Frequency distribution (%) of Hs > 1.0 m
during 1/7/1987 - 31/12/2011 greater than 50%
occurred in northeast, central region of EVS
and central Vietnamese coast. The gulf of
Thailand and Tonkin have frequency of
occurrence < 20%;
Wave regime in the offshore region of
Nhatrang coast from 1/7/1987 to 31/12/2011
indicates two main wave directions that are NE
with 40.82% of occurrence, SSW with 20.15%
of occurrence. Hs ≈ 0.5 ÷ 1.0 m occurred
34.16%, Hs ≈ 1.0 ÷ 1.5 m occurred 22.43%,
and Hs > 1.5 m occurred 28.84%. NE monsoon
wave affected from October to April of the next
year, SW monsoon wave affected from June to
August. May and September are transitional
With the assimilation of wind data of high
resolution ∆X = ∆Y = 0.250, the model can be
used to simulate wave fields during typhoon
activity in East Vietnam Sea
Acknowledgements: The authors gratefully
acknowledge Dr. Gerhard Gayer, Department
of Model System, Institute of Hydrophysics,
GKSS, Germany for his kind help and
encouragement throughout the preparation of
WAM Cycle 4.5 model.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Estimation of wave characteristics in east Vietnam sea using wam model - Le Dinh Mau, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Journal of Marine Science and Technology; Vol. 14, No. 3; 2014: 212-218
DOI: 10.15625/1859-3097/14/3/5158
Le Dinh Mau*, Nguyen Van Tuan
Institute of Oceanography-VAST
Received: 6-5-2014
ABSTRACT: WAM (WaveModeling) is a third generation wave model developed by WAMDI
Group which describes the evolution of a two-dimensional ocean wave spectrum under the effects of
winds, currents, bottom and non-linear wave-wave interactions. The model runs for deep and
shallow waters and includes depth and current refraction. This study used the WAM cycle 4.5 with
model domain which is covered from 990E to 1210E and 00N to 250N with a resolution of ∆X = ∆Y
= 0.250. Bathymetry of East Vietnam Sea (EVS) was taken from ‘ETOPO5’ data set of National
Geophysical Data Center, Colorado, USA with resolution of 5’ (≈ 9 km). Wind velocities were
obtained from 6 hourly NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, USA with resolution of ∆X = ∆Y = 0.250.
Study results show that during NE monsoon period, the main wave direction in EVS was NE and
vice versa during SW monsoon period. Regions of greatest wave height were in the central and
northern part of the EVS. Statistic of computed wave characteristics from 1987 to 2011 shows that
wave regime in the offshore region of Nhatrang coast has two main wave directions that are NE
with 40.82% of occurrence, SSW with 20.15% of occurrence. NE monsoon wave dominated from
October to April of the next year, SW monsoon wave dominated from June to August. May and
September are transitional periods. Assimilation of wind data with resolution of ∆X = ∆Y = 0.250
permits the model to be used to simulate the wave field during typhoon activity in EVS.
Key words: WAM cycle 4.5, East Vietnam Sea, Wave field, Typhoon, Monsoons.
The East Vietnam Sea (EVS) is a
semienclosed tropical sea located in the
southeast of the Asian landmass with a total
area of approximately 3,537,000 km2 and
average depth of 1,140 m, extending from
990E to 1200E and from 00N to 250N. It
connects to the East China Sea (through
Taiwan Strait), the Pacific Ocean (through
Luzon Strait), the Sulu Sea, the Java Sea
(through Gasperand Karimata Straits) and the
Indian Ocean (through the Strait of Malacca).
All of these straits are shallow except Luzon
Strait, the maximum depth ofwhich is
1,800 m. The EVS is under the influence of
monsoon winds and synoptic systems such as
fronts and tropical cyclones. From November
to March, the weather in the sea is dominated
by northeasterly winter monsoon wind and
from June to August it is dominated by
southwesterly summer monsoon wind.
