Phragmites australis (Cav.), Typha angustifolia L. and Cyperus tegetiformis could be
tolerant with the treated wastewater from the steel industry company FHS. The CW system has
substantially improved the wastewater quality, where the highest removal efficiencies were
achieved in the cell with Phragmites australis (Cav.) and Typha angustifolia L. The estimated
nutrients need for the plants at a stage of three months after plantation would be 495 kg N, 153
kg P and 36 kg K per ha. This would best be split on at least three different occasions from
published papers and may not need nutrients to be added to the CWs system during the
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Selection of suitable plant species for wastewater treatment by constructed wetland at the formosa Ha Tinh steel company, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology 56 (2C) (2018) 157-163
Anh Thi Kim Bui1, *, Viet-Anh Nguyen2, Minh Phuong Nguyen3
1Institute of Environmental Technology, VAST, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Ha Noi
2Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hanoi University of Civil Engineering,
55 Giai Phong, Ha Noi
3Department of Environmental Technology, Faculty of Environmental Sciences,
VNU University of Sciences, 334 Nguyen Trai, Ha Noi
Received: 8 May 2018; Accepted for publication: 22 August 2018
The study aimed to select suitable plant species in constructed wetland at Formosa Ha Tinh
steel company and identify proper nutrient supplements for these plants growth. The tolerance of
different aquatic plant species was tested with treated wastewater. Phragmites australis (Cav.),
Typha angustifolia L. and Cyperus tegetiformis were selected for vegetation. In this experiment,
removal efficiencies for monitored chemical parameters were in the range of 26.5 – 91.7 %,
while elimination rates of total coliform were about 50 %. In the beginning, the plant nutrient
demand for the first 3 months estimated based on theoretical mean annual nutrient uptake was
495 kg N, 153 kg P and 36 kg K per ha. When the wastewater entered CWs, the available
nutrients in the influent could be enough for the plants growth. In fact, observations of the health
status of the plants would serve as a basis for the fertilizer feeding decision, the concentration of
mineral nutrients available in the wastewater are very important.
Keywords: constructed wetland, nutrient, plant, wastewater.
Constructed wetlands (CWs) are eco-friendly technologies that utilize plants for wastewater
treatment. Based on flow regime, CWs are classified as subsurface flow (SSF) and free water
surface (FWS) systems. According to flow direction, SSFCWs could be horizontal flow (HF) or
vertical flow (VF) [1]. By taking advantages of natural processes such as adsorption,
precipitation, plant uptake, microbial transformations which are similar to natural wetlands but
in a controlled conditions, CWs have been shown to be effective for pollutant removal from
various types of wastewater [1, 2].
Wastewater from steel industry usually contains organics, colour, and toxicants such as
Anh Thi Kim Bui, Viet Anh Nguyen, Minh Phuong Nguyen
phenol, cyanides and heavy metals which require proper treatment before discharging into
environment. Treatment of wastewater from steel industry by CWs has been well-documented in
some studies [3, 4, 5]. Xu et al. [4] evaluated the performance of CWs treating steel wastewater
in China and the results showed that iron and manganese concentration were reduced by up to
98 %, meanwhile removal efficiencies of COD, turbidity, N-NH4+ and TP were 55 %, 90 %,
67 % and 93 %, respectively. In another study on the role of CWs treating wastewater from iron
and steel enterprise, Huang et al. [3] reported that the mean reduction of COD, N-NH4+,
turbidity, iron and manganese, were 77.3 %, 76.9 %, 95.8 %, 96.9 % and 92.5 %, respectively.
After a marine life disaster in central Viet Nam in 2016 due to poorly treated steel industry
wastewater and pipe cleaning solutions, the Formosa steel corporation has been requested to
improve their wastewater treatment with enhanced physic-chemical and biological processes. A
10 ha pond – wetland system has been designed, including 4.3 ha for 4 constructed wetland
(CW) cells in series.To the best of our recent knowledge, although the application of CWs in
treating other wastewater types such as domestic wastewater [6] and mining wastewater [7] in
Viet Nam has been reported, there is no its application for steel wastewater treatment yet. For
plant establishment in wastewater treatment wetland system, the first thing needs to be done is
selection of suitable plant species.
