This paper has examined the impact of CEO demographic characteristics on firms’ environmental indictor of CSR in Vietnamese SMEs, including CEOs’ gender, age, basic education level, professional education level, political connection, and
ethnicity. By using different estimation methods, our findings provide evidence for the significant impact of CEOs’ demographic characteristics on firms’ environmental performance. First, this study confirms the association between CEO gender
and CEP, in which a firm operated by a female CEO is more environmentally responsible. This finding is broadly consistent
with earlier studies (Kassinis et al., 2016; De Silva & Pownall, 2014; Cook & Glass, 2018) and may be due to the social /
environmental – oriented behavior of woman (Boulouta, 2013; Jiang & Akbar, 2018). Second, another finding of our study is
the relationship between CEO age and SMEs’ environmental performance. However, more research needs to be undertaken
to clarify this association. Third, the results show that both basic and professional educational levels of CEOs positively affect
CEP. Basic educational level is an indicator of individuals’ general knowledge, while professional educational level shows
the ability of individuals’ professional skills. The higher educational level is, the better CEOs’ decision making is because it
improves their management skills and CSR knowledge, which are insufficient in SMEs. Fourth, specifically, contrary to
expectations, Communist CEO negatively affects CEP, which does not support the previous studies (Zhang, 2017; Marquis
& Qian, 2014). It may be that political connections can be considered to be an umbrella of protection to avoid the pressure
from government to comply with environmental regulation and penalties (Zhang, 2017). Loose environmental regulations in
Vietnam can be another reason. Fifth, our empirical result also showed that the ethnicity of CEO has a significant influence
on CEP, which firms managed by CEOs from ethnic minority groups have significantly higher levels of CEP than firms
operated by Kinh chief executives. It is difficult to explain this result, but it might be related to ethnic minoritys’ cultural
background that pursues the long-term interest of firm, thereby favoring CEP activities. The support policies of Vietnamese
government for ethnic minorities such as policies 135 and 134, which can bring into the firms managed by CEOs from ethnic
minority tangible and intangible advantages, may be a possible explanation for this finding. This, however, further work is
required to explore. To sum up, this research advances valuable knowledge to the study of CEO characteristics and SMEs’
environmental performance, which adds literature to upper echelon theory. Some useful practical implications can be derived
from this study. With regard to SMEs, selecting appropriate people for the position of executive impacts substantially on the
companies. First, because executives of SMEs have more control than colleagues of large firms, the role of them in making
strategic plans and decisions relating to CEP activities in SMEs is significantly important. Second, compared with large firms,
SMEs are lack of knowledge, resource, and managerial skill to undertake environmental issues. Thus, our findings provide
several useful implications for SMEs, in order to choose suitable CEOs for the purpose of CEP practices. For example, if
SMEs wish to adjust positively organizations’ CSR practices, they should hire a new CEO who is female, young, has a high
level of basic and professional education, is not a member of Communist Party, and an ethnic minority. Conversely, if SMEs
wishes to reduce CEP activities, it is more suitable to consider CEOs who are male, old, less basic and professional educated,
are a Communist party member, and a Kinh ethnicity. Our results also suggest that the stakeholders can know the environmental performance of SMEs by analyzing and understanding the characteristics of their executives such as gender, age, basicprofessional educational level, political ideology, and ethnicity. We acknowledge that this research has certain limitations that
represent opportunities for future research. First, because this research only examines the year 2015, future studies should
collect data from other years to generate a cross-sectional time-series data, which contributes a more comprehensive understanding (Vu, Nguyen, Ho, & Vuong, 2019). Second, as only Vietnam SMEs were in the study sample, our research is constrained to the context of businesses in Vietnam. Thus, future research should be conducted in other countries to generalize
findings. Second, we use a five-point scale to reflect CEOs’ professional education level, but it lacks to investigate the difference between types of degrees at a specific level (for instance: between technical and business university degrees). Third,
because political connectedness variable is constructed by binary form, it should be measured in more composite form to find
comprehensive understanding. Following this suggestion, it would be interesting to consider the political connection as a
moderator or mediator to examine the relationship between other CEOs’ characteristics and environmental performance.
Lastly, CEP is a multi-measured concept with various other elements (Zhang, 2017), so future studies should use additional
indicators such as the amount of energy used or the cost of environmental treatment.
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Thus, they are highly likely to ignore external issues, including social and environmental problems (Lepoutre & Heene, 2006).
