The method of multi-dimensional correlation analysis between the high-frequency
gravity, magnetic anomalies with weighted
total gradient 3D allows determining quite accurately the ranges as well as the spatial locations of the eruptive volcanic basalts in the
Spratly Islands and adjacent areas.
The diversity of the formation and the
complex physical properties of the eruptive
volcanic basalt causing the determination of
their characteristics more difficulties. In order
to determine the distribution of the eruptive
volcanic basalts more accurately and efficiently, it is necessary to apply the geophysical
methods together with seismic, geochemistry
and drilling data in combination.
The eruptive volcanic basalts concentrate
mainly in the area of the continental slopes
and around the islands of the Spratly Islands.
In the Northern part, they appear not only incoherently on the oceanic crust of the East Vietnam Sea, but also concentrate as a large
zone in the tail of the South-East oceanic
crust. In the center area, they concentrate in
the North and South part of the Spratly
Islands. Additions, in the Western part, they
appear along to Tuy Hoa shear zone, Tu
Chinh, and Nam Con Son uplift. In the South
of the study area, it is hard to find the volcanic
basalt locations, except areas near BorneoPalawan subduction zone. Similarly, in the
Eastern part, they almost do not appear on the
Reed Bank block and continental shelf of Malaysia and Philippines.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Eruptive-Volcanic-basalt structures in the Truong SaSpratly Islands and adjacent areas from interpreting gravity and magnetic data, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 1-13, DOI: 10.15625/0866-7187/39/1/9167
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
Eruptive-volcanic-basalt structures in the Truong Sa-
Spratly Islands and adjacent areas from interpreting
gravity and magnetic data
Tran Tuan Dung*1, 2, Nguyen Quang Minh1
1Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
2Graduate Universiy of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
Received 28 April 2016. Accepted 20 January 2017
In the Spratly Islands (Truong Sa Islands) and adjacent areas, volcanic activities are quite strong after the sea-
floor spreading in the Cenozoic Era. However, it is difficult to define their ranges and spatial locations. Based on the
different characteristic between eruptive volcanic basalt and sedimentary rocks near the surface, it can be said that,
the blocks which are higher density and magnetization than those surroundings could be identified as eruptive volcan-
ic basalt. This paper presents the methods of reduction to the magnetic equator in low latitudes to bring out a better
correlation between magnetic anomalies and their causing-sources; High-frequency filtering is to separate gravity and
magnetic anomalies as well as information about the volcanic basalts in the upper part of the Earth's crust; 3D total
gradient is to define the spatial location of high density and magnetic bodies. The potential structures of eruptive vol-
canic basalt are predictively determined by multi-dimensional correlation analysis between high-frequency gravity
and magnetic anomalies with weighted total gradient 3D. The results from the above-mentioned methods have shown
that the distribution of the eruptive volcanic basalt mainly concentrates along the Spratly Island’s seafloor-spreading
axis, transitional crust, Manila trench and some large fault zones. These results are improved by available seismic
data in the study area.
Keyword: Spratly Islands, Reduction to the equator, 3D total gradient, Eruptive volcanic basalt.
©2017 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
1. Introduction1
The East Vietnam Sea has been formed
from the collision between the Indian and the
Eurasian plates. The opening process of the
East Vietnam Sea leads to sea-floor spreading
to form the basin. Some of these basins were
*Corresponding author, Email:
opened by pull-apart mechanism resulting in
lithospheric rift and separating of sub-
continent as well. It is said that, the spreading
process terminated in the Late Miocene after
the collision among North Palawan formation
and west Philippine Arc; Taiwan Island and
Chinese mainland (Li S-L., et al., 2011). The
initiate phase of the lithospheric rift is often
Tran Tuan Dung and Nguyen Quang Minh/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
accompanied by magmatic activities (eruption
and intrusion). Volcanic activities are quite
strong after sea-floor spreading and the mag-
matic eruption occurs not only in the Spratly
Islands but also elsewhere in the Southeast
Asia. The magmatic activity cut-through the
ocean floor, sub-continent such as Paracel and
Spratly (Hoang Sa and Truong Sa) Islands,
Reed Bank is forming the basalt layers in the
region. Many suggested that the opening pro-
cess of the Spratly Islands is more complex
than the existing document. Researching re-
sults from the geothermal and gravity methods
show that either the rate of subsidence ex-
tremely slow or the intrusion rate of heat flow
come up so high. The relationship of the time
and space of magmatic field after rift has led
to the question, that is, main motion for the
magmatic field: the mantle uplift or the litho-
spheric rift? (Bui Cong Que, Tran Tuan Dung,
2008; Nguyen Hoang and PhanTrong Trinh,
2009; Li S-L., et al., 2011; Tran Tuan Dung,
The activity of basalt eruptions occurs
quite commonly following the rest time of
seafloor spreading in the East Vietnam Sea
(from 32 to 17 Ma). In this region, Neogen -
Quaternary basalt distributes mostly along the
major fault system, appear after rift and later
than 6 Ma. It is a combination of stone includ-
ing tholeiite basalt, olivine basalt and alkaline
basalt, little basalt-andesite and high alkaline
basalt (Nguyen Hoang and Phan Trong Trinh,
During the seafloor spreading process, ba-
saltic magma of early phase was formed in the
strong extension condition (high levels of par-
tial melting), at a shallow depth (low pres-
sure); In contrast, basalt of late phase was
formed in limited extension condition (low
levels of partial melting), at a deeper depth
(high pressure). The difference of time and
magnitude of the spreading process which de-
cides to the characteristics the late Cenozoic
basaltic activities and distribution in Vietnam:
the strong eruptive activities in the southern
part, as to the north as the eruptive activities
decrease and mostly single eruption (Pham
Tich Xuan et al., 1999, 2004).