Three plant species (Phragmites australis (Cav.), Typha angustifolia L. and Cyperus
tegetiformis) were chosen for this research because they seem to be most tolerant to the expected
conditions in this wastewater treatment wetland. These species can be found locally, have a good
ability to grow in different types of wastewater, and are tolerant to relatively high levels of
contaminants [3, 4, 7]. About 95 % of Fe and Mn were removed by CWs planted with
Phragmites [3], whereas good treatment of COD, TSS, NH4+-N and TP was observed in CWs
planted with Cyperus, with removal efficiencies were 96, 91, 92 and 99 %, respectively [8].
High removal rates of COD, TSS, NH4+-N and TP (76, 64, 50 and 48 %, respectively) were also
obtained in Typha-CWs [9]. The contents of available nutrients N and P (based on daily
wastewater analysis of FHS company) in the industrial wastewater were calculated to assess the
necessary nutrients for plants to grow well in system. In many cases, nutrient supplement is very
important for treatment wetlands [10]. The aims of our study to (1) evaluate the tolerance of
selected plants to the treated steel wastewater from FHS and determine their treatment
efficiencies; (2) calculate theoretical amount of fertilizers supplemented per hectare of CW.
2.1. Materials
The wetland plants Phragmites australis (Cav.) and Typha angustifolia L. were gathered
from local province of Ha Tinh, whereas Cyperus tegetiformis was selected from a nearby
province of Thanh Hoa.
2.2. Analytical methods
Selected water quality parameters were measured weekly in the influent and effluent of
each wetland cell. Standard methods for measurement and initial concentrations of those
parameters before entering CWs are shown in Table 1.
Selection of suitable plant species for wastewater treatment constructed wetland at ..
Table 1. Methods for measurement and initial concentrations of wastewater parameters.
No. Parameters Initial value Unit Analytical methods
1 pH 7.5 – 8.3 (± 0.6) - TCVN 6492 : 2011
2 Turbidity 9.5 – 11 (± 1.1) NTU TCVN 6184:1996
3 Colour 70-72 (± 1.4) Pt/Co TCVN 6185 : 2008
4 COD 15 – 30 (± 10.6) mg/l SMEWW 5220C : 2012
5 TSS 14 – 26 (± 8.5) mg/l TCVN 6625 : 2000
6 Mn 0.2 – 0.4 (± 0.1) mg/l EPA.200.8:2012
7 T-N 2.1 - 5.7 (± 2.5) mg/l TCVN 6624-2:2000
8 NH4+-N 0.4 - 3.3 (± 2.1) mg/l TCVN 6179 -1 : 1996
9 T-P 1.2 – 1.4 (± 0.1) mg/l TCVN 6202-2008
10 Phenol <0.01 mg/l TCVN 6216 : 1996
11 CN- 0.03 – 0.06 (± 0.02) mg/l SMEWW 4500-CN- C:2012
12 Chlorophyll a 1.6 – 1.8 (± 0.1) µg/l TCVN 6662:2000
13 Total Coliforms 1600 (± 141) MPN/100ml TCVN 6187-2:1996
Other parameters such as BOD5, total grease, Hg, Cd, Cr (VI) were measured but results are
not shown in this paper as they were not typical parameters in steel wastewaters, besides,
concentrations of Hg, Cd and Cr (VI) were insignificant (lower than 0.0007, 0.0009 and 0.003
mg/l, respectively).
2.3. Experimental design
The purpose of these experiments was to select suitable plants for CWs at FHS. In case
non-regulated pollutants are present in the effluent, CW would be an important polishing step
before wastewater can be discharged. These three plant species were planted in rectangular
plastic pots (50 cm length x 35 cm width x 20 cm height) with three replicates for each.