Building on the above set of arguments, we suggest that female CEOs are better than their male colleagues to improve envi-
ronmental practices in SMEs.
Hypothesis 1. There is a positive influence between female CEOs and the probability of SMEs’ environmental performance.
Basic Education
Prof. Education
Political Connection
Probability of Corporate Envi-
ronmental Performance (CEP)
Government assistant
Return on equity
Cash and deposit operating flow
Environmental Certificate
Observable Upper Echelon Characteristics CEO characteristics
Control (Firms’ Characteristics):
The intellectual capabilities of CEO such as knowledge, experience, skills, achievements in education level can be improved
when his or her age increases (Sitthipongpanich & Polsiri, 2015). Drawing on upper echelon theory, CEO age has been indi-
cated to have an impression on the level of corporate social performance in businesses (Lee et al., 2018; McCarthy et al.,
2017). According to Fabrizi et al. (2014), there is a difference between young versus old managers in the CEOs’ career
concerns. The authors argued that because young managers have to perform positive observable results to the market, they
tend to take actions that concentrate on short-term observable outcomes and are less likely to boost social/environmental-
related field activities. Contrary to young executives, older CEOs are not under high pressure by market like younger col-
leagues so, older managers have a stronger motivation to concern corporate social performance (Fabrizi et al., 2014). This
view is supported by Shahab and Chen (2019), who pointed out that young CEOs are more eager to pursue profit maximiza-
tion, thereby leading to decrease sustainable activities and performance. Regarding SMEs, Lee et al. (2016) found that SMEs
follow a profit-seeking strategy instead of a profit-sacrificing path for CSR. Secondly, the problem of CSR practices in SMEs
is due to the shortage of CSR knowledge and managerial skills (González-Benito & González-Benito, 2005; Raza & Majid,
2016). In such cases, older CEOs may be better appropriate to SMEs’ social-environmental performance as they are less likely
to under high pressure to perform high economic outcomes. Thirdly, CSR knowledge, and managerial skills are advantages
of older CEOs, compared with younger colleagues. Building on the above set of arguments, we posit our hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2. There is a positive relationship between CEO age and the probability of SMEs’ environmental performance.
CEO Education
Education level is one of criteria to assess CEO ability. Bhagat et al. (2012) argued that the degree of managers’ knowledge,
perspective, and technical understandable skills could be a signal of CEOs’ education level. There are several studies, drawing
on upper echelon theory, which links to CEOs’ education and corporate social performance. An example of this is the study
carried out by Huang (2013) in which CEOs’ educational specializations are found to be associated with firms’ CSR perfor-
mance. Similarly, Lewis et al. (2014) found that managers, who held MBA degrees, tend to publish environmental information
whereas, colleagues, who held law degrees, are less likely to publish this type of information than other businesses. In the
same vein, Amore et al. (2019) presented a positive relationship between CEO education and CEP. There are several empirical
studies that provide evidence to explain why better-educated CEOs usually lead to better environmental performance. Meyer
(2015) suggested that higher educated individuals are more likely to behave in a more environmentally and socially friendly
orientation. Moreover, we can expect that a better-educated CEOs can have better CSR knowledge and managerial skills.
SMEs, which face the shortage of CSR knowledge, need CEOs with higher educational achievement to compensate for the
Hypothesis 3a. There is a positive relationship between CEO basic educational level and the probability of SMEs’ environ-
mental performance.
Hypothesis 3b. There is a positive relationship between CEO professional educational level and the probability of SMEs’
environmental performance.
CEO Political Connectedness
Study conducted by Goren et al. (2009) provides substantial evidence that chief executives’ political ideologies are manifes-
tations of their elemental values. Drawing on resource-based view theory, Saeed et al. (2014) suggested that one of crucial
resources for the firms is political connection. There is a consensus among scholars that politically connected CEOs can help
their firms to gain various tangible and intangible advantages (Saeed et al., 2014; Zhang, 2017) such as lower tax rate (Wu et
al., 2012), preferential bank loans (Faccio, 2006) and the higher ability of assessing government environmental policy (Zhang,
2017). Regarding SMEs, the political resource is more significant important because they lack sources and legitimacy (Saeed
& Ziaulhaq, 2019). Drawing on upper echelon theory, the study, conducted by Chin et al. (2013), suggests that CEOs’ political
orientations will impact on their companies’ CSR initiatives. In the context of China, Li et al. (2008) argued that Communist
Party membership mentions a measure of politically connected levels. Strong evidence of the relationship between politically
connected CEOs and CSR is found in the study conducted by Marquis and Qian (2014). This study illustrates that chief
executives who are Communist Party members are more common to issue CSR report. A possible explanation for this result
may be their compliance with Communist government policies and regulation in CSR performance (Marquis & Qian, 2014).