The volcanic activities occur in multi-
phases and basalt eruption develops largely in
the Spratly Islands and continental margins. In
the Late Mesozoic, the eruptive volcanic bas-
alt is main granite that distributes in the north-
ern margin of the Spratly Islands, Indochina
continental shelf and Paracel and Spratly is-
lands. In the Cenozoic, types of the volcano
are main basalt eruption, concentrate com-
monly in the continental margins and oceanic
crust areas. In general, the distributional char-
acteristics of eruptive volcanic basalt have a
close relationship with the geo-tectonics activ-
ities in the Spratly Islands (Flower et al.,
1992; McElhinny, 1973; Li S-L., et al., 2011;
Tran Tuan Dung, 2013).
In the ocean, eruptive volcanic basalt is the
main source of the local gravity and magnetic
anomalies. Based on the difference of density
and magnetization between volcanic basalt
and sedimentary rock, geoscientists have used
the geophysical methods such as gravity,
magnetic and seismic to determine the loca-
tion of eruptive volcanic basalt. However, due
to the complex tectonic activity, the difference
in the Earth's crust structure, the diversity of
rock types, variations of the geophysical
anomaly at low latitudes, then the application
of an individual geophysical method will not
be able to bring out good results. Therefore, it
is necessary to apply the interpretative meth-
ods of gravity, magnetic with seismic and
drilling data in combination (McElhinny,
1973; Li S-L., et al., 2011; Tran Tuan Dung et
al., 2013).
In order to eliminate the inaccuracy of
magnetic anomalies at low-latitudes, which
caused by magnetic declination and inclina-
tion angle, some scientists have presented the
methods of reduction to the magnetic equator
(RTE) or pole in the spatial and frequency
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 1-13
web/declination). The application of low/high-
frequency filters allows determining the lo-
cal/regional gravity and magnetic anomaly.
Here, the high-frequency anomalies are used
to explain and determine the distribution of
eruptive volcanic basalt (Lee et al., 1998;
McElhinny, 1973).
In 1988, SudhirJain has mentioned to a
number studies on the magnetic field in his
research, such as: Baranov (1957) described a
technique for reducing the maps made any-
where, except at very low latitudes. Into what
they would be if the inclination of the magnet-
ic field were 90 degrees. These maps are
called reduced to the pole maps and the pro-
cess is called reduction to the pole (RTP).
Over the years, several refinements and other
methods of RTP, such as techniques using
Fourier transforms (Bhattacharyya, 1966:
Spector and Grant, 1970) have been suggest-
ed. Leu (1981) proposed reduction to the
equator (RTE) and demonstrated that RTE is
more reliable at high latitudes than RTP is at
low latitudes (Sudhir Jain, 1988).
In that research, Sudhir Jain gave out the
equations and describe a model study to com-
pare RTP (using conventional Baranov and
Fourier transform operators) with RTE (using
only Fourier transform operators). It is shown
that RTE is more accurate than RTP even at
high latitudes and that the Fourier transform
provides more accurate RTP at lower latitudes
than a conventional operator (Sudhir Jain,
1988). In general, reduction to the equator is
preferable to reduction to the pole, more par-
ticularly at the middle and lower latitudes.
