Limitations and future research
This study, however, is subject to several limitations. First, this cross-sectional study does
not take into consideration the possibility that the cause and effect relationships between
the research variables may involve certain time lags. For example, participating in strategic
decision making will not immediately results in a higher level of MAS usage in marketoriented companies, and this high level of usage will not immediately lead to better firm
performance. Therefore, a longitudinal study can be more appropriate for making inferences
on the influence of accountants’ participation on strategic decision making on the MO-MASPEFR chain. Second, cross-sectional survey data can have a serious limitation regarding
inferences of causality. This is because cross-sectional survey data can be used to test the
correlation between variables but are not able to imply the causal directions assumed
among them (Rong and Wilkinson, 2011; Wiley, 2011). Therefore, using cross-sectional
surveys to prove the cause and effect relationships between variables in the proposed model
can be problematic. For example, some may argue that both being market-oriented to
outperform competitors and being participated in strategic decision making of accountants
require more MAS usage. In other words, MO and accountants’ participation in strategic
decision making can be outcomes of MAS usage. This alternative causal sequence may
challenge the proposed model in this study. Finally, the outcome variable, firm performance
is measured solely based on financial indicators, which are short-term and history-oriented.
This variable should be augmented to include non-financial indicators (e.g. customer
performance) which are considered long-term and future-oriented. Further research should
thus take account of the above listed limitations.
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(e.g. customer revenues, customer costs, and customer profitability) and non-financial
information regarding the customer value-creating processes (e.g. customer satisfaction,
customer loyalty, and antecedents of those performance measures). Firms with a high level of
MO and use
of MASs
MO have a relatively strong external orientation (Guilding and McManus, 2002). For example,
firms with a high level of customer orientation are more likely to develop and use MAS
(broad scope and timeliness) information with respect to customers’ preferences and
behaviors to customize or develop products and create superior value for customers more
effectively than their competitors (Inglis, 2005). In addition, competitor orientation clearly
requires the use of MAS developed as part of a customer orientation, enabling a competitor-
cost comparison to be undertaken at the same (product) level (Inglis, 2005). Therefore, MO can
have a positive effect on the use of MAS.
The hypothesized relationship between MAS and firm performance can be explained via
the RBV of the firm (Peteraf, 1993; Wernerfelt, 1984). The RBV refers to competitive
advantage obtained through a firm’s ability to accumulate resources and capabilities that
satisfy the VRIN conditions (valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable) (Dyer and
Singh, 1998). This study argues that MAS is a strategic resource that meets the VRIN
conditions. MAS can disseminate products/services and finance and market information
across functional boundaries within the firm so that this information can be processed and
converted into knowledge via learning. According to the knowledge-based theory,
knowledge is a valuable resource that can result in competitive advantage and superior
performance (Grant, 1996).
In addition, MAS should be designed to meet different needs of different firms.
This argument can be explicated via the contingency theory, which presumes that there is no
best way to design the best MAS for all firms (Cadez and Guilding, 2008; Chenhall, 2003).
The design of MAS depends on numerous contingent factors (e.g. structure, environmental
uncertainty, competitive intensity, technology, competitive strategy, and firm size). Therefore,
the configurations of MAS are firm-specific (Abdel-Kader and Luther, 2008) and considered as
inimitable resources. Moreover, information from MAS can be processed and converted into
knowledge to become a unique strategic resource for competitive advantages (Smith et al.,
1996); hence, it satisfies the rare condition. Thus, MAS satisfies the VRIN conditions
(Carter and Toms, 2010) and can help firms plan, control, and make better decisions.
Therefore, a positive association between the use of MAS and firm performance (PERF) is
expected. Building upon the above arguments, MO can positively influence the use of MAS,
which, in turn, enhances firm performance. In other words, MO can indirectly influence firm
performance via the use of MAS.
Moreover, the direct relationship between MO and firm performance has been well
established in the marketing literature ( Jaworski and Kohli, 1993; Narver and Slater, 1990).
