Study of transonic effect of flows around slender bodies of revolution and plane profiles
Hiệu ứng quá độ âm với sự xuất hiện vùng trên âm cục bộ kết thúc bằng sóng va
là điều không mong muốn. Nhưng dù muốn hay không muốn, sự có mặt của sóng va là
không thể tránh khỏi. Cường độ sóng va mạnh sẽ gây nên những tổn thất lớn, thậm chí
làm sụt giảm mạnh chất lượng khí động của tương tác khí động khí-rắn. Tuy nhiên, trong
một phạm vi nào đó, hiệu ứng quá độ âm làm tăng lực cản nhưng đồng thời cũng làm
tăng mạnh lực nâng làm cho chất lượng khí động được cải thiện rõ rệt. Nghiên cứu ở đây
sử dụng phương pháp số lập trình giải phương trình vi phân chuyển động đối với bài toán
dòng qua thân mảnh tròn xoay và profil phẳng để nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng khác nhau của
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Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, VAST, Vol. 32, No. 1 (2010), pp. 27 – 36
Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc
Hanoi University of Technology
Abstract. Transonic effect with presence of local supersonic terminated by shock wave is
not wished. In spite of wishes or not, the appearance of shock waves is not avoided. Strong
shock waves cause losses, even a grand decrease of aerodynamic quality in fluid-solid
interaction. However, under certain conditions, transonic effect increases the drag and
at the same time increases the lift leading the amelioration of aerodynamic quality. This
work uses numerical methods and established programs for solving differential equations
of the axisymmetric flow and the plane flow to study the influence of transonic effects
for the two cases.
Shock wave is a special phenomenon for supersonic flows. Transonic flows include
supersonic regions, so the shock wave is a phenomenon usually attached to transonic
flows. Properties of shock wave depend on the geometry and free Mach number. For
the same main section, transonic effects are very much different between plane flow and
flow of revolution. With the hypothesis of potential flow, the calculation of flows around
slender bodies of revolution is carried out by solving small disturbance potential equations.
Numerical results of the established program are compared with published experimental
and numerical results.
For flows around plane profiles, transonic effect attached shock wave much stronger
than transonic effect in axisymmetric flows under the same conditions. Therefore, the small
disturbance method is not adequate for plane flows. In this case, solving full potential equa-
tions is used. Numerical results of established program are compared with experimental
results. This work uses also the Fluent software to calculate transonic flows. Numerical
results calculating from the established program and results of Fluent are compared each
2.1. Transonic flow around slender bodies of revolution
The problem of slender axisymmetric transonic flow is solved by using small distur-
bance method with aerodynamic bodies having maximum thickness ratios less than 10%
28 Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc
and without incidence. The full potential equation for the axisymmetric flow is written in
cylindrical coordinate system [1]:
a2 − u2
Φxx +
a2 − v2
Φrr +
Φr − 2uvΦxr = 0 (1)
where Φ is velocity potential function, u = Φx; v = Φr; a is velocity of sound.
Fig. 1. Axisymmetric flow
Conditions of small disturbance for velocities are written as: u = U∞ + u′ ; v =
0 + v′ = v′
(u′ and v′ are disturbance velocities in the directions x and r)
Φ = x.U∞ + ϕ (2)
where ϕ is disturbance velocity potential function: ∂ϕ
= u′ ; ∂ϕ
= v′ The small disturbance
potential equations is written as follows:
a2 − u2
) ∂2ϕ
− 2uv
a2 − v2
) ∂2ϕ
ϕr = 0 (3)
Using the Mach number M, the equation (4) becomes:[
− (γ + 1)M2
ϕxx +
(rϕr)r = 0 (4)
where γ is ratio of specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume γ = cp/cv.
The equation (4) with the boundary conditions of slip on the profile is solved by
a method of finite differences. For flow in subsonic regions, the partial differential equa-
tion (4) is under the elliptic form, and in supersonic regions, this equation takes in the
hypersonic form [2].