2. Data
The main gravity, magnetic and seismic
data sources in the Spratly Islands are from
the marine surveys of the Russian, Vietnam,
French, German, United States and Japan
geophysical companies. In the Vietnam Ma-
rine Research Programs, which carried out by
the Institute of Marine Geology and Geophys-
ics in recent years, such as KHCN-06-12, KC-
09-02, KC09-11/11-15 are also collected, in-
terpreted and added the new research results
and the valuable geophysical data in the
Spratly Islands and adjacent areas (Bui Cong
Que, Tran Tuan Dung, 2008, Nguyen Hoang
and Phan Trong Trinh, 2009; Tran Tuan Dung
et al., 2013).
In this paper, the authors have combined
the satellite gravity and magnetic with ship-
board data in order to bring out a data set of
the satellite-shipboard-derived, which have a
higher accuracy and uniform resolution, in the
Spratly Islands. In recent years, United Stage
scientists have built a new gravity, bathymet-
ric grid with an interval of 1'×1' (David
Sandwell V23.1) (Sandwell et al., 2013),
(Figure 2a, 2b). The magnetic data (EMAG2)
get from the NOAA's National Geophysical
Data Center. EMAG2 is a global Earth Mag-
netic Anomaly Grid that compiled from satel-
lite, shipboard, and airborne magnetic surveys
(Figure 3a). That is the result of global coop-
erative projects on geophysical data, which
are frequently added and updated. One can
say that it is the geophysical data sources with
the most uniform resolution, wide coverage,
suitable accuracy and cost to use effectively
for research the geological structure in the
Spratly Islands (Sandwell et al., 2013; Tran
Tuan Dung, 2013).
In additions, this study also referring and
using the seismic data from the oil and gas
exploration surveys that carried out by the ge-
ophysical companies inside and outside
Vietnam, as projects VOR93, JMSU05,
PK07-08 (Bui Cong Que, Tran Tuan Dung,
2008; Tran Tuan Dung et al., 2013). The re-
search area was selected within 109°-118°E
and 6-13°N (Figure 1).
Tran Tuan Dung and Nguyen Quang Minh/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 1. Location of study area (red line rectangular)
Figure 2. a) Bathymetry; b) Complete Bouguer gravity anomaly
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 1-13
Figure 3. a) Magnetic anomaly ΔTa; b) Magnetic anomalies ΔTa after reduction to the equator
3. Applied methods
Research and predictively determination of
the distribution of eruptive volcanic basalt
(including eruption or intrusion) in the Spratly
Islands is a complicated problem that cannot
be solved only by a single method. The re-
search must have an overall view of the geo-
logical structure and the relationship between
them and the eruptive volcanic basalts in the
different phases. Therefore, it is necessary to
combine geophysical methods to adjust the
magnetic anomalies with their causing-source
locations; to separate the anomalies, which
could be caused by eruption volcanic basalts
in the near Earth’s surface, from the observed
gravity anomaly; to determine the ranges and
spatial locations of the anomaly-causing
sources. This paper presents some methods as
3.1. Reduction to the magnetic Equator
The quantitative analysis of magnetic data
in the low-latitude region is encountered a dif-
ficult problem causing by magnetic inclina-
tion, that is, the anomaly locations and their
sources are not coincident. Meanwhile, the
study area is located in the low-latitudes near
the equator, where magnetic anomalies have a
poor correlation with anomaly-causing geo-
logical objects. As a result, RTE method is
used to solve the above-mentioned problem.
This is a method applied to the low-latitude
region to adjust the magnetic anomaly loca-
tions to a best coincidence with their sources.
It makes the interpretation of magnetic
data more easier, which without
losing their geophysical significance
web/#declination; Karoly, 1990; Sudhir Jain,
1988; Ian N. MacLeod et al., 1993; Le Huy
Minh et al., 2003).
In this research, the Geosoft package
software V7.01 was used to reduce the mag-
netic field to equator transformation of an
anomaly in the Fourier domain. The inclina-
tion and declination angles of the ambient
field were taken successively in the center
points of each geographic degree in the study
area at the date of July 2016 according to
IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference
Field), respectively.
Reduction to the magnetic equator is repre-
sented by the following formula:
ܨሼ∆ܶܽாሺݔ, ݕሻሽ ൌ ܨሼܮሺሻሽܨሼ߂ܶܽሺݔ, ݕሻሽ(1)
Where: F{} is the Fourier transform;
Tran Tuan Dung and Nguyen Quang Minh/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
ΔTa୯ሺx, yሻ is the reduced magnetic filed to the equator with L(x,y) operator; Ta(x,y) is
the observed magnetic data; L() is the
operator of reduction to the magnetic equator.