This study argues that MO culture complies with the VRIN (valuable, rare, inimitable, and
non-substitutable) conditions (see Zhou et al., 2008). Hence, a positive relationship between
MO and firm performance can be hypothesized. In this regard, MO can have both direct and
indirect effects on firm performance (via the use of MAS). This study proposes the following
mediating hypothesis:
H1. The use of MAS partially mediates the relationship between MO and firm
2.2 The moderating role of accountants’ participation
The importance of management accounting practices is increasing with more demands of
new business environment. Business organizations require more management accountants
with requisite skills and business intelligence who can produce much more qualitative, more
future-oriented, and broader scope information (Anderson and Lanen, 1999). In today’s
business organizations, accountants should be more proactive in developing MAS that
support strategic management (Fry et al., 1995). Accountants also play an important role in
providing financial and non-financial information in cross-functional teams for strategic
decision making. This study claims that more accountants’ participation in providing
information for strategic decision making may be productive of higher use of MAS. SMA
systems require full cooperation between accountants and other functional managers in
term of sharing information via MAS (Bromwich and Bhimani, 2005). Therefore, more
accountants’ participation in the design and implementation of MAS can promote a higher
use of MAS (Abernethy and Bouwens, 2005). In addition, more accountants’ participation in
MAS development can result in more use of MAS from functional managers with more
regular system update (Pierce and O’Dea, 2003).
Based on the contingency theory (Chenhall, 2003), this study argues that the usage of
MAS requires a fit (an interaction) between MO and accountants’ participation in strategic
decision making. In particular, accountants’ participation in strategic decision making can
reinforce the influence of MO on the usage of MAS for strategic decision making, shaping
the role of the accounting department in developing the organization’s MAS in a market-
oriented setting. In market-oriented firms, accountants’ participation in strategic decision
making can provide motivation and pressure for accountants to add value to the strategic
decision making process (Oliver, 1991). The motivation and pressure instill “a greater
appreciation of the justifiability of expending resources developing MAS and also incurring
on-going costs” associated with MAS design and implementation (Cadez and Guilding,
2008). Therefore, in market-oriented firms, if accountants participate more in the strategic
decision making, they can exert more power toward the MAS development process, and
thus market-oriented firms are more likely to spend more resources in MAS design and
implementation, thereby promoting more MAS usage. Hence, the link between MO and
MAS usage is strengthened with the increase in accountants’ participation in strategic
decision making. This study proposes the following hypothesis:
H2. Accountants’ participation in strategic decision making positively moderates the
relationship between MO and the use of MAS.
The proposed model and corresponding hypotheses are shown in Figure 1.
3. Research method
3.1 Sampling and data collection
This study, conducted in Vietnam, an emerging economy, features a data set of 171 large
business firms. The sample is restricted to large firms only as these possess sufficient
financial resources to operate independent marketing and management accounting
functions. According to Degree 56 ND-CP of the Vietnamese government, the conditions of
being a large firm are as follows. For the manufacturing industry, firms need to have total
capital of more than VND 100 billion, or more than 300 full-time equivalent employees. For
service and trading industries, firms need to have total capital of more than VND 50 billion,
or more than 100 full-time equivalent employees. To include such specific firms in the
participation in
strategic decision
making (ACC)
Use of
accounting systems
Firm performance
Figure 1.
The proposed model
MO and use
of MASs
sample a convenience-sampling approach has been used to identify potential participants
and qualifying questions were asked at the commencement of the survey to identify
relevant firms. Selection criteria include: presence of independent marketing and
management accounting departments; and large organizational size according to the
Degree 56 ND-CP.
E-mail surveys were then distributed to top- and mid-level managers from different
Vietnamese business organizations. The potential informants are CEOs and board members
and other mid-level managers from the marketing and accounting functions of large-sized
firms. The targeted informants should satisfy the following conditions. First, they should be
top- and/or mid-level managers in Vietnamese companies with the presence of
the marketing and accounting departments. Second, they should be responsible for the
accounting issues and/or have strong work interactions with the accounting department.