The equation (4) allows transforming from the elliptic form into the hyperbolic form
and vice versa by using the following expression:
λ = β2 −M2
(γ + 1)ϕx; β
2 = 1−M2
2.2. Transonic flow around plane profiles
Disturbances of plane flow are very much stronger than those of axisymmetric flow,
and thus, the small disturbance method is conveniently applied only to plane profiles
having thickness less than 6%. Transonic flow problem for a plane profile is thus treated
Study of transonic effect of flows around slender bodies of revolution and plane profiles 29
by solving the full potential equation. For two-dimensional flow, the full potential equation
is written in Cartesian coordinate system [1]:[
a2 −
)2] ∂2Φ
a2 −
)2] ∂2Φ
− 2
= 0 (6)
In the case of symmetric geometry and cinematic, the boundary conditions for the
equation (6) are the condition of slip on profile and the disturbance is negligible at the
infinity. The equation (6) is solved on a grid of finite differences. A center diagram is used
for an elliptic region (Fig. 2), and two-step diagram for a hyperbolic region (Fig. 3).
Fig. 2. Difference in elliptic region Fig. 3. Difference in hyperbolic region
Being different from the small disturbance method, the full potential equation prob-
lem requires a grid much more complex. In this work, the grid is generated by using two
methods: iterating the Laplace’s equation and mapping transformation.
Fig. 4. Process of grid generation for parabolic-arc profile L/D=10 - results from established
program using mapping transformation
30 Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc
Fig. 4 presents grids generated by using mapping transformationmethod for parabolic-
arc profile of fineness L/D=10 (L and D are the length and the maximum diameter of
profile). The constant of transformation and the fineness of grid are given in interface for
users conveniently regulating.
If z is complex function: z = f(ξ) with z = x + iy and ξ = rei θ, we can use an
expression of mapping transformation of Karman-Treeft as follows:
ξ − 1
ξ + 1
z − a0
z − a
) pi
where a is the coordinate of trailing edge in the complex surface, β is the outer angle of
trailing edge, a0 is the constant depended on the profile.
The boundary conditions on physics plane (x,y) are written as:
where F is surface geometry.
In the transformation plane (ξ, η), the expression (8) becomes:
Φx = ϕξξx + ϕηηx + V∞; Φy = ϕξξy + ϕηηy
Φξ(ξxηξ + ξyηy) + Φη(η
x + η
y) + V∞ηx = 0 (9)
The boundary conditions at infinite boundary, for the problem without lift, ϕ = 0;
for the problem with lift, ϕ = Γ
2.3. Using Fluent software
Numerical results of established program can be compared with experimental results
and results calculated by using Fluent software.
For transonic flow, the use of Fluent software to obtain good results is not simple.
This requires knowledge of physics and numerical treatments. . . In the report, we show
results and do not present the process of numerical treatment for Fluent software.
3.1. Comparionof results for transonic flowaround slender bodies of revolution
In Fig. 5 are presented numerical results on pressure coefficients computed from
the code established by using small disturbance method (SDM) for parabolic-arc profiles
having L/D=14 and L/D=12, free Mach number M∞ = 1. The comparison of present
numerical results with experimental result of R. A. Taylor and J. B. McDevitt [3] shows a
similarity. Fig. 6 presents the comparison of numerical results computed from established
program and numerical results of F. R. Bailey [4] for parabolic-arc profile of L/D=10 with
free Mach numbers M∞ = 0.99 and M∞ = 1 (no sting and with sting).
Study of transonic effect of flows around slender bodies of revolution and plane profiles 31
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 5. Pressure coefficient - Parabolic-arc 3D of revolution L/D=14 and L/D=12; M∞=1
(Comparison of present numerical results and experimental results [3])
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Present calculation - Sting
Frank R. Bailey - Sting
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Present calculation - No Sting
Frank R. Bailey - No Sting
Fig. 6. Pressure coefficient - Parabolic-arc 3D of revolution L/D=10, M∞=0.99 and M∞=1
(Comparison of present numerical results and numerical results of F. R. Bailey [4])
Fig. 7. Pressure coefficient - Profile Naca 0012 ; M∞=0.77 and M∞=0.8 (Comparison of present
numerical results FPE and experimental results [6])
3.2. Comparison of results for transonic flow around plane profiles
For plane flow, disturbances caused by transonic effect are very strong, the small dis-
turbance method is thus only applicable to very thin profiles having the thickness less than
32 Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc
6% (L/D>17). The full potential equation (FPE) method [5] permits to calculate tran-
sonic flows with rather strong shock waves (Mmax ≤ 1.4). Numerical results computed
from the code established are compared with experimental results and results calculated
by using Fluent software.