The operator of reduction to the magnetic
equator is calculated:
ܮሺߠሻ ൌ ሾୱ୧୬ሺூሻି∙ୡ୭ୱሺூሻ∙ୡ୭ୱሺିఏሻሿమൈൣିୡ୭ୱమሺିఏሻ൧ሾ௦మሺூೌሻା௦మሺூೌሻ.௦మሺିఏሻሿൈሾ௦మሺூሻା௦మሺூሻ.௦మሺିఏሻሿ (2)
Where: D is the magnetic deviation angle;
I is the magnetic inclination angle; q is the
wave direction; Ia is the correction angle of
magnetic inclination.
The Figure 3b presents magnetic anoma-
lies after reduction to the magnetic equator.
Comparing the magnetic data in the figure 3b
with the initial data in the Figure 3a, it can see
that the magnetic anomalies after the reduc-
tion have strongly changed in both the direc-
tion and magnitude (Figure 3b).
3.2. Frequency filtering
The frequency filtering separates out the
gravity and magnetic anomalies caused by the
shallow geological objects from the total ob-
served anomalies in order to determine the
ranges and the spatial locations of the eruptive
volcanic basalts, which are formed in the up-
per part of the Earth’s crust.
Low-pass filter of gravity and magnetic
anomalies are calculated by the following
Fሼ∆gሺx, yሻሽ ൌ FሼHሺx, yሻሽFሼΔgሺx, yሻሽ (3)
Where: F{} is the Fourier transform;
Δgሺx, yሻis the low frequency anomalies that
filtered with H(x,y) operator; g(x,y) is the
complete Bouguer gravity anomaly; H(x,y)
is the Gaussian low-pass filter operator
(Bracewell, R., 1999).
The Gaussian low-pass filter operator as
Hሺx, yሻ ൌ eିୈሺ୶,୷ሻమ/ଶమ (4)
Where: D(x,y) is the distance between
points (x, y) on the gird and the center of the
filtering window; λ is cutoff wavelength.
In the next step, residual gravity and mag-
netic anomalies are calculated:
∆gୌሺx, yሻ ൌ ∆gሺx, yሻ െ ∆gሺx, yሻ (5)
After doing the filtering with different
wavelength λ, the gravity, magnetic anoma-
lies that correspond to these wavelengths will
be used to calculate and interpret geological
structures at different depths.
Here, the Geosoft package software V7.01
is applied to do low-pass filter. The high fre-
quency gravity and magnetic anomalies are
calculated for the whole area using the Gauss-
ian low-pass filter with the filter wavelength
λ. For each wavelength λ, it will bring out a
distribution of geophysical anomalies at dif-
ferent depths. After comparing the results
from the filtering in certain above-mentioned
wavelengths λ, it can be seen that, the residual
gravity, magnetic anomalies corresponding to
the wavelengths λ=50km (Figures 4a, 4b)
have a good correlation with the shallow geo-
logical objects. As a result, they have been
applied to build the 3D total gradient model
(gravity and magnetic anomalies) to deter-
mine the locations and ranges of the eruptive
volcanic basalts.
3.3. 3D total gradient
Method of 3D total gradient of gravity,
magnetic anomalies is applied to determine
the locations, ranges and depth of the anoma-
ly-causing objects. However, this study refers
only to their locations and ranges. There have
been many studies on this problem, though,
the method that presented by Nabighian, M.
N., 1984, Roest et al.,1992; MacLeod et al.,
1993; Phillips, J. D., 1997 are choosing to
calculate the 3D total gradient of gravity,
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 1-13
magnetic anomalies in study area. 3D total
gradient method is often used to determine the
spatial location of the blocks of eruptive vol-
canic basalt. The Geosoft package software
V7.01 was used to calculate the 3D total gra-
dient as follows:
Graሺx, yሻ ൌ ටቀபப୶ቁ
ଶ ቀபப୷ቁ
ଶ ቀபபቁ
ଶ (6)
Where: A is gravity or magnetic anoma-
The 3D total gradient of gravity, magnetic
anomalies bring out a clear picture of the spa-
tial distribution of the eruptive volcanic basalt
(in the upper part of the Earth’s crust). How-
ever, to reduce the multi-solutions and im-
prove the reliability of the method, it should
have an overview analysis in combination
with others geology-geophysics documents
(seismic, drilling data...). The calculated result
of the 3D total gradient is shown in Figure
5a, b.