Third, they should be knowledgeable about MO and firm performance. Finally, they should
have certain job titles, such as CEO, (vice) president, managing director, CFO, chief
accountant, marketing manager, and other managerial positions with strong work
interactions with the management accounting department.
The sampling frame includes 3,000 e-mail addresses of the potential informants (that
may have all the above characteristics) from the principal researcher’s personal LinkedIn
social network. The original survey items in English have been translated into Vietnamese
and back-translated following the procedure suggested by Brislin (1970) by two academics
who have competence in both English and Vietnamese. To ascertain the validity of the
survey, the translated Vietnamese survey items have been pretested by both managers
and academics (with and without accounting background) for wording, relevancy, and
comprehension. Final version of the survey questionnaires has been circulated to the
potential informants via SurveyMonkey, an online survey administration tool.
By e-mailing 3,000 potential respondents with two follow-ups, the author has received
751 responses. After elimination of 153 incomplete responses, 91 responses with too short
response duration (less than 5 minutes), and 346 responses from SMEs, the final sample
consists of 171 valid responses. Table I shows the demographics of the participating firms
and respondents. The final sample reflects 56.1 percent mid-level managers and 43.9 percent
are top-manager respondents. Average tenure of the respondents of 6.8 years indicates that
they have adequate experience to represent their firms to answer the survey. The sample
comprises 53.2 percent services, 33.3 percent manufacturing, and only 13.5 percent trading
firms. The sample well reflects the industrial structure of Vietnam in which the services
industry accounts for approximately 50 percent of GDP of Vietnam in 2015 followed by
manufacturing at 33 percent (PwC Vietnam, 2016). In total, 79 percent of the sampled firms
have total assets of more than VND500 billion. In addition, 76.0 percent of them have more
than 500 full-time equivalent employees. In total, 90 percent of them have more than five
years of operation. As the response rate is low at 5.7 percent, this study conducts a non-
response bias test following the procedure recommended by Armstrong and Overton (1977).
The independent t‐tests reveal no statistically significant differences in all key measures
among the first (earliest) and fourth (latest) quartiles of responses, signifying no response
bias in this research study.
3.2 Measurement scales and reliability and validity tests
MO is measured using the scale from Zhou et al. (2008), which is a short version of Narver
and Slater (1990). This construct has eight items, covering three dimensions: customer
orientation (three items), competitor orientation (two items), and interfunctional coordination
(three items). The scale for accountants’ participation in strategic decision making is
adapted from Wooldridge and Floyd (1990) and Cadez and Guilding (2012). Respondents
have been asked to rate the accountants’ participation in five aspects of the strategic
process, including identifying problems and proposing objectives, generating and
evaluating options, developing details about options, and taking the necessary actions to
put changes into place. MAS use is measured following Agbejule (2005) and Chenhall and
Morris (1986). As such, managers have been required to rate the “extent of use” of
management accounting information systems in terms of broad scope ( four items),
integration (three items), timeliness (four items), and aggregation (four items) in their
respective organizations. Firm performance is measured based on Jaworski and Kohli (1993)
and Calantone et al. (2002). Following Luo et al. (2006), this study incorporates firm age,
firm size in terms of total assets and full-time equivalent employees, and ownership
(SOE/non-SOE) as control variables (see Table II for the scales of the main constructs).
The measurement scales are first tested in terms of reliability. Table II shows that the
outer loadings of all observed variables of all the main constructs range between 0.83 and
0.95 and higher than the cut-off value of 0.5 (Hulland, 1999). All the corresponding
t-bootstrap values are above 1.96 and are thus statistically significant (range between 6.07
and 96.22). The average variance extracted (AVE) values of all the latent variables are
acceptable as they are higher than 0.5 (range between 0.76 and 0.90). In addition,
the composite reliabilities of these latent variables are between 0.93 and 0.96. These results
indicate a high level of reliability of the measurement scales in the model.
