Việt Nam là một quốc gia biển với đường bờ biển dài hơn 3.260 km, có 2 quần đảo
là Hoàng Sa, Trường Sa và trên 3.000 các hòn đảo lớn nhỏ. Việt Nam có 28 tỉnh và thành phố ven
biển dọc theo chiều dài đất nước từ Bắc đến Nam. Diện tích các khu vực ven biển chiếm đến 17%
tổng diện tích cả nước và là nơi cư trú của trên 20 triệu người. Mật độ dân cư tại các vùng ven biển
trung bình là 267 người trên 1 km2, lớn gấp 1,2 lần mật độ dân trung bình của cả nước.
Các nguồn tài nguyên và lợi thế từ biển mang đến những tiềm năng rất lớn cho phát triển kinh
tế biển cho đất nước. Tuy nhiên, cùng với sự phát triển và các thành tựu đã đạt được, chúng ta cũng
phải đối mặt với rất nhiều vấn đề nghiêm trọng và thách thức về môi trường biển đang có chiều
hướng gia tăng. Do vậy, cách tiếp cận quản lý tổng hợp đới bờ là rất quan trọng đối với việc phát
triển bền vững kinh tế biển của Việt Nam.
Trong những năm gần đây, với sự giúp đỡ từ các tổ chức quốc tế và các nước trong khu vực
ASEAN, Việt Nam đang tăng cường ứng dụng quản lý tổng hợp đới bờ cho toàn bộ vùng ven biển.
Bên cạnh các thành tựu đạt được, việc áp dụng phương thức quản lý tổng hợp vùng bờ cũng gặp
phải nhiều khó khăn và thách thức, đòi hỏi nhiều thời gian. Chính phủ và các địa phương có biển
đã quan tâm và giành nguồn lực cho công tác quản lý tổng hợp đới bờ, nhằm từng bước xây dựng
và hoàn thiện thể chế chính sách, nhân rộng mô hình và áp dụng thành công các giải pháp quản lý
tổng hợp đới bờ.
Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi muốn hướng tới việc chia sẻ thông tin và kinh nghiệm về ứng
dụng quản lý tổng hợp đới bờ tại Việt Nam, hi vọng nhận được nhiều hỗ trợ hơn nữa từ những tổ
chức quốc tế để Việt Nam áp dụng thành công và hiệu quả phương thức quản lý tổng hợp vùng biển
và bờ biển, hướng tới thực hiện cam kết của Việt Nam trong chiến lực phát triển bền vững tại Biển
Đông (SDS-SEA).
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Integrated coastal management in Vietnam: current situation and orientation, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Journal of Marine Science and Technology; Vol. 14, No. 1; 2014: 89-96
ISSN: 1859-3097
Nguyen Quoc Cuong1*, Nguyen Van Cu2
1Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam
2Institute of Geography-VAST, Vietnam
Received: 25-2-2013
Abstract: Vietnam is a coastal country located along the Vietnamese East Sea, has a coastline
longer than 3,260 km, with two archipelagoes of Hoang Sa (Paracel islands) and Truong Sa
(Spratly islands) and more than 3,000 big and small islands, with 28 coastal provinces and cities of
63 provinces and cities of the country. The coastal area accounts for 17% of the total area of the
country, and is inhabited by more than 20 million people, with the average population density of
about 267 people per km², 1.2 times higher than average density of the country.
Marine resources and advantages promise great prospects for the development of ocean and
coastal economies of the country. However, along with the development and some achieved
successes, we also face to many serious problems and challenges in marine environment, that tends
to increase. Therefore, the application of integrated coastal management approach is of paramount
importance for the sustainable development of ocean and coastal economic of Vietnam.
In recent years, with the support of the international organizations and countries from ASEAN
region, Vietnam has been trying to enhance the application of integrated coastal management for
the entire coastal area. Beside the achievements, practical application of integrated coastal
management also indicates many difficulties and challenges, required to make timely solutions.
