of 12 elements. The resonant frequency of
the array antenna is inversely proportional to the size
of array. When we change the length (feeding), the
geometry of the total array change, so the resonant
frequency changes. In RF circuits, PIN Diodes
operate as a contact with two modes: ON and OFF.
When the state is ON, they act as a resistor with very
small value. In contrast, when the state is OFF, they
act as a resistor with very large value.
By changing status of PIN Diodes, we obtain
equivalent frequencies. There are different types of
PIN diode. However, to suit with design
requirements, MACOM-MA4AGBLP912 is chosen
for simulation. Lumped elements are used in
modeling the PIN diode in CST Microwave Studio.
2.2.2 Metamaterial Reflective Surface (MRS)
To increase the antenna’s gain, this paper uses
MRS. The MRS is a periodic structure as shown in
Fig. 5. The MRS is built on FR4 with thickness h =
1.6, dielectric constant = 4.4 and tanδ = 0.02. The
MRS includes a substrate FR4, a ground layer and a
metamaterial surface with thickness t = 0.035 mm.
The size of MRS’s substrate is 110 x 120 mm. The
MRS is composed of 3×3 unit cells. The resonant
frequency can adjust by changing of unit cell and grid
dimensions. Table 2 presents the parameters of MRS.
Fig. 5. MRS structure (a) structure and equivalent
circuit of unit cell (b)
According to the quasi-static theory, the total
capacitance formed between gaps is [17]:
( )0 r
ε ε= (10)
where 0ε and rε are the permittivity of free space
and the relative permittivity, respectively. A is the
cross-sectional area of the gap; and d is the gap
Here, MRS behave likes a reflector and it acts as a
Frequency Selective Surface (FSS). Therefore, it
behave likes filters and it has equivalent circuit as in
Fig.5. By altering its size, we will obtain equivalent
values of L and C.
Table 2. The parameters of MRS
W_MTM w1 w_slo
L W l1
28 8 1.6 110 120 12
3. Simulation and measurement results
3.1 Simulation results
Fig. 6 illustrates the difference between
radiation pattern antenna with MRS and antenna
without MRS.
It is clear that the main lobe magnitude of
antenna is improved when antenna uses MRS. The
antenna’s gain was increased from 6.85 dB to 11 dB.
Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 026-031
Fig. 6. The difference between radiation pattern of
antenna without MRS (a) and with MRS (b)
Fig. 7. The difference between impedance matching
of antenna without metamaterial and with
When electromagnetic energy is incident on a
FSS, currents are induced on the conducting
elements. These induced currents then re-radiate EM
waves from these conducting elements. It is clear that
the back lobe and side lobe is reduced, which helps
focus energy in main lobe. This leads to increase gain
and directivity of antenna. Fig. 7 illustrates the
difference between using metamaterial structure on
ground plane.
From Fig. 7, we can see that the antenna’s
bandwidth is improved significantly. The antenna’s
bandwidth is increased from 150 MHz to 500 MHz
when using metamaterial structure. This shows that
using metamaterial is a good solution. By using
metamaterial structure on ground plane, the
consecutive cavity resonators are created. This helps
to enhance bandwidth for antenna.
Fig. 8 shows far field of antenna at center
frequencies of 6.75 GHz and 9.3 GHz, respectively.
From Fig. 8, we can see that the antenna’s gain
is 7 dB and 11 dB at center frequencies of 6.75 GHz
and 9.3 GHz, respectively. In addition, the angular
width 3 dB is 32 degrees and 15.4 degrees at center
frequencies of 6.75 GHz and 9.3 GHz, respectively.
This suggests that the antenna’s directivity is quite
Fig. 8. The radiation pattern of antenna at center
frequencies of 6.57 GHz (a) and 9.3 GHz (b)
Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 026-031
Fig. 9. The fabricated antenna: array antenna and
ground plane (a) and MRS and antenna’s model (b)
Fig. 10. The simulation and measurement results at
frequencies of 6.75 GHz (a) and 9.3 GHz (b)
3.2 Measurement results
The antenna is fabricated on FR-4. The photo
for fabricated antenna is shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 9(a)
presents array antenna and ground plane with
metamaterial structure while Fig. 9(b) shows MRS
and antenna’s model. The antenna is measured by
Anritsu 37369D Vector Network Analyzer at
University of Engineering àn Technology – Vietnam
National University. Due to the limitation in
measurement devices, the pattern measurement for
antenna can not implement. Therefore, the
measurement for antenna is only performed with S-
Fig. 10 illustrates measurement results of
antenna and compairs with simulation results for two
From Fig. 10, we can see that although there is a
difference between simulation and measuarement
results, the frequency bands for antenna operation are
still guaranteed. Therefore, these results are
acceptable. There are some reasons caused the above
difference such as solder for SMA connector port and
PIN Diodes, the deviation in fabrication, the
deviation of substrate (dielectric constant, thickness,
...), effect of wires (power supply for PIN Diodes). In
addition, the stability of parameters in FR4 is very
low while the parameters of substrate significantly
affect to the parameters of antenna. Therefore, this is
also one of reasons for the above difference.
However, the bandwidth still covers from about 6.6
GHz to 8 GHz and from 9 GHz to greater than 10
GHz and these bandwidths are enough for
applications in C and X bands.
Compared to some published papers, we can see
as follow. In [18], although the antenna includes 16
elements and is designed at central frequency of 11
GHz, the gain of antenna is only 8.1 dB. In another
study, an array antenna is designed at frequency of 10
GHz including 16 elements, but the bandwidth
percentage is only 5% [19]. Similarly, even when the
antenna including 256 elements is designed at
frequency of 60 GHz, but the bandwidth percentage
of antenna is only 6.5% [20]. It is clear that with the
above parameters, the antennas can not satisfy for
current applications. Therefore, by using
metamaterial and MRS, not only the bandwidth of
antenna is improved, but also the gain is enhanced.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, we have designed, simulated and
fabricated a frequency reconfigurable antenna array
of 4x3 elements. By using metamaterial structure on
ground plane and MRS, the proposed antenna’s gain
and bandwidth is improved. The key limitations of
microstrip antenna, that are gain and bandwidth
which are improved significantly. The antenna’s gain
is 7 dB and 11 dB at center frequencies of 6.75 GHz
and 9.3 GHz, respectively. The bandwidth of antenna
covers from approximately 6.6 GHz to about 8 GHz
and from 9 GHz to greater than 10 GHz, so this
bandwidth is enough for broadband applications.
Journal of Science & Technology 123 (2017) 026-031
With advantages such lightweight, small size,
low cost and easy fabrication, microstrip antenna can
widely apply in practice.
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