4. Results
In the area, the eruptive volcanic basalts
have higher density and magnetization than
the surrounding rocks. The eruptive volcanic
basalts that have different components, then
also have a relative change in density and
magnetic value. Throughout the analysis and
comparison with other data sources from this
research, it has found that, in the area, the
eruptive volcanic basalts have a residual grav-
ity anomaly range from +10 to + 63mGal and
the residual magnetic range from +15 to
+185nT, respectively (Figure 4a, b).
Figure 4. a) Residual gravity anomaly (filtering wavelength λ=50 km); b) Residual magnetic anomaly (filtering
wavelength λ=50 km)
From achieved results, the comparison
among the gravity, magnetic anomalies, and
their 3D total gradient is carried out to deter-
mine the spatial-coincided coefficients be-
tween them and the distribution of predictive
eruptive-volcanic basalts (relative-coincident
locations of the 3D total gradients with high
blocks of residual gravity and magnetic
anomalies). Here, the spatial-coincided coeffi-
cients have a variable range from 0.0 to 5.39
(dimensionless) (Figure 6a). Based on the
comparison of the coefficient (Figure 6a) with
the seismic data (Figure 6b), the authors have
evaluated, interrelationship-classified in order
Tran Tuan Dung and Nguyen Quang Minh/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
to provide a detailed picture of the spatial
distribution of the predictive eruptive volcanic
basalt in the Spratly Islands and adjacent areas
(Figure 7).
Figure 5. a) 3D total gradient of residual gravity anomaly; b) 3D total gradient of residual magnetic anomaly
Throughout the results of this research,
comparing with the results of some previous
study on the eruptive volcanic basalt in the
Spratly Islands, which were used sparse
borehole and seismic data, it has found that
there are many remarkable coincidences be-
tween them. The results from the above-
mentioned methods have shown that the dis-
tribution of the eruptive volcanic basalt main-
ly concentrates along the Spratly Islands’ cen-
ter, transitional crust, Palawan trench and at
some large fault zones.
In this research, the red-marked circles are
the best correlation between the eruptive vol-
canic basalts and geophysical fields, which
have high correlation coefficients, they are
supposed to be the spatial locations of the
eruptive volcanic basalt, they have high densi-
ty and magnetism (Figure 7).
In Figure 7, one can see that the eruptive
volcanic basalt distributes in the whole study
area but not alike. Commonly, they are con-
centrated mainly in the area of the continental
slopes, slope of the deep basin and around the
Spratly Islands. Otherwise, they are very so
spare in the Phu Khanh and Vung May Ba-
sins. One can see, in the Northern part, the
eruptive volcanic basalts only appear incoher-
ently on the oceanic crust of the East Vietnam
Sea, but they concentrate as a large zone in
the tail of the South-East oceanic crust. In the
center area, the eruptive volcanic basalts are
quite concentrated in the North and South part
of the Spratly Islands. In the Western part,
eruptive volcanic basalt appears along to Tuy
Hoa shear zone, Tu Chinh, and Nam Con Son
uplift. In the South of the study area, it is hard
to find the volcanic basalt locations, except
areas near Borneo-Palawan subduction zone.
Similarly, in the Eastern part, they almost do
not appear on the Reed Bank block and conti-
nental shelf of Malaysia and Philippines.
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 1-13
Figure 6. a) Spatial-coincided coefficients between high-frequency gravity, magnetic anomalies and their 3D total
gradient with distribution of predictive eruptive volcanic basalt; b) Eruptive volcanic basalt locations showing in the
known seismic and drilling data
Tran Tuan Dung and Nguyen Quang Minh/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
Figure 7. Predictive distribution of eruptive volcanic basalts in the Spratly Islands and adjacent areas
5. Discussions
As above-mentioned, the results of this re-
search completely based only on the determi-
nation of gravity and magnetic data. The main
purpose of the research is to bring out predic-
tions about the potential structures of eruptive
volcanic basalts in the area. This is the foun-
dation for the detail geological researches in
the next stages. Through this research it can
take out some of the following discussions:
The possible structures of the eruption vol-
canic basalt are predicted by a comparative
analysis of the multidimensional relationship
between the high frequency of gravi-
ty/magnetic fields and their 3D total gradient.