The author evaluates the discriminant validity of the measurements following the
procedure proposed by Fornell and Larcker (1981). Table III shows that the square roots of
AVE of the main constructs range between 0.87 and 0.95, which are well above the
corresponding correlations between these constructs (range between −0.06 and 0.83), thus
indicating the discriminant validity of the measurements. In addition, discriminant
(n¼ 171) Percent Demographics
(n¼ 171) Percent
Job position Firm size in total assets
(VND billion)
Top managers 75 43.9 101-200 14 8.2
96 56.1 201-500 22 12.9
501-1,000 22 12.9
Tenure W1,000 113 66.0
o2 years 23 13.5
2-5 years 72 42.1 Firm size in number of employees
6-10 years 45 26.3 201-500 41 24.0
11-20 years 24 14.0 501-1,000 47 27.5
W20 years 7 4.1 1,001-5,000 50 29.2
5,001-10.000 15 8.8
Industry W10.000 18 10.5
Manufacturing 57 33.3
Trading 23 13.5 Firm type
Services 91 53.2 100 percent foreign-owned
52 30.4
SOEs (⩾51 percent states
17 9.9
Firm age Private company 55 32.2
⩽5 years 18 10.5 JV with international partner 23 13.5
6-10 years 31 18.1 JV with local partner 6 3.5
11-20 years 66 38.6 Others 18 10.5
21-50 years 48 28.1
W50 years 8 4.7
Table I.
Demographics of the
participating firms
and respondents
MO and use
of MASs
Construct and items Loading t-value
Market orientation
Customer orientation (CR ¼ 0.94; AVE ¼ 0.84)
Our business objectives are driven primarily by customer satisfaction 0.91 41.61
Our strategies are driven by beliefs about how we can create greater value for
0.94 62.48
We emphasize constant commitment to serving customer needs 0.91 41.51
Competitor orientation (CR ¼ 0.95; AVE ¼ 0.90)
We regularly share information concerning competitors’ strategies 0.95 92.09
We emphasize the fast response to competitive actions that threaten us 0.95 96.22
Interfunctional coordination (CR ¼ 0.95; AVE ¼ 0.85)
We regularly communicate information on customer needs across all business functions 0.94 74.79
We frequently discuss market trends across all business functions 0.93 73.07
All of our business functions are integrated in serving the needs of our target
0.90 43.90
Use of Management Accounting Systems
Scope (CR ¼ 0.93; AVE ¼ 0.76)
Information that relates to possible future events (if historical information is most useful
for your needs, mark the lower end of the scale).
0.83 21.76
Non-financial information that relates to production and market information such as
growth share etc. (If you find that a financial is most useful for needs, please mark the
lower end of the scale)
0.89 30.08
Non-economic information, such as customer references, relations, attitudes of
government and consumer bodies, competitive threat
0.91 46.08
Information on broad factors external to your organization, such as economic conditions,
population growth, technological development, etc.
0.86 35.90
Timeliness (CR ¼ 0.94; AVE ¼ 0.79)
Requested information arrives immediately upon request 0.91 56.40
Information supplied to you automatically upon its receipt into information systems or
as soon as processing is completed
0.93 65.81
There is no delay between an event occurring and the relevant information being
reported to you
0.87 18.13
Reports are provided frequently on a systematic, regular basis, e.g., daily reports,
weekly reports
0.84 35.88
Use of Management Accounting Systems (continued)
Aggregation (CR ¼ 0.93; AVE ¼ 0.81)
Information in forms, which enable you to conduct what if analysis 0.90 47.46
Information on the effects of events on particular time periods (e.g. monthly/quarterly/
annual summaries, trends, comparisons, etc
0.89 35.98
Information in formats suitable for input into decision models (such as: discounted cash
flow analysis or incremental marginal analysis)
0.91 56.46
Integration (CR ¼ 0.94; AVE ¼ 0.81)
Cost and price information of departments of your business unit 0.84 24.06
Presence of precise targets for each activity performed in all sections within your
0.91 50.29
Information that relates to the impact that your decisions have on the performance of
other departments
0.93 46.60
Information on the impact of your decisions throughout your business unit, and the
influence of other individual’s decision on your area of responsibility
0.92 58.92
Accountants’ participation in strategic decision making (CR ¼ 0.95; AVE ¼ 0.80)
Identifying problems and proposing objectives 0.89 7.40
Generating options 0.95 6.66
Evaluating options 0.93 6.56
(continued )
Table II.