In this paper, we are looking forward to sharing information and the experience of integrated
coastal management in Vietnam and do hope to receiving more supports from international and
regional organizations for Vietnam to adopt successfully and efficiently integrated ocean and
coastal management approach, and implement Vietnam's commitments in the implementation of
sustainable development strategy for the East Asian Sea (SDS-SEA).
Key words: Integrated coastal management, sea, island, environment.
Vietnam is a coastal country, located along
the Vietnamese East Sea, has a coastline longer
than 3,260 km, with two archipelagoes of
Hoang Sa (Paracel islands) and Truong Sa
(Spratly islands) and more than 3,000 big and
small islands. Marine resources and advantages
brought by Vietnamese coast promise great
prospects for the development of the country.
Therefore, development of marine economy is
the preferred choice of Vietnam at the current
time and future.
Since 1993, Vietnam has referred to the
development of comprehensive marine
economy oriented industrialization and
modernization, to make major policy of
building Vietnam into a strong seas nation and
enriched from the sea.
Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Nguyen Van Cu
Vietnam has 28 coastal provinces and cities
of 63 provinces/cities of the country,
accounting for 17% of the total area of the
country. The coastal areas are inhabitation of
more than 20 million people, with an average
population density of about 267 people per km²
which is 1.2 times higher than average density
of the country.
During the recent years, social and
economic activities in coastal Vietnam have
been very exciting, and have achieved
considerable successes in many areas,
especially tourism, fisheries and marine
transportation, processing industry and urban
development. However, along with the
development and successes, many serious
problems of marine environment, marine
resources and other marine values have arisen
and tend to increase further.
Especially, the problems of marine
environmental pollution, degradation of marine
resources, natural habitat, natural disasters and
environmental incidents, including climate
change, are affecting the safety and social
security In fact, one of the fundamental reasons
leading to the above problems is the dispersion
and separation of several components including
marine ecosystems, coastal areas, lacking of
policy, imbalance between exploitation and
preservation. Each component is closely related
to others. Thus, in order to efficiently exploit
the potential of coastal areas while protecting
and maintaining long-term values of the marine
ecosystem and fixing the weaknesses of the
natural resources management, it is necessary
to apply the integrated management solutions.
Besides, to provide products and services
sustainably of the seas, coastal zones and
estuaries, harmonious and optimal targets use is
Therefore, integrated coastal management
is an urgent need for practical expanding in
Vietnam to ensure sustainable development of
marine economy. The implementation of
integrated coastal management has achieved
certain achievements, but also many difficulties
and shortcomings should be removed and
Integrated coastal management is a tool for
administrations to identify and solve the
problems of the exploitation and using of
natural resources, ocean spatial planning and
coastal development in general, and the
problems of interdisciplinary, inter-locally and
cross-border in particular. Integrated coastal
management has been studied and formed from
complementary needs and deficits management
practices and marine environmental resources
in the traditional sector, by territory, to exploit,
use sustainably natural resources and
environment for social economic development.
The key principle of integrated coastal
management in Vietnam which associates to
the term "aggregate", is simply unity,
integration and integrated into a common
connection. These 3 main categories are the
combination of coastal system’s functions,
integrated coastal zone policies, actions and
management of shared resources values in the
coastal area. It supports the industry,
community agencies and implementation of its
functions relating to the common use of the
coastal zone, balancing the interests of different
parties from the coastal zone, while
maintaining the resources and values of the
coastal zone for the next generation. It can be
said that integrated coastal management
approaches can achieve sustainable
development in the coastal zone. Thus the
integrated coastal management is the most
appropriate choice to support and adjust the
current management activities, for social and
economic development, protection of marine
natural resources, environment, and
maintaining security sovereignty in coastal
areas of Vietnam.