However, there are still some difficulties in
determining the correctly spatial location of
these structures. On the Spratly Islands and
adjacent area, based on the different charac-
teristic between eruptive volcanic basalt and
sedimentary rocks near the surface, it can be
said that the blocks which are higher density
and magnetization than those surroundings
could be identified as eruptive volcanic basalt.
The Gravity and Magnetic anomalies (at
shallow layer) also change continuously in the
whole Spratly Islands area (Figure 4a,b), here,
the negative-positive anomalies are interleav-
ed. The comparative analysis of the correla-
tion between values of gravity and magnetic
anomalies showing the clear differentiation in
Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(1), 1-13
their magnitude. There are some areas which
have positive correlation (positive values) are
more clearly than the negative correlation
(negative value), (Figure 5a,b). These charac-
teristics bring out a picture on the distribution
of volcanic basalt structures (at shallow layer)
in the islands and coral reefs are affected by
geological formations.
Figure 7 shows the distribution of some
eruptive volcanic basalt in the deep water of
the East Vietnam Sea, where the gravity and
magnetic anomalies have the large change in a
small range. Here, the local positive magnetic
anomalies lay over the background negative
values. The residual gravity anomalies are the
separate closed positives that locate on the
background negative values, too. The correla-
tion values between gravity and magnetic
anomalies have little changes at low ampli-
tude, although some undersea mountains have
a positive correlation related to their local ig-
neous rocks. This implies the existence of the
seafloor spreading and magmatic activities in
the deep-water area of the East Vietnam Sea.
In additions, throughout the spatial analy-
sis of the gravity, magnetic anomalies as well
as their correlation with 3D total gradient,
faults distribution, it can see that the distribu-
tion of the eruptive volcanic basalt could be
also related to the deep faults. In figure 7, the
distribution of eruptive volcanic rocks is con-
trolled and affected by the deep crustal struc-
ture and faults. These rocks are mostly con-
centrated on the intersections of the faults
(fault system in Figure 1) and transitional
zone between crust’s types (Figure 7). The
distribution of these rocks is mostly along a
northeast-southwest direction, which relates to
the deep fault’s direction in the area. It is can
say that magmatic activity extended to the
surroundings areas during and after spreading
of the oceanic floor.
6. Conclusions
This research has applied an effective geo-
physical methods in combination to determine
predictively the distribution of the eruptive
volcanic basalts: Methods of reduction to the
magnetic equator in low-latitudes to bring out
a better correlation between magnetic anoma-
lies and their causing-sources; High-frequency
filtering is to separate gravity and magnetic
anomalies as well as information about the
volcanic basalts in the upper part of the
Earth's crust; 3D total gradient is to define the
spatial locations of high density and magnetic
The method of multi-dimensional correla-
tion analysis between the high-frequency
gravity, magnetic anomalies with weighted
total gradient 3D allows determining quite ac-
curately the ranges as well as the spatial loca-
tions of the eruptive volcanic basalts in the
Spratly Islands and adjacent areas.
The diversity of the formation and the
complex physical properties of the eruptive
volcanic basalt causing the determination of
their characteristics more difficulties. In order
to determine the distribution of the eruptive
volcanic basalts more accurately and efficient-
ly, it is necessary to apply the geophysical
methods together with seismic, geochemistry
and drilling data in combination.
The eruptive volcanic basalts concentrate
mainly in the area of the continental slopes
and around the islands of the Spratly Islands.
In the Northern part, they appear not only in-
coherently on the oceanic crust of the East Vi-
etnam Sea, but also concentrate as a large
zone in the tail of the South-East oceanic
crust. In the center area, they concentrate in
the North and South part of the Spratly
Islands. Additions, in the Western part, they
appear along to Tuy Hoa shear zone, Tu
Chinh, and Nam Con Son uplift. In the South
of the study area, it is hard to find the volcanic
basalt locations, except areas near Borneo-
Palawan subduction zone. Similarly, in the
Eastern part, they almost do not appear on the
Reed Bank block and continental shelf of Ma-
laysia and Philippines.
Tran Tuan Dung and Nguyen Quang Minh/Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences 39 (2017)
The authors wish to thank the VAST’s
Project No.VAST06.06/16-17 for funding this
Baranov, V., 1957. A new method for interpretation of
aeromagnetic maps: Pseudo-gravimetric anomalies:
Geophysics, 22, 359-383.
Bhattacharyya, B. K., 1966. Continuous spectrum of the
total magnetic field anomaly due to a rectangular
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