Determination of wind wave characteristics
in offshore area has important role for design of
marine-structures, social-economical activities
and supply of boundary conditions for
nearshore wave computation. Processes of
formation, development and dissipation of
wave corresponding to the varied condition of
wind, current and topography are very
complicated matters. SWAMP (1985) [1]
Estimation of wave characteristics
carried out the comparison various wave
models to point out of advantage and
shortcoming for each model. Young (1988)
developed a model to predict wave during
typhoon activity [2]. Londhe and Panchang
(2006) carried out a study on One-Day Wave
Forecasts Based on Artificial Neural Networks
[3]. Mandal and Prabaharan (2003) have an
overview of the numerical and neural network
Accosts of ocean wave prediction [4]. Mau et
al., (2004) used Young model to calculate
maximum wave characteristics during typhoon
weather in EVS [5]. However, all above
mentioned wave models are limited to simulate
the progress of wave spectrums especially in
case of typhoons, fronts when wind field
changes significantly in both directions and
speeds. Therefore, the third generation of wave
model has to be developed. WAM (acronym
for WaveModeling) model is a third generation
wave model which solves the wave transport
equation explicitly without any presumptions
on the shape of the wave spectrum [6, 7]. It
represents the physics of the wave evolution in
accordance with our knowledge today for the
full set of degrees of freedom of a 2D wave
spectrum. The model runs for any given
regional or global grid with a prescribed
topographic dataset. The grid resolution can be
arbitrary in space and time. The wave
propagation can be done on a latitudinal-
longitudinal or a Cartesian grid. The model
outputs the significant wave heights, mean
wave directions and frequencies, the swell
wave heights and mean directions, wind stress
fields corresponded with the wave induced
stresses and the drag coefficient at each grid
point at chosen output times and also the 2D
wave spectrum at chosen grid points and output
times. The model runs for deep and shallow
water and includes depth refractions and
current interactions. The integration can be
interrupted and restarted at arbitrary times. The
source terms and the propagation are computed
with different methods and time steps. The
wind time step can be chosen arbitrarily. Sub-
grid squares can be run in a nested mode. In a
course grid run the spectra can be outputted at
the boundaries of a sub grid. They can then be
interpolated in space and time to the boundary
points of the fine sub grid and the model can be
rerun on the fine mesh grid. The model has
been installed at world-wide institutions and is
used for researches and also operational
applications. It is also being applied for
interpreting and assimilating satellite wave
data. Another full-spectral third-generation
ocean wind-wave model Wavewatch-III has
been implemented for investigating wind-wave
characteristics [8]. This model was developed
at the Ocean Modeling Branch of the National
Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP),
To conduct study on wave characteristics in
EVS, several researchers from different
Institutions applied some kinds of third
generation wave models. For example, Chu and
Cheng (2008), Mirzaei et al. (2013), Zhou et al.
(2014) used WAVEWATCH III [9-11]. Le
Dinh Mau (2006) used WAM Cycle 4.0 model
with NCEP data [12]. The Vietnam National
project KC.09.04/01-05 (2001-2005) “Short
time prediction of hydrodynamic processes in
EVS”, also used WAM Cycle 4.0 model to
predict wave fields in EVS. Recently, the
Vietnam National project KC.09.19/06-10
(2006-2010) “Study and assessment on the
potential of marine energy sources for Vietnam
sea”, has used SWAN model to estimate wave
characteristics in EVS.
Fig. 1. Topography of East Vietnam Sea
Topography was taken from ETOPO5 with
resolution of 5’ (≈ 9 km). The computed
Le Dinh Mau, Nguyen Van Tuan
domain is covered the area 990E ÷ 1210E and
00N ÷ 250N with resolution of 0.250 × 0.250
which includes 92 × 100 points (fig.1).
Measurement of wave characteristics was
carried out off Nhatrang coast at water depth of
about 15 m by AWAC wave recorder. Wind
data at six hourly intervals from 01/7/1987 to
31/12/2011 with resolution of 0.250 × 0.250
were downloaded from website:
ourly.php which were collected from satellite,
Obs.ship, buoys and ECMWF (for 24.5 years
with 38,500 data sheets).