The integrated coastal management
approach was recommended to apply
sustainable development at the Summit on
Environment and Global Development in Rio
de Janeiro, 1992 [1]. The importance and
practical needs of the model for integrated
coastal management once again were
confirmed at the Johannesburg summit 2002 on
Sustainable Development. Until now many
Integrated coastal management in Vietnam
localities, nationalities, have adopted this
approach, achieving high efficiency in the
management of natural resources and
environment, provided invaluable support for
economic development and solving social
welfare problems [2, 3, 4].
In East Asia, the activities of integrated
coastal management began about 30 years and
are quite exciting. Typically, this area is
densely populated, rich in natural resources and
also facing many problems in natural resource
and environmental use. From 1994 to 1999,
GEF supported the Regional Program for
Prevention and Management of the East Asia
Sea (the World Maritime Organization) for 11
countries in the region, including Vietnam. The
active purpose is for addressing the
environmental problems of marine areas. At
this stage, the program was developed two
projects including integrated coastal
management demonstration at regional level for
Batangas (Philippines) and Xiamen (China).
This program was later expanded to phase 2
(2000-2006), with a new name "Regional
Partnership Programme for Environmental
Management in East Asian Seas (PEMSEA),
with financial support from GEF and the
contribution of the member states, as well as
other donors. In phase 2, six national
demonstration projects on integrated coastal
management were developed in 6 local points
of 6 countries in the regional area, including Da
Nang city, Vietnam [5, 6].
Some other Intergrated Coastal
Management (ICM) projects implementing
with technical supported from PEMSEA (called
parallel ICM projects of PEMSEA) have been
Fig. 1. Coastal Zone in Vietnam
Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Nguyen Van Cu
In addition, some management projects of
environmental hot spots at sub-area and sub-
regional level within the framework of
PEMSEA using ICM approach have been
developed and implemented, including project
dealing with Oil spill in Thailand gulf area that
Vietnam is one of member countries.
In Vietnam, “National pilot site project on
ICM in Da Nang city” was the beginning of
implementing ICM approach to marine natural
resources and environment management. The
project was achieved many successes. In order
to promote the achievements, Da Nang city
now continues applying this management
method; focus on addressing some practical
and specific issues.
With the support of government of The
Netherlands, VNICZM project was developed
and implemented at central level and provincial
level from 2000 to 2006. At provincial level,
ICM approach was applied at three pilot sites in
three coastal provinces of Vietnam as Nam
Dinh, Thua Thien - Hue, Ba Ria - Vung Tau.
The achieved results were highly appreciated
by the local government. The final result of
VNICZM project is the important platform for
proposing and developing ICM program in the
North Central and Central coast toward year 2020,
vision to 2030.
In addition, some other ICM projects were
implemented in Quang Ninh, Hai Phong with
funding support from NOAA and Vietnam
Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environment, and Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development.
The initial implementation of ICM in
Vietnam, particularly from year 2000 up till
now in several local coastal provinces/cities
such as Da Nang, Quang Nam, Nam Dinh,
Hue, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Quang Ninh and Hai
Phong have obtained several important
achievements such as:
Coordination mechanism including multi-
sector cooperation is established, operated and
verified in practice in Vietnam;
Strategy and long-term plan for ICM in
some coastal provinces have been developed
with the approval of these provincial People’s
Committee. It has promoted the development of
social economic based on maintaining the
protection and sustainable use of natural
resources and environment;
Improved human resources and staff
capacity on ICM, as well as other related
professional fields;
Established the integrated database
resources on marine and coastal natural
resources and environment effectively support
for management work;
Developed and applied several important
tools and technical guidelines for natural
resources and environment management [6].
Improved awareness of the community on
natural resources and environment and ICM.
Particularly, Prime Minister approved the
Integrated Coastal Management Program for
North central region and central coastal
provinces until 2010 and orientations until
2020 (hereinafter called “Master Plan 158”) on
9th October 2007 [8]. For the period 2007 -
2011, the program has gained following
significant achievements:
Developed and submitted to the
Government to approve National Strategy and
Action Plan on integrated coastal management.
Provided technical guidelines on ICM.