Similarly, Zhang (2017) pointed out that there is a positive relationship between politically connected CEOs and corporate
environmental responsibility. The finding also suggests that politically connected CEOs are expected by their stakeholders to
perform environmentally responsible ways and maintain high moral standards (Zhang, 2017). Similarity with a Communist
state like China, it is quiet common if a chief executive is a Communist Party member and plays a role in government in
Vietnam. According to Markussen and Ngo (2019), becoming a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam could facilitate
access to financial sources in several ways and may have a high political and social status than other people. To sum up, it is
expected that Communist CEOs can play a significant positive role in SMEs’ environmental performance. Considering this,
we develop our hypothesis:
Hypothesis 4. There is a positive relationship between Communist Party member CEOs and the probability of SMEs’ envi-
ronmental performance.
N.M. Tran and B.-N. T. Pham / Management Science Letters 10 (2020) 1675
CEO ethnicity
The literature review about the drivers of firms to involve in CSR, conducted by Turker (2018) listed ethnic background as
one of essential drivers of social and environmental responsibility. In the context of a multi-culture country: Malaysia, Haniffa
and Cooke (2005) supported for the hypothesis that the level of corporate social disclosure is greater for firms with the number
of Malay ethnic managers accounting for the majority of board. The finding indicates that the cultural value of the Malays
and the governments’ favored ethnic group can explain the result (Haniffa & Cooke, 2005). This view is supported by
Ramasamy et al. (2007), who draw our attention to the relationship between CEOs’ ethnicity and the degree of corporate
social performance. The result of this study shows that firms managed by Malay ethnic CEOs illustrate higher degrees of
corporate social performance than firms managed by Chinese CEOs. The most likely cause of the distinction between the two
groups may come from religious differences, which Islam education is more appropriate with the CSR concept (Abu-baker,
2000). In the same vein, in the context of Nigeria, Louis and Osemeke (2017) investigated three major executives’ ethnic
groups (Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa) to find the level of CSR adoption, influenced by their cultural differences. Results from the
study suggest that ethnic directors (Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa) impact significantly and positively on CSR. In terms of expla-
nation, Louis and Osemeke (2017) used cultural trait theory to indicate that ethnic minorities can bring external resources and
concentrate on the long-term goal of the firm (Benson, 2009; Chai, 2010). There are several studies which suggest that the
characteristics of CEOs’ ethnicity can help their businesses to obtain tangible and intangible resources such as ethnicity’s
cultural values and governmental support (Haniffa & Cooke, 2005); ethnic education (Ramasamy et al., 2007); external and
specific knowledge and the commitment with long-term goal of the firm (Louis & Osemeke, 2017). Refer to the context of
Vietnam where the majority of population is from Kinh ethnic group (approximately over 80% total population) and the rest
from ethnic minority groups. In this situation, CEOs from an ethnic minority may be considered more valuable to CSR prac-
tices due to tangible and intangible assets that they bring into SMEs. Based on the above argument and empirical evidence
we hereby formulate the following hypothesis that question the influence of ethnic groups on SMEs’ environmental perfor-
Hypothesis 5. There is a positive influence between ethnic minority CEOs and the probability of SMEs’ environmental per-
3. Methodology and Data
This cross-sectional database used in this study is taken from Vietnam SME database, which was collected by the coordination
of Central Institute for Economic Management (Vietnam), the Institute of Labour Science and Social Affairs (Vietnam), the
Development Economics Research Group (University of Copenhagen), and United Nations University. The method of data
collection is the survey instrument, consisting of two types: the enterprise-level survey and the employee survey. In the scope
of this study, only enterprise-level survey was used, which includes information about firm financial indicators, enterprise
history, and manager background characteristics. Chosen firm are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises according to
World Bank definition (below 300 employees), operating in nine provinces of Vietnam: Hanoi, Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh, Phu
Tho, Nghe An, Quang Nam, Khanh Hoa, Lam Dong, and Long An (from the North to the South). In this research, 810
enterprises with sufficient data were chosen. We used the possibility of whether the firm treats environmental issues or not,
which was obtained from environment sector of the survey as a measurement of the environmental performance of the com-
panies. Environmental issues consist of 9 factors: air quality, fire, heat, lighting, noise, waste disposal, water pollution, soil
degradation / pollution, and others (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Number of SMEs, by environmental factors treated
The possibility score has a scale of 0 or 1, with 0 indicating a non-treatment on environment and 1 indicating a treatment on
environment. Data on managers’ characteristics was collected from identification particulars, household characteristics of the
manager, investments; assets; liabilities and credit; and economic constraints and potentials parts of the survey. All data used
were collected in the year of 2015. We constructed a model to examine the hypothesis regarding the impacts of CEOs’
characteristics on firms’ environmental performance.