Scale items and latent
variable evaluation
validity is demonstrated when the correlation between two constructs (the off-diagonal
entries) is not higher than their respective composite reliability (Fornell and Larcker,
1981). Table III shows that no individual correlations (range from −0.06 to 0.83) are higher
than their respective reliabilities (range from 0.93 to 0.96), thereby indicating satisfactory
discriminant validity. In addition, most of the correlations are consistently smaller than
the cut-off value of 0.70 (except four correlations), suggesting acceptable discriminant
validity (Tabachnick et al., 2001). This study also employs the Heterotrait-Montrait
(HTMT) test, which is more stringent than that of Fornell and Larcker (1981) to evaluate
discriminant validity (Henseler et al., 2015). Table III indicates that the HTMT values
range between 0.05 and 0.89 (significantly below 1.00), providing the clear evidence for
discriminant validity.
Because the correlations between three MO dimensions (customer orientation, competitor
orientation, and interfunctional coordination) and some dimensions of the use of MAS are
significantly above the cut-off value of 0.70 (po 0.01), the author has examined the
variance inflation factor (VIF) for each relationships between the independent variables in
Construct and items Loading t-value
Developing details about options 0.86 6.07
Taking the necessary actions to put changes into place 0.88 7.33
Firm performance (CR ¼ 0.96; AVE ¼ 0.82)
Return on investments (ROI) 0.94 73.70
Return on sales (ROS) 0.92 60.35
Sales growth 0.83 28.05
Return on assets (ROA) 0.92 64.00
Overall profitability 0.92 71.40 Table II.
Construct Mean SD 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____ 6____ 7____ 8____ 9____
1. CusO 6.01 1.20 0.92
2. ComO 5.33 1.42 0.73** 0.95
3. InterCO 5.37 1.39 0.65** 0.83** 0.92
0.71 0.89
4. SCOPE 4.15 1.35 0.44** 0.48** 0.47** 0.87
0.49 0.54 0.52
5. TIME 4.51 1.28 0.58** 0.65** 0.70** 0.69** 0.89
0.63 0.72 0.76 0.76
6. AGGR 4.62 1.24 0.38** 0.49** 0.50** 0.59** 0.71** 0.90
0.42 0.55 0.56 0.66 0.79
7. INTER 4.55 1.28 0.47** 0.56** 0.61** 0.63** 0.69** 0.80** 0.90
0.51 0.62 0.66 0.70 0.75 0.89
8. ACC 4.09 1.62 0.16* 0.15* 0.14 0.06 0.14* 0.15* 0.08 0.90
0.05 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.14 0.16 0.09
9. FEFF 3.72 0.89 0.32** 0.39** 0.38** 0.30** 0.46** 0.32** 0.37** 0.05 0.91
0.35 0.43 0.41 0.33 0.49 0.35 0.39 0.06
Notes: CusO, Customer orientation; ComO, Competitor orientation; InterCo, Interfunctional orientation;
SCOPE, MAS use (scope), TIME, MAS use (timeliness); AGGR, MAS use (aggregation); INTER, MAS use
(integration); ACC, accountants’ participation in strategic decision making; PERF, Firm performance. 1st
value ¼ Correlation between variables (off diagonal); 2nd value ¼ HTMT ratio. Square root of AVE
(italic diagonal). *,**Correlation is significant at the 5 and 1 percent levels, respectively (two-tailed t-test)
Table III.