Computation methods
WAM Cycle 4.5 model [7] was used to
calculate wave characteristics in the EVS. The
evolution of the two-dimensional ocean wave
spectrum F(f, θ, φ, λ, t) with respect to
frequency f and direction θ (measured
clockwise relative to true north) as a function
of latitude φ and longitude λ on the spherical
earth is governed by the transport equation:
* * *1(cos ) ( cos ) ( ) ( )F F F F S
ϕ ϕ ϕ λ θϕ λ θ
−∂ ∂ ∂ ∂+ + + =∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
Where S is the net source function
describing the change of energy of a
propagating wave group and :
ϕϕ θ−= =
1sin ( cos )d v Rdt
λλ θ ϕ −= =ɺ (3)
1sin tand v Rdt
θθ θ ϕ −= =ɺ (4)
represent the rates of change of the position and
propagation direction of a wave packet
traveling along a great circle path. Here, v =
g/4pif denotes the group velocity.
The source includes wind input - Sin ,
nonlinear transfer - Snl, and white capping
dissipation source function - Sdis:
S = Sin + Snl + Sdis (5)
The model contains 25 frequency bands on
a logarithmic scale, with / 0.1f f∆ = , spanning
a frequency range / 9.8max minf f = and 12
directional bands (300 resolutions). The
frequency units can be selected arbitrarily. In
all hind cast studies the frequency interval
extended from 0.042 to 0.41 Hz.
Output data with six hourly intervals from
01/7/1987 to 31/12/2011 with resolution of
0.250 × 0.250 was carried out.
Verification of modeled results
Field measurement of wave characteristic
to verify the modeled results was carried out
off Nhatrang coast (φ = 12o07.125’N, λ =
109o14.600’E, depth ≈ 15 m) from
9h30’/11/8/2012 to 16h00/12/8/2012 by
AWAC wave recorder (fig. 1). Comparison
between measured and modeled data is shown
in fig. 2a, b.
Fig. 2a. Comparison of measured and
computed wave heights at Nhatrang station
Fig. 2b. Comparison of measured and
computed wave periods at Nhatrang station
The period of verification is southwest
monsoon. In general the wave heights and
wave periods from modeled results are larger
than those of measured ones. Relative
Estimation of wave characteristics
difference between measured and modeled is
13% for wave heights and 20% for wave
periods. The measured station was located in
nearshore and shallow region where conditions
affected verified results. Nevertheless, based on
the verified results, WAM model can be used to
calculate wave characteristics in the EVS.
Wave height pattern in EVS during monsoons
At 0h 7/1/2011 wind field over the EVS
was strong, mostly of V ≥ 10 m/s especially in
the northeast area (Luzon strait) with V >
16 m/s and wind direction was dominated in
NE direction. This wind field resulted in wave
height field being characteristic of NE
monsoon with relatively stable wave direction
from NE. The central region of EVS was
prevailed by wind wave with Hs ≈ 4÷5 m, T ≈
8.5÷9.0 s. The wave height contour of Hs ≈ 3 m
was close to central Vietnamese coast and T ≈
7.5 ÷8.5 s. The gulf of Tonkin has Hs ≈ 1÷3 m,
T ≈ 5÷7 s, the gulf of Thailand has Hs ≈ 1÷2 m,
T ≈ 4÷6 s (fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Wave height pattern in EVS during NE
monsoon (at 0h 7/1/2011)
At 0h 16/7/2011 wind field over EVS was
mostly of V ≥ 6 m/s, maximum value of 10.8
m/s and wind direction was dominated from
SE. This wind field resulted in wave height
field being characteristic of SW monsoon with
relatively stable wave direction from SW. In
general EVS was prevailed by wind wave with
Hs ≈ 0.5÷1.5 m, T ≈ 4.5÷6.0 s. Northeast region
of EVS has Hs ≈ 1.5÷2.5 m, T ≈ 6 s (fig. 4)
Fig. 4. Wave height pattern in EVS during SW
monsoon (at 0h 16/7/2011)
Wave height pattern in EVS during typhoons
Fig. 5. Wave height pattern induced by typhoon
Hagibis (at 18h 22/11/2007)
Hoang Sa Is.
Hoang Sa Is. Truong Sa Is.
Truong Sa Is.
Hoang Sa Is.
Truong Sa Is.
