Tổng hợp đề thi cao học Tiếng Anh

Queen Isabella of Spain was born on 22 April ]451. She helped Columbus and ga\'e him ships and men to sail across the Atlantic Ocean. As a result. Columbus discovered the !\ew '.VorIe. However, all the ships and men cost less than two parties she gave! Louis 3raiUe invented a way for the blind to read. This great man was horn cm 4 Januar:' 1809. Anoth~r great inventor. Thomas Edison. liked reading books wrinen in Braillic more than hooks in nonna] print. even though he could see perfectly well.

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ressions on the (4) of the passengers. The pilot of the plane (5) so nearly crashed into houses remained calm throughoUt the incidenL showing incredible skill to (6) what could have been a disaster. One (7) the plane's four engines stopped just a (8) seconds after the Jumbo (9) taken off. Air traffic controllers ( I 0) an emergency call and then saw the Jumbo disappear over the houses. Everyone thought a crash was inevitable PART.1: WRITING SECTIO:-; 1: CO!\'TROLLED WR1TL'I,'G (15 di~m) 'Instruction: From the following suggested words and phrases in the gi,'en sequences. make all the changes and additions necessary to produce sentences, which together make a complete paragraph. Follow the exampJc. Example : my aunt I born I England! now I she I he I Penh! Australia Answer : My aunt was born in England. but now she h"cs in Perth. Australia. Dcar Prue. 1. U delighted;' rccci\"e Ikner / arrin: i this morning. m. _ ...h .,. ........................ n.......... 2. It! be ,Iso ]ongI we;' l"astmcll I be sure / you forget me. . ................... ...................... .. u_n n ......................... 3. 1/ hardly belicvc ; you marry { six years and {twO children. n......-....-................ 4. If! any photOgraphsl famil, l] Jo\'e I see them I n ... '..w'''' -.. 5. ] J still single! but good news I he III gel married! February '__ ... ... n' _. ..n. ..... n .-.. 6. It! be I wonderful I you! come I wedding. m .... nn n_............._._..-....-....-..-.-....-.-.-.-.-.-.-....-.......-.-.---.-.-.-... cao hClC-2003 II 4 II ,end / invitation / as soon as / know / date / placc ,..., ,..-.-.-.-.... 8. U look forward i hear / you i again ,..-.-.-....-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.... . . SECTIO:'i 2: SE:\TE.'iCE TR-\.."SFOR~[ATIO:-i (l5diem) Instruction: l'se Lle words give:! [0 rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the original sentence. EXAJIPLE: I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years. ..lSSWER: It's yeaTs since I enjoyed myself so much. 1. ~Ir. Benson is 70 years old. bm he runs seven miles every morning. Althou gh.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1. ~Iy sister speaks English bettcr than me I don' t speak En glish a s ........................................................................................................................._._.......................... 3. ~lerry regretted buying the big hous~ Merry wi shed ............................................................................................. .. -.,.. .., -.-.-........ -1.. Reading love stories is one of my interest. I'm................... .-. h n _.. 5. I advise you to put your money in the bank. You'd .. ... . 6. No one knows what is being built there No one knows wha [ they , :................... 7. He spends two hours a week sorting out the stamps. Sorting out his stamps ,................................................................................_.............................. 8. Somebody repaired her ear yesterday. She........................................................................................................................................................................................ 9. She and I have never been there before. Nei ther , ~.,.. 10. Henry is a brilliant swimmer. She represented America in the Olympic Games. Henr:'. a....... .. ,... _. _ m' no. _._._._._._._._._._.. SECTIO.'i 3: TRA:-iSLA nO.'i ( 15 diim ) can hoc -:003 ;j 5 ------------- -- Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Toi heln em trai toi tAm tu6i. N6 con 000 tu5i qua chU'aill hQc dU'(lC. h ~ n...._...._._._........ 