Disseminated training materials and
program on ICM for the North Central and
Central Coastal provinces.
Carried out a pilot program on integrated
environmental monitoring in Thanh Hoa
province; Built database system and general
information on ICM in Ha Tinh province;
Conducted the ICM planning and zoning in
Thua Thien Hue province.
Developed database and integrated
information system designated for ICM.
Besides above mentioned important results
and achievements, the implementation of ICM
projects in Vietnam has faced to some
problems, details as follows:
Integrated coastal management in Vietnam
There are no appropriate and relevant
policy framework and law in the management,
exploitation and use of natural resources and
environment. In fact, there are only specific
regulations on activities management of each
sector. Marine administrative boundary
between provinces and cities has not been
clearly defined. Provinces and cities are
responsible for administration to the coastline.
Responsibilities and obligations of some
agencies, organizations and individuals in the
management and use of resources, especially
marine and seabed resources are unclear.
Therefore, some hot issues related to natural
resources management are not fully dealt with,
leading to conflict in the exploitation and use of
the resources.
Social economic strategies (national,
regional and local) and development strategies
for different sectors have been built. They
strongly refer to the use and exploitation of
natural resources and environment and
common values in general as well as marine
and coastal areas in particular. However, all
strategies have mainly focused on economic
aspect, usually giving priorities for some
sectors and localities and not paying proper
attention to the conservation of natural
resources and environment and those common
values that is the foundation for sustainable
development. This fact leads to the gaps and
overlaps in management, hindering overall
Sectoral and provincial planning still
prevails; lack of integrated planning, there is no
coordination among the ministerial levels and
between central and provincial levels.
Therefore mutual benefit has not been gained
from the strategy, causing conflicts in the usage
of resources, coastal zone space, obstructing
sustainable development.
Legal documents also have similar
problems such as gaps in the law enforcement
deriving from policies, strategies, planning
task, plans at all levels and there is not
appropriate legal framework for ICM process.
Lack of information/management data
service, especially information and data on
biodiversity, environmental quality, marine
rubbish, waste and impact from social
economic activities on marine and coastal
areas. The information/data have not been
gathered, linked into the system and this system
has not been standardized, causing difficulty in
exploitation and using process.
A number of projects (or the content of
the project) still focus on basic survey, totally
scientific research rather than management
aspect, so practical efficiency is low, while
localities are not active participants, therefore
the efficiency of the projects has not been
Training on human resources are
unofficial and not updated, thus in reality it
cannot meet the management need; officials
who trained on ICM and related fields are not
used effectively. Specific training documents
on ICM that are used as basic materials for
training in the Vietnam universities have not
been made; No training program and
documents on ICM for managers in natural
resources and environment field and other
related fields in Vietnam, lack of qualified and
experienced experts on ICM;
Awareness of the ICM is not consistent,
both in scientific and management aspects as
well as both at central and local levels. Some
localities have not been involved in projects
and programs on ICM, thus their knowledge
and awareness are limited.
The maintenance of ICM activities,
especially coordination mechanisms, multi-
sectoral cooperation are not taken into
consideration properly after the projects finish
Orientations for Integrated Coastal
The Integrated Coastal Management
Strategic towards 2020 and orientation 2030 is
being built and approved. The Strategic goal is
to implement the ICM method throughout
Vietnam to protect, recover, maintain and
develop resources and environment; support the
Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Nguyen Van Cu
socio - economic development. The main
directions including:
Build and complete the legal and policy
framework that supports the ICM in Vietnam.
Develop an effective multi-sectoral
coordination mechanism at national level;
Build a team of managers, experts and
engineering necessary technical e systems that
support ICM;
Implement ICM in all coastal provinces in
Viet Nam;
Create broad awareness among officials
and people of the value of the coastal zone and
coastal sustainable development needs through
the application of ICM;
Strengthen international and regional
cooperation on seas and islands to promote
efficient exploitation of natural resources,
marine environment for sustainable marine
economic development;
By 2030, ICM will be institutionalized at
the central and local levels; ICM is
implemented in all coastal province and cities
in Viet Nam forming a unified network to solve
complex issues in management of natural
resources and envionment throughout the
coastal zone of Vietnam.