Le Dinh Mau, Nguyen Van Tuan
Fig. 6. Wave height pattern induced by typhoon
Hagibis (at 06h 23/11/2007)
Typhoon Hagibis occurring in the EVS
from 18/11 to 27/11/2007 induced maximum
wave height in the offshore region of Nhatrang
coast (at location: 12.1250N, 109.3750E). Track
of Hagibis is shown in fig. 5, 6. At 18h
22/11/2007 maximum wind velocity was
23.6 m/s, maximum wave height was 7.3 m,
wave period was 10.8 s. In offshore region of
Nhatrang coast maximum wave height was
5.6 m, wave period was 11.1 s. At 6h
23/11/2007 Hagibis moved closer to Nhatrang
coast and wind velocity reduced, but wave
height and period are increased with Hs=
6.3 m, T = 11.1 s. Wave height patterns
induced by Hagibis at 18h 22/11/2007 and 6h
23/11/2007 are shown in fig. 5, 6 respectively.
Long term distribution features of wave
characteristics in EVS
Frequency distribution (%) of Hs >
1.0 m during 1/7/1987 - 31/12/2011 greater
than 50% occurred in northeast, central
region of EVS and central Vietnamese
coast. The gulf of Thailand and Tonkin
have frequency < 20% (fig.7).
Fig. 7. Frequency distribution (%) of
occurrence in case of Hs > 1.0 m from 1/7/1987
to 31/12/2011
Fig. 8. Wave rose diagram and frequency
distribution of occurrence of wave height off
Nhatrang coast during 1/7/1987 - 31/12/2011
Truong Sa Is.
Hoang Sa Is.
Estimation of wave characteristics
Offshore region of Nhatrang coast is a
region of narrow continent the depth contour of
200 m is close to the coastline. Therefore, this
coast is most affected by wave action especially
during NE monsoon period. Statistic of
computed wave characteristics data for offshore
region of Nhatrang coast (at point: 12.1250N,
109.3750E) from 1/7/1987 to 31/12/2011 shows
that wave regime off Nhatrang coast has two
main directions NE with 40.82% of occurrence,
SSW with 20.15% of occurrence. Hs ≈ 0.5 ÷
1.0 m occurred 34.16%, Hs ≈ 1.0 ÷ 1.5 m
occurred 22.43%, and Hs > 1.5 m occurred
28.84% (fig. 8).
Frequency distribution (%) of Hs > 1.0 m
during 1/7/1987 - 31/12/2011 greater than 50%
occurred in northeast, central region of EVS
and central Vietnamese coast. The gulf of
Thailand and Tonkin have frequency of
occurrence < 20%;
Wave regime in the offshore region of
Nhatrang coast from 1/7/1987 to 31/12/2011
indicates two main wave directions that are NE
with 40.82% of occurrence, SSW with 20.15%
of occurrence. Hs ≈ 0.5 ÷ 1.0 m occurred
34.16%, Hs ≈ 1.0 ÷ 1.5 m occurred 22.43%,
and Hs > 1.5 m occurred 28.84%. NE monsoon
wave affected from October to April of the next
year, SW monsoon wave affected from June to
August. May and September are transitional
With the assimilation of wind data of high
resolution ∆X = ∆Y = 0.250, the model can be
used to simulate wave fields during typhoon
activity in East Vietnam Sea
Acknowledgements: The authors gratefully
acknowledge Dr. Gerhard Gayer, Department
of Model System, Institute of Hydrophysics,
GKSS, Germany for his kind help and
encouragement throughout the preparation of
WAM Cycle 4.5 model.
1. WAMDI Group, 1988. The WAM model -
A third generation ocean wave prediction
model, Journal of Physical Oceanography,
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2. Young, I. R., 1988. Parametric hurricane
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3. Londhe, S. N., Vijay Panchang, 2006. One-
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4. Mandal, S., and Prabaharan, N., 2003. An
overview of the numerical and neural
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COPEDEC VI, 2003. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
5. Mau, L. D., Sanil Kumar, V., Nayak, G. N.,
Mandal, S., 2004. Estimation of wave
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Hoian area, Central Vietnam. Proceeding of
the Third Indian National Conference on
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6. Guenther, H., Hasselmann, S., Janssen, P.