Fig. 7 shows results of pressure coefficients on profile Naca 0012, M∞=0.77 and
M∞=0.8 with the comparison of present numerical results (FPE program) and exper-
imental results [6], and results calculated from Fluent software. Fig. 8 shows results on
pressure coefficients computed by our present program FPE in comparison with results cal-
culated from Fluent software for parabolic-arc profile having the thickness 10% (L/D=10),
M∞=0.84 and M∞=0.85.
The above comparisons show that the programs established by solving the small
disturbance potential equation for slender bodies of revolution and the full potential equa-
tion for plane profiles are accurate. This allows calculating and studying different cases to
deduce differences of transonic effects between the axisymmetric flow and the phane flow.
Fig. 8. Pressure coefficient - Parabolic-arc pfofile L/d=10 ; M∞=0.84 and M∞=0.85
(Comparison of present numerical results FPE and results of Fluent) )
Using the established programs, we can calculate aerodynamic parameters of tran-
sonic flows around slender bodies of revolution and plane profiles with the same main
section and the same kinetic conditions. Fig. 9 persents iso-Mach lines and Mach field of
flows having free Mach number M∞=0.85 around parabolic-arc profile L/D=10 for two
cases: axisymmetric and plane. Results of plane case are computed from established pro-
gram FPE (full potential equation) and those of axisymmetric case from established pro-
gram SDM (small disturbance method). The comparison of results of the two cases shows
a great difference between them. For the plane flow, local supersonic region is occupied
more half of profile contour and rather strong shock wave appears at the adimensional
absciss x/L=0.78, maximum Mach number Mmax=1.38. However, for the axisymmetric
Study of transonic effect of flows around slender bodies of revolution and plane profiles 33
flow, there is not a supersonic region and maximum Mach number Mmax=0.9. Numerical
distributions of pressure coefficient on the contour of the two cases are presented in Fig.
Fig. 9. Iso-Mach lines - Parabolic-arc profile f10, M∞=0.85
Plane flow (established program FPE) and axisymmetric flow (SDM)
Fig. 10. Pressure coefficient - Parabolic-arc
f10, M∞=0.85 (2D and 3D of revolution)
Fig. 11. Mach number - Profile Naca 2312;
M∞=0.8 (Comparison of present numerical
results FPE and result Fluent)
At M∞=1, shock waves of the plane case are very strong, the FPE method is not
satisfied with the hypothesis Mmax ≤1.4, and we can use results of Fluent for the ana-
lyzation. In order to assure the accuracy of operating results of Fluent, it is necessary to
have comparisons between results of Fluent and others (as compared with those of FPE
program in Figs. 7 and 8). Fig. 11 shows the comparison of results calculated by Fluent
and by FPE on the Mach number distribution in case of Mmax=1.4 (profile Naca 2312,
M∞=0.8). These comparisons permit to use results of Fluent at M∞=1 in Fig. 12 and 13.
In Fig. 11 and 12 are presented results on Mach filed and iso-Mach lines for parabolic-
arc profile L/D=12 with free Mach number M∞=1. At the free Mach number M∞=1, flow
34 Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc
Fig. 12. Iso-Mach lines and Mach field - Parabolic-arc profile f12, M∞=1
Plane profile (Fluent) and axisymmetric profile (established program SDM)
Fig. 13. Pressure coefficient and Mach number
Parabolic-arc profile f12, M∞=1 (2D and 3D of revolution)
becomes instable for the plane profile; supersonic region do not be finished on the contour;
normal shock wave disappears and oblique shock wave is produced at trailing edge with
the strength depended on the geometry of profile. We can see in Fig. 12, there is a great
difference of plane case and axisymmetric case. For the two-dimensional flow, a great
supersonic region is developed until wake with maximum Mach number Mmax=1.47 and
there is not normal shock wave. While for the axisymmetric flow, maximum Mach number
Mmax=1.06 and supersonic region is finished by a weak shock wave on the contour of
body. Numerical results on pressure coefficient and Mach number are presented in Fig. 13,
for the plane flow calculated from Fluent and for the axisymmetric flow computed from
established program SDM.