With the above directions, ICM will meet
the wishes of the ministries and other
stakeholders in use, exploitation, management
and development of coastal Viet Nam, which are:
Protect and rehabilitate the coastal
ecosystems such as: coral reefs, seagrass beds,
mangrove forests and protective forests; Protect
and develop the important wetlands such as:
lagoon, estuaries, islands and marine ecological
areas to high-biodiversity areas with a range of
national, regional and international important
Protect and replenish the coastal
landscapes; maintain and promote the historical
and cultural values for tourisms development
and recreation.
A clean and safe coastal environment for
human health and other marine ecosystems;
Prevent and minimize the loss of lives
and properties (such as housing, public works
and infrastructure) due to natural disasters.
Exclude the conflict of exploitation and
use of coastal resources between sectors and
localities; Ensure the harmonious, sustainable
marine economic development.
Enhance the public understanding the
coastal zone values as well as the responsibility
for equitable sustainable use of natural
resources, thus, improving people’s quality of
Vietnam Government continues to promote
and strengthen the ICM implementation in
coastal localities, while conduct activities
related to refining the ICM policies and
legislation at national level, such as:
ICM scaling up Program in North Central
region and Central Coastal provinces towards
2020, vision 2030. Currently, this program is in
permission to be extended to the two coastal
North and South areas of Vietnam, covering 28
coastal provinces and cities.
To develop the 5 - year ICM
strengthening plans to to implement
commitment of the Sustainable Development
Strategic for East Asian Seas.
To integrate the ICM’s contents into
revised Marine Environment Law and other
relevant policy and legislation documents;
To implement the overall project of basic
survey and management of natural resources,
marine environment by 2010 and towards
To establish the Department of ICM in
some universities and expand the activities on
training, teaching and researching ICM;
To strengthen the integrated and unified
state management of Vietnam Administration
of Seas and islands to perform and guide ICM
The development of social economic
activities in coastal areas have greatly affected
Integrated coastal management in Vietnam
the stability of marine and coastal areas in
particular, should be recognized as a united
system, which consist of different natural and
artificial constituents, as follows: mangroves,
forests, sand dunes, dikes, protection works,
coastal roads, vegetation and other ecological
Some main activities have caused
instability of the coastal system in Vietnam.
They can be reclaimation, change of purpose
use of land and surface water is unplanned,
beside they lack scientific basis and build
construction, architecture and infrastructure
(roads, buildings and structures) in the flush
water, which have invasived function of the
flush water as buffer zones between land and
sea of the coastal systems, construction of
protective works lack of scientific basis,
breaking the natural laws of coastal processes;
destruction of habitats and natural landscapes
such as coastal mangroves, coral reefs, forests,
and take action to reduce coastal protection and
aesthetic value, thereof placer mining in the
sand dunes and coastal issues upsetting the
natural balance of coastal topography and
vegetation destroyed carpet. Instability in the
coastal area of Vietnam is increased further the
impacts of natural disasters such as storms,
floods, storm surges and sea level rise,
including sea level rise due to climate change.
Moreover, an entire people living in coastal
areas are also threatened by the development
too close to the sea when the lack of
understanding of natural law in this area.
Therefore, the application of tools and
mechanisms for ICM play important roles in
the sustainable development of economic
sectors of the marine and coastal area of
Vietnam. In this paper, achievements by
applying integrated coastal management from
varied international funds, especially form
PEMSEA in some coastal areas of Vietnam
were summarized. Vietnam has been actively
implementing ICM method with orientation
and appropriate solutions.
From successful lessons and existing
problems of ICM taking characteristics of
Vietnam coastline into accounts, this paper also
summarized main orientations and solutions
need to be implemented in ICM of Vietnam for
the future.