2. Chung toi dft quen \'oi ,.i.;c ill bo den Wong. h 3. Anh 10 c6 thE n6i tieng Anh lU'UJoat OOu'm(H ngu'fJi Anh chinh cong. ,_ .n.. 4. Toi mong u'oc 1ft'!thaOO m(\t k1 sU'c6 trinh d(\ chuyen mon gioi M ph\lc ''\I dat nu'oc. _. ._. _._ .n.n. ,.. _ ...._._....._...._..... 5. Toi yeu dal nu'oc Viet Kam nd; toj ct;;sinh ra va Ion len w._.........._._._...._._............._._...._...._..__._._._._.........._._..... Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese. 6. On hearing that she had passed the exam to the Foreign Trade University, she was so happy that she left withoUt saying good-bye to anyone ..............-.-.-....-.......-...................-.-.............-..-................-....-.-.-.-.-.......-..........-.-.-....-.........-....................................................-....-.-.-.-.... M._._._...._._.._.......___.._...................... 7. ! regret not lending him money. If he had had enough money. he would have hought that car at an uncxpectedly reasonabie price. 00.._.__....................._..........._._.._._._...._._._._...._...._...._......._._._._._......._....._...._._............._._._._._........ Mn ._. _n_ m.. ..h _. ._. ...M' _. _ ' . 8. Although my father has been abroad many times, he has neVer set foot on the Amarctic. ..-.-....-.-..........-.-.-.......-..........-.....-.-.............-....-....-...................-..-.-.---.......-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-....-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-....-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-....... 9. When choosing an English book. you should make sure that it is suilable for your ievel of English. ..-.-.-.-....-.-....-.-.-.......-.-..........-.--.-....-.-.......-..........-....-....-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-....-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-............-...-....-.......-.-.....-....-.-.-.-... 10. It was believed that thc nalllral resources could never be used up. 00 '40___._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.___.___._._._._._._._._._._._._._.__._._____._._._._._._...._._._._._._____._._._._._.. This is the end of the exam paper. cao hoc -2003 II 6 -' weft :the.- :.t!';2 ~ J.f,e .. If 5~nd ll.D.viL:u..ionlas saoe. as .' ~ow ! C-.2.teI pia;:':: . -.--.---.- """" .- 8. If look forward I hear I you I ag:lin .'r,'::- 1r,<:"" ":::"'Y,i I ------ SECTIO~ 2: SE",TI;\CE TR~';SFOR.\1.-\TIO~ (15di.fm) Instruction: Use the words give~ to rewrite each of the foUowiqg s~':ltences 1...1such a way that';!-. ~" means exactly me same as the ori~"'21 sC!ltcnce. .' . EXAUPLE: I haven'F e:1joye:i mysdf so ouch for ye~rs. ..-L.VSWER: .It's y~a.T55ir.c~[e;;jo::'~dmyseIjso mud.... . 1. :.Lr. Be!1son is 70 years aid, but b.~ :-'.msseven ciles -eve:)' ffiOr:ling. ."'thou gh !1t:".i-S..;r.c Jl.Lc1F.::S..d..d...+.1<LL.B...r.u.a5.u , : : un.I 4 . . . . .' L }Yly sister spea..\:s English bette:- r!:an me __ I doa't speak English as ...\lI.el.e.._~~.~__.s.J.s.:!u:.c.{..Ju~.L.~~ " u u .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-....... 3. ~'ferry regretted buying the big house MeITV wished ._~k.__~!.t.-b.CI<.c..bl::.:::=-.~=.~-.!.-:.:.r._c'-;" ~ ~ u . ~ I' - -~ . ~ .-" -- . - , - ~. Re3.ding love stories is one of m~' intereSL . I' m _L)'\.t.ed.~b1.d-__jp.-.~A!.tlirl.~-~~=c...:: '...,..:.c.;,: c '.----.....-----... 5. I advise you to put your money L, the ban..\(. YQU'd ..Wl:e.c---pu-i:...,J---' :...------.---.------..--...------.-----.------... 6. No one knows what is being bu:l[ :here b of" I, .'No oae knows what they _~_!,J.1.,!_!~.U21a_..::::"~'..=~ ~ ,.(f' '. 7. He spends twO hours a \ve~k sor.LrJ.g oU[ t...'-lestamps_ Sorting out his stamps ..1:a.~ -{.'{ -.",., :i../:_:::: ,__~~:.,";,,>.:_~ :..:..:..... 8.SomebodY.n:paired her car ye$erday. She_.f=L.--&r--~.te f .~..::=-~::.-:~.;::.~ C ~ ~ / .' . .' 9. She and I have never oee:l the:~ before. E~:orv,a ..b~i4Y'..i~."..i..-,c..%tU!d::: d.DdS..1:.f.d...,.~.~----......-----......----- . _ I J SECTIO~ 3: TRA'iSL-\TlON (15 die"",) co !:::oc-:003 11 5 Trans~ate the follov.ing sentences into English_ L T6i hdn ::n L""altoi :..amruoi. N6 con nna ru6i q:d cnU'a~i hqc ciuQc. 1.Lu"," r" '(- t 7L'~- -r d..L:l-._::1l1A.""...E.-:J-T').'-A.7",...Jri.,;U:..h..