Construct means,
standard deviations,
and correlations
MO and use
of MASs
the proposed model to assess the multicollinearity issue. The results show that the
VIF values range between 1.00 and 1.96, which are well below the cut-off value of
10 ( Joseph et al., 1992), indicating no multicollinearity issue in this study.
4. Hypotheses testing and discussion
Partial least squares (PLS) method is utilized for data analysis in order to test the proposed
model and hypotheses. This is because compared to the traditional covariance-based
structural equation model (SEM), PLS tends to achieve higher levels of statistical power
under equal conditions (Reinartz et al., 2009). Moreover, PLS does not require a large sample
and accurately estimates the parameters in a small sample size context (Reinartz et al., 2009).
In addition, this study employs SmartPLS3 to estimate the theoretical model.
4.1 Hypotheses testing results
To provide evidence for testing the proposed hypotheses, this study evaluates the strength
and significance of individual paths with respect to the predictive relevance of these
individual paths in the proposed model. The indices used to evaluate the predictive relevance
of individual paths are reported in Table IV, including beta coefficients and
t-values, along with the adjusted R2 for each endogenous construct. These indices are
calculated on the basis of 500 bootstrapping sampling times. The results indicate that
the adjusted R2 values for all of the predicted variables, use of MAS (0.63) and firm
performance (0.19), are both greater than the recommended level of 0.10.
The author develops two models: Model 1 with MAS as the mediating variable and
Model 2 without MAS as the mediating variable. The purpose is to test: the direct effect of
MO on firm performance (PERF) (Narver and Slater, 1990; Jaworski and Kohli, 1993); and
the mediating role of the use of MAS on this well-established relationship. This study’s
results confirm the well-established and direct relationship between MO and PERF in the
context of Vietnam, showing that MO positively influences firm performance as the
β coefficient for the path between MO and PERF is 0.43 and significant at 1 percent level
(t-value ¼ 5.54; Model 2). H1 proposes that the use of MAS mediates the relationship
between MO and firm performance. This hypothesis is supported as: the β coefficient of the
MO-MAS path is 0.60, significant at 1 percent level (t-value ¼ 10.92); and the β coefficient of
the MAS-PERF path is 0.27 and significant at 5 percent level (t-value ¼ 2.87; Model 1).
Model 1 (with MAS as a mediating variable) Model 2 (without MAS)
Dependent variable MAS PERF PERF
Hypothesis β t-value β t-value β t-value
Independent variable
H1 MO 0.60 10.92*** 0.24 2.50** 0.43 5.54***
MAS 0.27 2.85***
ACC 0.32 2.31**
H2 ACC×MO 0.36 2.97***
Control variable
Size (assets) 0.04 0.55 0.04 0.57
Size (employees) 0.05 0.62 0.04 0.52
Firm age (0.08) 1.02 (0.07) 0.91
Ownership (0.06) 0.89 (0.09) 1.20
Adjusted R2 0.63 0.19 0.16
Notes:MO, market orientation, ACC, accountants’ participation in strategic decision making; ACC×MO: the
interaction term between ACC and MO; MAS: Use of management accounting systems; PERF: firm
performance. *,**,***Denote a significance at 10, 5 and 1 percent, respectively (two-tailed t-test)
Table IV.
Partial least squares
results for theoretical
Comparing Models 1 and 2, this study finds that the positive effect of MO on firm
performance in Model 1 ( β ¼ 0.43; t-value ¼ 5.54) becomes weaker in Model 2 ( β¼ 0.24),
but is still significant (t-value¼ 2.50). The reduction in the direct effect provides evidence of
partial mediation (Kline, 2015). Thus, the use of MAS partially mediates the relationship
between MO and firm performance, thus supporting the first hypothesis.