CEP = α0 + α1GENi + α2AGEi + α3BEi + α4PEi + α5POi + α6ETi + α7SIZEi + α8 GAi + α9 ROE + α10 CFO + α11 LEV + α12 EC + ԑi
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Water pollution
Number of SMEsE
l F
where CEP = corporate environmental performance, GEN = the gender of CEO, AGE = the age of CEO, BE = the basic
educational level of CEO, PE = the professional educational level of CEO, PO = CEOs’ political connection, ET = CEOs’
ethnicity, SIZE = company size, GA = government assistance, ROE = return on equity, CFO: cash and deposit operating flow,
LEV = leverage, EC = environmental certificate, ԑ = error terms. The dependent variable, corporate environmental perfor-
mance (CEP), is a dummy variable. It equals to 1 if the company performed environmental treatment, and it equals to 0 if the
company did not treat environmental issues. Environmental issues consist of 9 factors: air quality, fire, heat, lighting, noise,
waste disposal, water pollution, soil degradation/pollution and other (Fig. 2). The independent variables consist of six CEOs’
demographic characteristics: GEN, AGE, BE, PE, PO and ET, and six control variables: SIZE, GA, ROE, CFO, LEV and EC.
CEOs’ gender is a dummy variable equal to 1 if the CEO is female, and zero if the CEO is male. CEOs’ age is calculated as
the age of the manager in 2015. The basic educational level of CEO is measured on a five-point scale reflecting the highest
degree of basic education obtained (1 = None, 2 = Not finished primary, 3 = Finished primary, 4 = Finished lower secondary,
5 = Finished upper secondary). The professional educational level of CEO is measured on an eight-point scale reflecting the
highest level of professional education obtained (1 = Unskilled, 2 = Technical level without certificate, 3 = Vocational ele-
mentary, 4 = Vocational secondary, 5 = Professional secondary, 6 = Vocational college, 7 = College, 8 = University and
higher). CEO is a Communist Party member or not: a dummy variable that takes a value of 1 if the manager is a Communist
Party member and zero otherwise. CEOs’ ethnicity: is a dummy variable where it equals to 1 if the manager is from an ethnic
minority group and equals to 0 if CEO is from Kinh ethnicity. Based on previous research, we control for company size
(SIZE), government assistance (GA), return on equity (ROE), operating cash flow (CFO), leverage (LEV), and environmental
certificate (EC). A summary of variables is shown in Table 1.
Table 1
A summary of variables
Category Variable Descriptions
variable CEP
Corporates’ environmental performance equals to 1 if the firm treated environmental issues, and 0 if the company
did not perform environmental treatment
GEN CEOs’ gender: equal to 1 if the CEO is female, and equals to 0 if the CEO is male
AGE CEOs’ age: Measured by the age of the CEO at 2015
Basic education level: equals to 1 if the manager has not attended any educational level; equals to 2 if not finished
primary; equals to 3 if finished primary; equals to 4 if finished lower secondary, equals to 5 if finished upper sec-
Professional education level: equals to 1 if the CEO is at unskilled level; equals to 2 if he/she is at technical level
without certificate; equals to 3 if he/she is at vocational elementary level; equals to 4 if he/she is at vocational sec-
ondary level; equals to 5 if he/she is at professional secondary level; equals to 6 if he/she is at vocational college
level; equals to 7 if he/she is at college level; equals to 8 if he/she is at university and higher level.
PO CEO political connectedness: equals to 1 if the CEO is a member of the Communist Party, and zero if not.
ET Ethnicity: equals to one if the manager is from an ethnic minority group and equals 0 if CEO is from Kinh ethnicity.
SIZE Firm size: the natural logarit of total assets.
GA Equals to 1 if the firm receives any sort of government assistance and 0 if not.