1. UN Conference on Environment and
Development, Reo de Janeiro, 1992. Rio
Declaration on Environment and
2. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
change, 1993. Preparing to meet the coastal
challenges of the 21st century. Conference
report, World Coast Conference, p. 10.
3. The UN Millennium Development Goals,
United Nation Millennium Summit in 2000.
4. Yves Henocque and Jacques Denis, 2001.
Steps and Tools towards Integrated Coastal
Area Management - Methodological Guid,
Vol. 2.
5. PEMSEA Implementation Plan, 2003. The
Sustainable Development Strategy for the
Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA).
6. Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission of UNESCO, 2003. A
reference Guide on the Use of Indicators
for Integrated Coastal Management.
7. Heileman and Sherry, 2007. A Handbook
for Measuring the progress and Outcomes
of Integrated Coastal and Ocean
Management. United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
8. The Government Decision No
158/2007/GD-PM dated on 9 October 2007
of Primer Minister of Vietnam on “Master
Plan of Integrated Costal Management in
North - Central and Central coastal areas to
2010 and towards 2020”.
Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Nguyen Van Cu
Nguyễn Quốc Cường1, Nguyễn Văn Cư2
1Trường Đại học Tài nguyên và Môi trường Hà Nội, Việt Nam
2Viện Địa Lý-Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam
TÓM TẮT: Việt Nam là một quốc gia biển với đường bờ biển dài hơn 3.260 km, có 2 quần đảo
là Hoàng Sa, Trường Sa và trên 3.000 các hòn đảo lớn nhỏ. Việt Nam có 28 tỉnh và thành phố ven
biển dọc theo chiều dài đất nước từ Bắc đến Nam. Diện tích các khu vực ven biển chiếm đến 17%
tổng diện tích cả nước và là nơi cư trú của trên 20 triệu người. Mật độ dân cư tại các vùng ven biển
trung bình là 267 người trên 1 km2, lớn gấp 1,2 lần mật độ dân trung bình của cả nước.
Các nguồn tài nguyên và lợi thế từ biển mang đến những tiềm năng rất lớn cho phát triển kinh
tế biển cho đất nước. Tuy nhiên, cùng với sự phát triển và các thành tựu đã đạt được, chúng ta cũng
phải đối mặt với rất nhiều vấn đề nghiêm trọng và thách thức về môi trường biển đang có chiều
hướng gia tăng. Do vậy, cách tiếp cận quản lý tổng hợp đới bờ là rất quan trọng đối với việc phát
triển bền vững kinh tế biển của Việt Nam.
Trong những năm gần đây, với sự giúp đỡ từ các tổ chức quốc tế và các nước trong khu vực
ASEAN, Việt Nam đang tăng cường ứng dụng quản lý tổng hợp đới bờ cho toàn bộ vùng ven biển.
Bên cạnh các thành tựu đạt được, việc áp dụng phương thức quản lý tổng hợp vùng bờ cũng gặp
phải nhiều khó khăn và thách thức, đòi hỏi nhiều thời gian. Chính phủ và các địa phương có biển
đã quan tâm và giành nguồn lực cho công tác quản lý tổng hợp đới bờ, nhằm từng bước xây dựng
và hoàn thiện thể chế chính sách, nhân rộng mô hình và áp dụng thành công các giải pháp quản lý
tổng hợp đới bờ.
Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi muốn hướng tới việc chia sẻ thông tin và kinh nghiệm về ứng
dụng quản lý tổng hợp đới bờ tại Việt Nam, hi vọng nhận được nhiều hỗ trợ hơn nữa từ những tổ
chức quốc tế để Việt Nam áp dụng thành công và hiệu quả phương thức quản lý tổng hợp vùng biển
và bờ biển, hướng tới thực hiện cam kết của Việt Nam trong chiến lực phát triển bền vững tại Biển
Đông (SDS-SEA).
Từ khoá: Quản lý tổng hợp đới bờ, biển, đảo, môi trường.
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