Fig. 14 shows numerical results on pressure coefficient and Mach number of flows
having free Mach number M∞=0.95 around parabolic-arc profile of fineness L/D=10 and
Study of transonic effect of flows around slender bodies of revolution and plane profiles 35
Fig. 14. Pressure coefficient and Mach number
Parabolic-arc profile f10 and f12 M∞=0.95 (2D and 3D of revolution)
L/D=12. With this free Mach number, the aerodynamic characteristics are not very differ-
ent between two profiles of thickness 10% and 8.3%. However, there is a clear difference for
the plane flow and the axisymetric flow. For tri-dimensional of revolution cases of profile f10
and f12, maximum Mach number reach values Mmax=1.02 and Mmax=1.01; and at these
maximum Mach number, there are not shock waves. While for two-dimensional of profile
f10 and f12, maximumMach number have very big values Mmax=1.55 and Mmax=1.47, and
with very great supersonic regions, normal shock waves are transform into oblique shock
waves at trailing edges. These plane flows are very instable. If we return in Fig. 9 of plane
flow with the free Mach number M∞=0.85 around profile f10, we can see a strong normal
shock wave appeared on profile. The flow is stable and is use to be taken for civil airplanes.
The calculation of transonic flow is a very complex problem. That is a type of mixed
flows including supersonic regions and subsonic regions in disturbance domain. The partial
differential equation of movement has transformations from elliptic – parabolic – hyper-
bolic and vice versa. Specially, when there is an appearance of shock wave, which causes
a discontinuity of flow parameters. All these questions are treated in the discretisation
of equation, the grid generation and the establishment of algorithm for programming the
codes of the plane flow and the axisymmetric flow. Numerical results are compared with
experimental results and other published numerical results. Beside, we also realize the
calculation by using Fluent software to verify each other numerical results.
An airplane or a missile has wings producing lift or realizing the control, fuselage and
some parts having forms of revolution (inlet of engine. . . ). The calculated results and the
analyses show that the transonic effect for the flow around slender bodies appears much
more tardily and weakly than for the flow around wings. For slender bodies of revolution,
strongest normal shock waves happen with the flow having free Mach number around the
unityM∞ = 1± 0.01. With these Mach numbers, the flow around wings is instable and is
36 Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc
usually existed in certain conditions, but not used to design regimes, and this is regimes
that have maximum losses for the flow around bodies of revolution. The band of Mach
numbers applied to wings giving the best efficiency is M∞ = 0.7 ÷ 0.85 [7], which do
not cause the transonic effect for the flow around bodies of revolution. The impacts of
transonic effect are considered for the main wings, the wings of control (flag, aileron. . . ),
and the blades in turbo-machines of engine (fans, compressors, turbines).
The validated built programs permit to calculate different cases in order to deduce
application significations also to expand the theory of transition flows, especially this type
of flows is not well-known in Vietnam.
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[4] Frank R. Bailey, Numerical calculation of transonic flow about slender bodies of revolution,
NASA technical note, USA, December 1971
[5] Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc, Le Hong Chuong, Numerical calculation of transonic flows by solv-
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[6] Riegels F. W., Aerofoil section – Results from wind-tunnel investigations, Butterworths Ed.
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[7] Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc, Influences of the compressibility on aerodynamic characteristics of
profile under the transonic flow theory, VietnamJournal ofMechanics29 (4) (2007) 497-506.
Received January 05, 2009
Hiệu ứng quá độ âm với sự xuất hiện vùng trên âm cục bộ kết thúc bằng sóng va
là điều không mong muốn. Nhưng dù muốn hay không muốn, sự có mặt của sóng va là
không thể tránh khỏi. Cường độ sóng va mạnh sẽ gây nên những tổn thất lớn, thậm chí
làm sụt giảm mạnh chất lượng khí động của tương tác khí động khí-rắn. Tuy nhiên, trong
một phạm vi nào đó, hiệu ứng quá độ âm làm tăng lực cản nhưng đồng thời cũng làm
tăng mạnh lực nâng làm cho chất lượng khí động được cải thiện rõ rệt. Nghiên cứu ở đây
sử dụng phương pháp số lập trình giải phương trình vi phân chuyển động đối với bài toán
dòng qua thân mảnh tròn xoay và profil phẳng để nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng khác nhau của
hiệu ứng quá độ âm đối với hai trường hợp này.
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