ROE The ratio of net profit to equity.
CFO The ratio of operating cash flow to total asset.
LEV The ratio of total debt to total equity.
EC Equals to 1 if the firm has environmental standard certificate and 0 if not.
We performed our research through regression analysis. Logistic regression method is used because its dependent variable,
CEP, is a dummy variable.
4. Analysis and Results
4.1. Descriptive Analysis
Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics of the ten research variables.
Table 2
Descriptive statistics for variables
Variable Mean Median Maximum Minimum SD N
CEP 0.6691 1 1 0 0.4708 810
GEN 0.3271 0 1 0 0.4695 810
AGE 40.8814 39 82 21 11.4250 810
BE 4.7617 5 5 2 0.5481 810
PE 5.1370 6 8 1 2.7874 810
PO 0.0556 0 1 0 0.2292 810
ET 0.9259 1 1 0 0.2621 810
SIZE 14.9054 15.0271 20.6410 9.49552 1.7703 810
GA 0.1160 0 1 0 0.3205 810
ROE 0.3831 0.1331 22.4770 -1.3027 -1.3429 810
CFO 0.0001 0.0001 0.0008 0 0.0001 810
LEV 0.2656 0 55.9718 -8.8599 2.1311 810
EC 0.2790 0 1 0 0.4488 810
N.M. Tran and B.-N. T. Pham / Management Science Letters 10 (2020) 1677
The variables’ name, the mean values, the median values, the maximum values, the minimum values, the standard devi-
ation, and the sample sizes of each variable are illustrated in the seven columns of each variable. The mean of the dummy
variable CEP is 0.6691358, which demonstrates that 66.91% of the firms (542 out of 810) treated environmental issues. As
for the GEN variable, nearly 33% of total CEOs’ number is male, followed by around 67% female. Most of CEOs’ age are
from 31 to 50 years old (about 60%), followed by over 50 and below 31 years old (around 21% and 19% respectively). 662
out of 810 CEOs finished upper secondary school whereas, 303 out of 810 managers graduated from university or higher in
their professional education. The average value of political connection variable is 0.0556, which shows that around 5.56% of
CEOs is a Communist Party member. The number of CEOs from the Kinh ethnic group is 750 out of 810, followed by
managers from other ethnic groups (60 managers). The control variables (SIZE, GA, ROE, CFO, LEV, EC) are consistent
with those of past studies (Hu & Loh, 2018; Ji et al., 2019), but for brevity, we do not discuss them in detail.
Table 3
Correlation statistics for variable
CEP 1.0000
GEN 0.0857
AGE -0.1891
BE 0.3025
PE 0.3812
PO -0.07
ET 0.0787
SIZE 0.5148
GA 0.1237
ROE -0.0432
CFO 0.0070
LEV 0.0418
EC 0.2795
Table 3 illustrates the correlation matrix for our key variables. As shown in Table 3, low correlations exist between CEOs’
characteristics variables and control variables, with the highest correlation (0.5008) observed between PE and SIZE. Test for
multicollinearity shows a mean VIF of 1.25. These ensure the absence of multicollinearity in our regression analyses.
4.2. Regression Results
4.2.1. Result for Hypothesis 1
Table 4 shows the results of a logit regression model on the relationship between female CEO and CEP to test Hypothesis 1.
It can be seen that women CEO and the probability of CEP are positively correlated at 10% significant level. This shows that
when the chief executive in a firm is a female, the business is more likely to make performance for environmental protection.
Table 4
Hyphothesis 1 test result
Variable CEP Coef. z p
GEN 0.3247 1.71 0.087
SIZE 0.8628 11.41 0.000
GA 0.5750 1.69 0.092
ROE 0.0942 1.25 0.211
CFO 2410.737 3.05 0.002
LEV -0.0189 -0.35 0.725
EC -12.5637 2.24 0.025
LR chi2(7) = 275.85 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Pseudo R2 = 0.2682
4.2.2. Result for Hypothesis 2
Table 5 indicates the results of a logit regression model for the relationship between CEOs’ age and environment-related
activities in SMEs to test Hypothesis 2. Results illustrate that CEOs’ age in SMEs has a negative relation with the probability
of CEP at the 10 % significant level. Thus, Hypothesis 2 was not supported. This suggests that firms with an older CEO have
relatively lower probability of environment-related performance (negative impact).