In addition, this study employs Sobel test following the suggestion of Preacher and
Hayes (2004) to further test the mediating role of MAS on the relationship between MO and
firm performance (PERF). This study also adopts a bootstrap technique, using SPSS with
the Process Macro add-in (Model 4) and computing the correlations between the dependent
variables and independent variables with their corresponding confidence intervals (CIs)
(Preacher and Hayes, 2004). The results indicate that the correlation of the indirect effect of
MO on firm performance is 0.13 ( po0.05; CI range between 0.04 and 0.24), and Sobel
statistics ¼ 2.83 ( po0.01). This result indicates that the use of MAS partially mediates the
impact of MO on firm performance, supporting H1.
H2 proposes that accountants’ participation in strategic decision making has a positive
moderating effect on the relationship between MO and the use of MAS. This means that the
positive association between MO and the use of MAS may be strengthened when
accountants highly participate in strategic decision making. This study creates an
interaction term ACC×MO after mean centering the moderating variable (accountants’
participation in strategic decision making) and the independent variable (MO) that
constitute the interaction term in order to mitigate potential multicollinearity (Aiken et al.,
1991). The second hypothesis is supported as the β coefficient for the path between the
interaction term, ACC ×MO, and MAS is 0.36, significant at 1 percent level (t-value ¼ 2.97;
Model 1). In addition, when accountants involve more in strategic decision-making, firms are
required to use more MAS information. This is supported by this study’s results in which
the β coefficient for the link between ACC and MAS is 0.32 and significant at 5 percent level
(t-value ¼ 2.31; Model 1).
4.2 Model fit and common method bias
The standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR) value of the composite model is also
examined using SmartPLS3 to test the model fit. The SRMR of 0.076 is lower than the
recommended value of 0.08, indicating an acceptable model fit (Henseler et al., 2016).
As cross-sectional data are collected using a single-informant approach, there might be
common method bias effects that lead to spurious relationships among the variables
(Podsakoff et al., 2003). The marker-variable technique recommended by Lindell and
Whitney (2001) is employed to test common method bias. In particular, the author selects the
item “are you confident in using computer?” as a marker variable to control for common
method bias. The mean change in correlations of the key constructs (rU− rA) when
partialling out the effect of rM is 0.12 (p ¼ 0.22), providing evidence of no common method
bias in this study.
5. Discussion
5.1 Theoretical implications
This study has some theoretical implications. First, as a follow-up to previous studies at the
interface between MO and MAS in emerging markets (e.g. Nguyen and Doan, 2016), this
study provides further empirical evidence of the importance of accountants’ participation in
strategic decision making and the use of MAS information in terms of broad scope,
timeliness, aggregation, and integration as proposed by Chenhall and Morris (1986) to
enhance the performance of market-oriented firms in an emerging economy. In doing so this
study adds to the extant literature on the performance implication of management
MO and use
of MASs
accounting in a market-oriented setting (Agbejule, 2005; Agbejule and Burrowes, 2007;
Mia and Winata, 2014).
Second, the findings from this study support the RBV (Chenhall, 2003) and the
knowledge-based view (Grant, 1996) while arguing and providing evidence that MAS is a
resource that meets the VRIN conditions and can enable firms to promote learning and
create knowledge for competitive advantage and superior firm performance in a competitive
environment. The findings also support the contingency theory (Chenhall, 2003; Otley,
1980). The role of accountants’ participation in strategic decision making, an important
contingent variable, in explaining the use of MAS in market-oriented firms is confirmed.
In this regard, difference in the levels of MAS usage across market-oriented firm can be
explained via the degree of accountants’ participation in strategic decision making, which
has not been examined in previous studies. Moreover, firm performance is the outcome of
interactions of both marketing factors (e.g. MO) and accounting factors (e.g. accountants’
participation in strategic decision making, and the use of MAS).