Substrate materials for plant growth were rock, gravel and sand. Pot TN1 was planted with
Phragmites australis (Cav.), pot TN2 was planted with Typha angustifolia L, and pot TN3 was
planted with Cyperus tegetiformis. Experiments to evaluate tolerance of plants to treated
wastewater from industrial and bio-chemical treatment stations of FHS and the plants
purification capacity were conducted in 35 days. The wastewater was taken from the FHS and
renewed every 5 days depends on retention time in CW at Formosa. Water quality analysis has
been carried out every 5 days.
Calculation of fertilizers supplemented was estimated based on relevant published data
from Tanner and Kadlec [11], Sohsalam et al. [12], Greenway [13], Land et al. [14], Nguyen My
[15], and Kantawanichkul et al. [2] .
3.1. Tolerance test
Anh Thi Kim Bui, Viet Anh Nguyen, Minh Phuong Nguyen
After 35 days of experiment, all three plant species survived well in wastewater. The results
indicated that plants were tolerant to this type of wastewater, number of leaves and new shoots
grew significantly. Fresh biomass of plants increased in all TN1, TN2 and TN3 (Figure 1). Among
three plant species, Cyperus tegetiformis (TN3) showed the highest increase in biomass (by 48.33 %,
equivalent to 1.38 % day-1, from 120 to 178 g), followed by Typha angustifolia L. in TN2 (biomass
increased by 33.33 %, equivalent to 0.95 % day-1, from 147 to 196 g and Phragmites australis
(Cav.) in TN3 (biomass increased by 25.85 %, equivalent to 0.74 % day-1, from 205 to 258 g).
Figure 1. Change in plant biomass during experimental period.
The three emergent macrophytes in this study are commonly used in treatment wetlands due
to their good nutrient uptake capacity, resistance to extreme environmental factors and high rate
of biomass production [8]. Cyperus spp. has been suggested to be used as a source of biomass
energy due to its remarkable high yield potential production, with net primary productivity
ranges between 25.9 and 136.4 total dry matter ha−1 yr−1[2]. The average leaf elongation of
Typha species has been found to be 4 cm per day [2], whereas the root growth rate of
Phragmites australis (Cav.) has been reported to be in the range of 5 – 25 mm per day [11].
3.2. Treatment efficiency of the experimental pots
Treatment efficiencies of three experimental pots (TN1, TN2 and TN3) are presented in Table 2.
The results revealed that all of the studied plants had good capacity of pollutant removal.
Among three plants, best treatment performance was recorded in P. australis Cav and T.
angustifolia L. (with no significant differences in removal efficiencies between two species),
followed by C. tegetiformis. The parameter having highest treatment efficiencies was Mn, with
91.7 % was removed by P. australis Cav (TN1), while 86.3 % and 82 % of Mn concentrations was
removed by T. angustifolia L. (TN2) and C. Tegetiformis (TN3), respectively. Treatment
efficiency of colour by TN1 reached 86.6 %, while TN2 and TN3 experienced slightly lower
efficiencies (82.4 and 79.2 %, respectively). Our results on color removal were in similar range of
Bulc and Ojstršek [10], who found that color removal by CWs planted with P. Australis ranged
from 70 % to 90 %. With regards to organic matters removal, TN1 achieved removal of COD of
60 %, while 44 and 35.6 % of COD was eliminated in TN2 and TN3, respectively. Those data are
consistent with earlier findings on COD removal rates by CWs treating steel wastewater, ranging
from 31.1 to 77.3 % [3, 5].
Regarding nitrogen and phosphorus removal, total nitrogen (TN) removal was in the range
of 29.5- 36.7 %. Total phosphorus (TP) removal was in the range of 52.3 – 65.4 %, which
matched with data on TP removal by CWs treating steel wastewater by Xu et al. [4] (59.8 – 66.2 %).
Total coliforms removal efficiencies in our experiment were from 43.8 to 53.1 %, which were in
Before treatment After treatment
Selection of suitable plant species for wastewater treatment constructed wetland at ..
agreement with total Coliforms removal efficiency by Lemna (54 %) [12]. In general, all plants
could effectively eliminate pollutants. However, differences in removal rates by Phragmites and
Typha were only negligible, while removal efficiencies by Cyperus were lowest, which were in
accordance with results published by Vymazal [1].