Table 5
Hyphothesis 2 test result
Variable CEP Coef. z p
AGE -0.0157 -1.94 0.052
SIZE 0.8421 11.11 0.000
GA 0.5427 1.60 0.109
ROE 0.0982 1.32 0.187
CFO 2232.319 2.83 0.005
LEV -0.0198 -0.38 0.706
EC 0.5373 2.12 0.034
LR chi2(7) = 276.71 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Pseudo R2 = 0.2691
4.2.3. Results for Hypothesis 3a
In Table 6, it can be seen that the level of CEOs’ basic educational level and the probability of CEP is positively associated
at the 5% significant level, which implies that CEOs, who are better educated at basic level tend to concern more about
environmental-related issues.
Table 6
Hyphothesis 3a test result
Variable CEP Coef. z p
BE 0.3722 2.27 0.023
SIZE 0.8240 10.66 0.000
GA 0.5491 1.62 0.106
ROE 0.0888 1.20 0.230
CFO 2120.302 2.68 0.007
LEV -0.0190 -0.37 0.712
EC 0.4910 1.94 0.053
LR chi2(7) = 278.19 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Pseudo R2 = 0.2705
4.2.4. Results for Hypothesis 3b
Table 7 provides the results obtained from the regression models for the relationship between CEOs’ professional educational
level and the possibility of environmental-related performance. Similar to basic educational level, analysis shows that this
relationship is a positive relation at the 1% significant level. Thus, hypothesis 3b was supported. This shows that CEOs with
higher professional educational profiles are highly likely to consider more about environmental-related problems.
Table 7
Hyphothesis 3b test result
Variable CEP Coef. z p
PE 0.1181 3.28 0.001
SIZE 0.7792 9.86 0.000
GA 0.6364 1.87 0.062
ROE 0.0899 1.23 0.220
CFO 1951.734 2.44 0.015
LEV -0.0171 -0.31 0.755
EC 0.3956 1.53 0.125
LR chi2(7) = 283.64 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Pseudo R2 = 0.2758
4.2.5. Results for Hypothesis 4
As shown in Table 8, the results show that the political connection of CEO (Communist Party member) is related to the
possibility of CEP, with statistically significant p-value at 5% significant level. However, the result also illustrated that CEOs,
who are not Communist Party members, are better than their colleague, who are members of this Party, in CEP which opposes
to hypothesis 4.
Table 8
Hyphothesis 4 test result
Variable CEP Coef. z p
PO -0.9758 -2.33 0.020
SIZE 0.8607 11.42 0.000
GA 0.5756 1.69 0.091
ROE 0.0936 1.26 0.207
CFO 2361.681 2.97 0.003
LEV -0.0163 -0.29 0.769
EC 0.5904 2.33 0.020
LR chi2(7) = 278.43 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Pseudo R2 = 0.2708
N.M. Tran and B.-N. T. Pham / Management Science Letters 10 (2020) 1679
4.2.6. Results for Hypothesis 5
As shown in Table 9, the results reveal that CEOs’ ethnicity variable maintains a positive significant effect on the possibility
of CEP at 10% significant level. This finding supports the prediction of our fifth hypothesis, which states that CEOs, who
belong to an ethnic minority group are favorable with CEP. To sum up, hypothesis 5 is supported. A summary of results can
be found in Table 10.
Table 9
Hyphothesis 5 test result
Variable CEP Coef. z p
ET 0.6380 1.77 0.077
SIZE 0.8561 11.37 0.000
GA 0.5652 1.66 0.096
ROE 0.0996 1.33 0.184
CFO 2416.342 3.06 0.002
LEV -0.0154 -0.29 0.774
EC 0.5754 2.28 0.022
LR chi2(7) = 276.31 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Pseudo R2 = 0.2678
Table 10
A summary of results.
CEO characteristics Hypotheses Results
Gender H1: female CEO probability of CEP (+) Support
Age H2: CEO age probability of CEP (+) Not Support
Basic Education H3a: CEO basic educational level probability of CEP (+) Support
Professional Education H3b: CEO professional educational level probability of CEP (+) Support
Political Connectedness H4: CEO political connectedness probability of CEP (+) Not Support
Ethnicity H5: ethnic minority CEO probability of CEP (+) Support
5. Discussion
The goal of this paper was to investigate the empirical association between CEOs’ demographic characteristics and the pos-
sibility of CEP. Using a sample of 810 firms in 2015, the findings of our regression analysis show significant relationships.