A. E. M., 1992. The WAM Model Cycle
4.0. User Manual. Technical Report No.4,
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, Hamburg,
Germany, 102 p.
7. Guenther, H., 2002. WAM Cycle 4.5. User
Manual. Technical Report. Institute for
Coastal Research GKSS Research Centre
Geesthacht. Germany, 40 p.
8. Tolman, H. L., 1991. A third-generation
model for wind waves on slowly varying,
unsteady and inhomogeneous depths and
currents. Journal of Physical
Oceanography, 21, 782-797.
9. Chu, Peter C., Kuo-Feng Cheng, 2008.
South China Sea wave characteristics
during typhoon Muifa passage in winter
2004. Journal of Oceanography 64(1): 1-21.
Online publication date: 1-Feb-2008.
10. Ali Mirzaei, Fredolin Tangang, Liew
Juneng, Muzneena Ahmad Mustapha,
Mohd Lokman Husain, Mohd Fadzil Akhir,
2013. Wave climate simulation for southern
region of the South China Sea. Ocean
Dynamics, 63(8): 961-977. Online
publication date: 9-Jul-2013.
Le Dinh Mau, Nguyen Van Tuan
11. Liangming Zhou, Zhanbin Li, Lin Mou,
Aifang Wang, 2014. Numerical simulation
of wave field in the South China Sea using
WAVEWATCH III. Chinese Journal of
Oceanology and Limnology, 1-9. Online
publication date: 24-Jan-2014.
12. Lê Đình Mầu, 2006. Tính toán các đặc
trưng sóng biển khơi bằng mô hình số trị
WAM. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ
biển. Hà Nội, Việt Nam, Tập 6, Số 3.
Tr. 26-39.
Lê Đình Mầu, Nguyễn Văn Tuân
Viện Hải dương học-Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
TÓM TẮT: WAM (WaveModeling) là mô hình tính sóng thế hệ thứ 3 được xây dựng và phát
triển bởi tập thể các nhà khoa học nghiên cứu sóng trên thế giới (WAMDI Group), mô hình mô tả
sự phát triển của phổ sóng hai chiều dưới tác động của gió, dòng chảy, địa hình đáy và tương tác
phi tuyến sóng - sóng. Mô hình tính toán các đặc trưng sóng biển sâu, biển nông bao hàm hiệu ứng
khúc xạ sóng bởi nước nông và dòng chảy. Mô hình WAM phiên bản 4.5 (WAM cycle 4.5) đã được
áp dụng với khu vực tính toán là toàn bộ Biển Đông từ 990E đến 1210E và 00N đến 250N với kích
thước lưới tính là ∆X = ∆Y = 0,250. Độ sâu Biển Đông lấy từ cơ sở dữ liệu ‘ETOPO5’ của Trung
tâm dữ liệu Địa vật lý quốc gia Colorado, Hoa Kỳ với độ phân giải 5’ (≈ 9 km). Số liệu gió 6h/lần
lấy từ cơ sở dữ liệu NCEP/NCAR, Hoa Kỳ với độ phân giải ∆X = ∆Y = 0,250. Kết quả tính toán cho
thấy thời kỳ gió mùa Đông Bắc (NE Monsoon) trên toàn Biển Đông sóng có hướng chủ đạo là Đông
Bắc (NE) và có hướng ngược lại trong thời kỳ gió mùa Tây Nam (SW monsoon). Khu vực trung tâm
và Đông Bắc của Biển Đông có độ cao sóng lớn nhất. Thống kê kết quả tính toán các đặc trưng
sóng từ 1987 đến 2011 cho thấy chế độ sóng ngoài khơi Nha Trang có hai hướng chính là NE chiếm
40,82%, SSW chiếm 20,15%. Sóng hướng NE tác động từ tháng 10 đến tháng 4 năm sau, sóng SSW
tác động từ tháng 6 đến tháng 8, tháng 5 và 9 là các thời kỳ chuyển tiếp. Tập dữ liệu gió với độ
phân giải ∆X = ∆Y = 0,250 cho phép mô phỏng trường sóng trong bão trên Biển Đông.
Từ khoá: WAM cycle 4.5, Biển Đông, trường sóng, bão, gió mùa.
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