Table 2. Treatment efficiencies of three experimental pots.
Parameters Initial
Unit TN1 Effi-
TN2 Effi-
TN3 Effi-
pH 7.9 - 7.6 - 7.6 - 7.6 -
Turbidity 10.2 NTU 4.7 54.6 5.6 45.4 5.9 42.8
Colour 71 Pt/Co 9.5 86.6 12.5 82.4 14.8 79.2
COD 22.5 mg/l 9 60.0 12.6 44.0 14.5 35.6
TSS 20 mg/l 11.3 43.7 12.0 40.3 12.0 40.0
Mn 0.3 mg/l 0.03 91.7 0.04 86.3 0.05 82.0
TN 3.9 mg/l 2.5 36.7 2.6 33.6 2.8 29.5
NH4+_N 1.9 mg/l 1.05 43.2 1.3 30.8 1.4 26.5
TP 1.3 mg/l 0.5 65.4 0.5 61.5 0.6 52.3
Phenol < 0.01 mg/l < 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
CN-/ Cyanide 0.05 mg/l < 0.004
< 0.004
< 0.004
Chlorophyll a 1.7 µg/l 1.1 37.1 1.5 10.6 1.6 5.3
Total Coliforms 1600 MPN/100ml 750 53.1 800 50.0 900 43.8
3.3. Estimation of the need for nutrients in the wetland cells
In order to assess the need for additional nutrients, the plant nutrient demand was estimated
based on mean nutrient uptake data from literature (Table 3). The nutrient content in the
wastewater inflow was used as an assessment of available nutrients.
Table 3. Calculation of nutrient demand based on theoretical uptake.
uptake T
l e
t a
l 2
demand in 1
ha total
demand in 1
ha total
(kg/ 3 months)
N 0.6 0.86 0.15 0.73 0.59 5.9 531.0
P 0.064 0.276 0.17 1.7 153.0
K 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.7 63.0
Although the growth of plants depends on many factors not only the excess of TN, TP and
TK, however N, P and K are considered as the most important nutrients for plant growth, besides
certain amounts of organic carbon and trace metals are also available in the wastewater.
Anh Thi Kim Bui, Viet Anh Nguyen, Minh Phuong Nguyen
Therefore, nutrient demand of TN, TP and TK were calculated in the study.
It is obvious from Table 3 that the values differ a lot between different studies; this
probably depends on whether the authors are referring to max uptake during a certain part of the
year, or uptake during the entire year (also when the season is less favorable to plant growth).
An estimation for the three months after growing the plants to the cells would be 531 kg N, 153
kg P and 63 kg K per ha. This would best be split on at least three different occasions.
The input flow of 4.3 ha CWs in FHS company was 15,000 (m3/d), the mean concentration
(mg/l) of T-N, T-P and T-K in inflow wastewater was 3.9, 1.3 and 0.4 mg/l, respectively. We
calculated the mean inflow load of N, P and K, as the nutrient supply for the plant grown. Mean
inflow load of T-N, T-P and T-K per ha were 13.6, 4.5 and 1.4 while nutrient demand were 5.9,
1.7 and 0.7 kg/day, respectively. From some public data, it ensures that no need nutrients to be
added to the CWs system during the operation. The result from figure 1 also show that, during
35 days experiment, without addition of fertilizer, the biomass of selected plant species increase
from 25.85 to 48.33 %. The results close with theoretical calculation above. However in
practice, observations of the health status of the plants would serve as a basis for the fertilizer
feeding decision, together with frequent nutrient analyses of the wastewater effluent from the
CW system.
Phragmites australis (Cav.), Typha angustifolia L. and Cyperus tegetiformis could be
tolerant with the treated wastewater from the steel industry company FHS. The CW system has
substantially improved the wastewater quality, where the highest removal efficiencies were
achieved in the cell with Phragmites australis (Cav.) and Typha angustifolia L. The estimated
nutrients need for the plants at a stage of three months after plantation would be 495 kg N, 153
kg P and 36 kg K per ha. This would best be split on at least three different occasions from
published papers and may not need nutrients to be added to the CWs system during the
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