The results show that CEOs’ demographic characteristics, including gender, age, basic – professional education level, political
connectedness, and ethnicity, have a positive or negative influence on the probability of CEP. We discuss our major findings
from the logit regression model, and their implications are clearly shown below. First, we turn to CEOs’ gender, results show
the support of the first hypothesis, which states that the presence of a female executive significantly increases the possibility
of treatment in environmental issues by SMEs. It is also consistent with the theoretical arguments that hypothesize that female
is stronger in ethical attitudes (Kassinis et al., 2016). Hyun et al. (2016) also argued that female executives chosen for board
of director membership tend to have strong reputations in environmental-related issues. Another possible explanation for this
result can be taken from gender theory (Kanter, 1993) which describes that their specific characteristics such as a “green”
tendency, more effective monitoring of agents, ethical conduct compliance, and greater reactivity with multiple stakeholders,
which lead to greater environmental-oriented behavior (Kassinis et al., 2016). Next, we turn to CEOs’ age: surprisingly, a
negative effect of age was found, which opposes the prediction of our second hypothesis. This finding is also inconsistent
with existing empirical findings of two studies Fabrizi et al. (2014); Shahab and Chen (2019) but consistent with the studies
of McCarthy et al. (2017); Oh et al. (2016). This contradictory result may be due to the shortage of physical and mental
stamina (Child, 1975), the lack of ability to learn a new behavior, and acknowledge new ideas (Chown, 1961) of older CEOs.
Taylor (1975) also suggested that young chief executives have higher tendencies to summarise information and take a shorter
time to make decisions compared with older CEOs. Another possible explanation for this might be when CEOs are nearing
retirement age, they tend to less concerned about making a long-term decision and disengage in corporate environmental
responsibility (Oh et al., 2016). Third, the coefficients on CEOs’ basic and professional education are both positive and sig-
nificant. This finding verifies our third hypothesis (3a and 3b) which stats that there is a positive association between CEO
education and the possibility of CEP, and is also consistent with the extant studies that illustrate that higher educated individ-
uals tend to engage in a more environmentally friendly orientation (Meyer, 2015). Amore et al. (2019) also suggested that
education shapes managerial styles of CEOs in environment-related issues. Moreover, higher levels of CEOs’ education level
tend to be positively related to the levels of their knowledge about environmental responsibility issues. In the case of SMEs,
poor management capability, lack of knowledge about CSR, and the difficulty of engagement capacity in environmental issues
give rise to the necessity of well - educated chief executives. Fourth, regarding political ideology term, results show a signif-
icant negative relationship between Communist CEO and the possibility of CEP. This finding does not support the fourth
hypothesis and counters with the findings of Zhang (2017); Marquis and Qian (2014). A possible explanation for this might
be that the involvement in political process may be used as a form of umbrella to protect firms from environmental regulation
and penalties (Zhang, 2017). This is especially the case in transitional economies, including Vietnam, where, through political
relationships, firms may bribe local government officials to gain many types of advantage (Van Vu et al., 2018). Second,
political connected firms may influence the local government to weaken environmental policy and penalties in their favor
(Zhang, 2017). Moreover, it would be necessary to investigate the institutional conditions which whether a country has strin-
gent environmental regulations or not because it influences on the possibility of politically connected firms act in environ-
mentally responsible ways (Zhang, 2017). Thus, this contradictory result may be due to: the research of Zhang (2017) was
conducted in the unique context of firms in China where environmental rules and regulations can be stricter than Vietnam.
Another major finding of our study relate to CEOs’ ethnicity, the results reveal that there is a relationship between CEOs’
ethnicity and the probability of CEP, being consistent with those of other studies (Ramasamy et al., 2007; Louis & Osemeke,
2017; Haniffa & Cooke, 2005). This finding also confirms the prediction of our fifth hypothesis, which suggests that CEO,
who comes from an ethnic minority are favorable with the CEP. It seems possible that the result is due to intangible assets
that CEO from an ethnic minority brings into firms such as ethnicity’s’ cultural values (Haniffa & Cooke, 2005), ethnic
education (Ramasamy et al., 2007), external and specific knowledge, and the commitment with long-term goals of the firm
(Louis & Osemeke, 2017). This finding may also be explained by the fact that Vietnamese government have supported to the
development of ethnic minorities by the provision of subsidies such as financial and technical assistance from the government
(Nguyen & Baulch, 2007).