Third, this study adds to limited research at the marketing/accounting interface
(e.g. Nguyen and Doan, 2016; Phillips and Halliday, 2008; Sidhu and Roberts, 2008) with the
combination between MO (a marketing variable) and the use of MAS (an accounting
variable) in the theoretical model. The findings suggest that firms need to combine
marketing strategy (via MO) and MAS to achieve superior firm performance. Additionally,
this study adds to Nguyen and Doan’s (2016) study by confirming that the enhanced MAS
information, as being moderated by accountants’ participation in strategic decision making,
is a critical pathway connecting MO and firm performance in the context of emerging
markets. Specifically, this study has established the paths from MO and firm performance
via the use four MAS information dimensions: broad scope, timeliness, aggregation, and
integration. Also, meticulously explained is the moderating role of accountants’
participation in strategic decision making in fostering the use of MAS in market-oriented
companies. This study advocates the view of Cadez and Guilding (2008) by further
examining the moderating role of accountants’ participation in strategic decision making in
the MO-firm performance relationship. This moderating role of accountants’ participation in
strategic decision making is crucial because there has long been limited understanding of
antecedent conditions influencing the design of MAS (Bouwens and Abernethy, 2000;
Soobaroyen and Poorundersing, 2008), as it would be necessary for MAS designers to
comprehend the relevant moderating variables that may have resulted in a particular MAS
design in an organization.
Finally, adding to limited research from emerging markets regarding the integration
between SMA and marketing (Cadez and Guilding, 2008, 2012; McManus and Guilding,
2008; Nguyen and Doan, 2016) and research at the marketing/accounting interface
(Roslender and Hart, 2003; Roslender and Wilson, 2008; Sidhu and Roberts, 2008), this study
extends a powerful discourse upon the possibility of a combination of MO strategy and the
design MAS toward enhanced competitive advantages and firm performance.
5.2 Managerial implications
Besides its theoretical implications, this study provides guidance to market-oriented firms to
design and implement MAS toward enhanced performance. First, market-oriented firms
should consider the moderating role of accountants’ participation in strategic decision
making on the MO-MAS link when determining the management accounting information
needs to cope with competitive pressures. Second, although MO is a necessary condition for
enhanced firm performance, it can be integrated with the use of MAS to form a sufficient
condition for higher and superior firm performance. This is justified via the important
connecting role of MAS in transforming MO to performance. The study also has a practical
significance because it provides managers with implications on how to develop competitive
advantages via designing MAS in the market-oriented setting. Following this, market-
oriented firms should configure their MAS in terms of broad scope, timeliness, aggregation,
and integration (Chenhall and Morris, 1986) to exploit the synergy between their
MO strategy and MAS information aiming at a high competitive advantage.
5.3 Limitations and future research
This study, however, is subject to several limitations. First, this cross-sectional study does
not take into consideration the possibility that the cause and effect relationships between
the research variables may involve certain time lags. For example, participating in strategic
decision making will not immediately results in a higher level of MAS usage in market-
oriented companies, and this high level of usage will not immediately lead to better firm
performance. Therefore, a longitudinal study can be more appropriate for making inferences
on the influence of accountants’ participation on strategic decision making on the MO-MAS-
PEFR chain. Second, cross-sectional survey data can have a serious limitation regarding
inferences of causality. This is because cross-sectional survey data can be used to test the
correlation between variables but are not able to imply the causal directions assumed
among them (Rong and Wilkinson, 2011; Wiley, 2011). Therefore, using cross-sectional
surveys to prove the cause and effect relationships between variables in the proposed model
can be problematic. For example, some may argue that both being market-oriented to
outperform competitors and being participated in strategic decision making of accountants
require more MAS usage. In other words, MO and accountants’ participation in strategic
decision making can be outcomes of MAS usage. This alternative causal sequence may
challenge the proposed model in this study. Finally, the outcome variable, firm performance
is measured solely based on financial indicators, which are short-term and history-oriented.
This variable should be augmented to include non-financial indicators (e.g. customer
performance) which are considered long-term and future-oriented. Further research should
thus take account of the above listed limitations.
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