6. Conclusion
This paper has examined the impact of CEO demographic characteristics on firms’ environmental indictor of CSR in Viet-
namese SMEs, including CEOs’ gender, age, basic education level, professional education level, political connection, and
ethnicity. By using different estimation methods, our findings provide evidence for the significant impact of CEOs’ demo-
graphic characteristics on firms’ environmental performance. First, this study confirms the association between CEO gender
and CEP, in which a firm operated by a female CEO is more environmentally responsible. This finding is broadly consistent
with earlier studies (Kassinis et al., 2016; De Silva & Pownall, 2014; Cook & Glass, 2018) and may be due to the social /
environmental – oriented behavior of woman (Boulouta, 2013; Jiang & Akbar, 2018). Second, another finding of our study is
the relationship between CEO age and SMEs’ environmental performance. However, more research needs to be undertaken
to clarify this association. Third, the results show that both basic and professional educational levels of CEOs positively affect
CEP. Basic educational level is an indicator of individuals’ general knowledge, while professional educational level shows
the ability of individuals’ professional skills. The higher educational level is, the better CEOs’ decision making is because it
improves their management skills and CSR knowledge, which are insufficient in SMEs. Fourth, specifically, contrary to
expectations, Communist CEO negatively affects CEP, which does not support the previous studies (Zhang, 2017; Marquis
& Qian, 2014). It may be that political connections can be considered to be an umbrella of protection to avoid the pressure
from government to comply with environmental regulation and penalties (Zhang, 2017). Loose environmental regulations in
Vietnam can be another reason. Fifth, our empirical result also showed that the ethnicity of CEO has a significant influence
on CEP, which firms managed by CEOs from ethnic minority groups have significantly higher levels of CEP than firms
operated by Kinh chief executives. It is difficult to explain this result, but it might be related to ethnic minoritys’ cultural
background that pursues the long-term interest of firm, thereby favoring CEP activities. The support policies of Vietnamese
government for ethnic minorities such as policies 135 and 134, which can bring into the firms managed by CEOs from ethnic
minority tangible and intangible advantages, may be a possible explanation for this finding. This, however, further work is
required to explore. To sum up, this research advances valuable knowledge to the study of CEO characteristics and SMEs’
environmental performance, which adds literature to upper echelon theory. Some useful practical implications can be derived
from this study. With regard to SMEs, selecting appropriate people for the position of executive impacts substantially on the
companies. First, because executives of SMEs have more control than colleagues of large firms, the role of them in making
strategic plans and decisions relating to CEP activities in SMEs is significantly important. Second, compared with large firms,
SMEs are lack of knowledge, resource, and managerial skill to undertake environmental issues. Thus, our findings provide
several useful implications for SMEs, in order to choose suitable CEOs for the purpose of CEP practices. For example, if
SMEs wish to adjust positively organizations’ CSR practices, they should hire a new CEO who is female, young, has a high
level of basic and professional education, is not a member of Communist Party, and an ethnic minority. Conversely, if SMEs
wishes to reduce CEP activities, it is more suitable to consider CEOs who are male, old, less basic and professional educated,
are a Communist party member, and a Kinh ethnicity. Our results also suggest that the stakeholders can know the environ-
mental performance of SMEs by analyzing and understanding the characteristics of their executives such as gender, age, basic-
professional educational level, political ideology, and ethnicity. We acknowledge that this research has certain limitations that
represent opportunities for future research. First, because this research only examines the year 2015, future studies should
collect data from other years to generate a cross-sectional time-series data, which contributes a more comprehensive under-
standing (Vu, Nguyen, Ho, & Vuong, 2019). Second, as only Vietnam SMEs were in the study sample, our research is con-
strained to the context of businesses in Vietnam. Thus, future research should be conducted in other countries to generalize
findings. Second, we use a five-point scale to reflect CEOs’ professional education level, but it lacks to investigate the differ-
ence between types of degrees at a specific level (for instance: between technical and business university degrees). Third,
because political connectedness variable is constructed by binary form, it should be measured in more composite form to find
comprehensive understanding. Following this suggestion, it would be interesting to consider the political connection as a
moderator or mediator to examine the relationship between other CEOs’ characteristics and environmental performance.
Lastly, CEP is a multi-measured concept with various other elements (Zhang, 2017), so future studies should use additional
indicators such as the amount of energy used or the cost of environmental treatment.
This research is funded by National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam.
N.M. Tran and B.-N. T. Pham / Management Science Letters 10 (2020) 1681
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