~j)Lj.,J,-~'l~< (J 10;'0 Cc-:;-..Jd. 2. Chung to: d2:qU~:l vdi viee di b9 a=n tntvng. \1:"__",,,,",-_~..).,:.}~_.-!v.:--.W:l.U;i£l3--~'...ld.~_._.--------.--_.-.--..--- . . V . 3. Ann La cc thE ~6i licng .-\.."1.hhru loa t nhu rnQt ngtfc)i .fu1h chinh cang . .~._.c...~_ --1;'r.' ~ ~)';j_Lidy__.o..:J-iL<~:'Ur.c;:;;; 2_-_'b.At..:v.:!~..A.r['c..L"" . 4. Toi mong lide &0 !haM m9l kl sli e6 trinh 09 ehuyen man gioi dE pbue ,-" <13lnU'de. D "".;Av tc . .-['<;-C$rrLo.-Co taL£ tLcL bca~'~ k ~').{)~ '''{f c~rt.~ # ~_.__._._-----.-----.-.-.-.-- 5. _ Tai yeu ~#(nL!dc Vi~l Nam ndi loi aa sinh ra a IOn1en J /!..'..cJi.'2 '-:..;i...lliC'.0.T.k \ :h.c..""c tL..>.~:Ci.tL.h\.~..,.,.,-._~.,L.k~'-L_..~.:\0v I'- .uP, . 0 This is the end of ibe exam pape:. -. 00 !ux: -2(:0')3 It 6 ;;..(. .Ob ....----.-- --,~ -------. -- -. Giam thi l' Giam thi 2 S6 ohach II, I , I - I BQ GlAo DUCvA eAo T~o TRlJONG e~1 HOC KINH TE TP. HO CHi MINH ... ~ 'KI THI TUYEN SINH CAO HQC ,.., ....... MON THI : TIENG ANH TRINH E>QB Thoi glan : 120 phut H) te nth i sin h : ~_._._....._.-.-...-.....-.-.-...-.-.-.-.-.... Ngay thang nam sin h : ...._.__._._.__.__.__.___._.__.__._.____.____.____ Sao danh : ..__._._....._.__.____._._.____ _~___a__..._____ " , TP. He>ChI Minh 5/2004 --- E>lfim bai thi 8~ng 56 Chu ki Iv ch1lm 1 Chu - Iv chilm 2 86 hach Sling chil ~ PART 1: VOCABULARY ,\~D REAOING COMPREHENSION SECTION 1: VOCABULARY (15 (J1~m) ~. Instruction: Choose the best wordl phrase in the box below to complete the sentences that follow. Each word I phrase can be used ONE ONLY. advise brought explained se~viced Jr pay to take apologize for taking in pay for in spite of pass on remaining as long as ready U_ Lf~r_. E1~entt~o':g.tJ~ ~_xcuse a~_ ___ 1. Spectators are reminded that it is forbidden photographs during the match. 2. After the party the children were allowed to finish off the ...___._______...._____.... sandwiches and cakes. , ' 3. When the time came to the bill at the hotel she found her"j , purse had been stolen. 4. He always did well at school having his early education disrupted by illness. ' 5. I'd rather you .: to her why we can't go. 6. Over recent years there has been a marked reduction the number of people having foreign holidays. 7. Everyone expects me to my exams, but I'm not so optimistic: there were several very difficultquestions. 8. I'm afraid your car won't be until tomorrow- we he' had to change the brakes. S We had hardly sat down when she plats of food for us. :0. The student worked a barman during his holiday. ',.1. She is travelling to work by train today because her caris being ~ :.;...:.-.:.::..: : 12. Ifyou saw a lawyer, he'd you to take legal action. 13. I am unable to come to the meeting on Monday evening, please .-......-------- for my absence. .. 14. Johnny's parents will not take him to Australia a holiday unless he does well in his examinations.-- 15. You can use my bicycle you bring it back tomorrow. cao hoc..1004-d3 - - SECTION 2: READING COMPREHENSION (30 t'l1~m) 2.1. Instruction: The reading consists of two passages. Read each passage carefully and the answer the questions that bellow. Write your answer in the provided space. (156) There is a lot of salt on the earth, and it mixes very well with water. There is some salt in all water. Water on the land runs into lakes and rivers. These rivers run into the seas and oceans. They carry a little salt with them. Some of the ocean water moves into the air and clouds. It evaporates .Salt cannot evaporate. It stays in the ocean . .The water in the oceans has more salt than river water. Ocean water is about 3-1/2% (three and a half percent) salt. Some seas have more salt than others. Some lakes do not have a river to carry the water and salt away. .Some of the water leaves the lakes. It evaporates, but the salt cannot. These lakes are very salty. There are two famous lakes like this . They are the Dead Sea in the Middle East and Great Salt Lake in the state of Utah in the United States .They are much saltier than the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean 'I.What does salt mix well this? . . ---...-....-...-....--....-.--.....--.--...-.---.---.-.----.-----.-...-..--.---......------.----.---.- 2.ls there salt in lake and river? -.----...--....---.-.---....-...-...----.---.....----..--...-.-.---.-..-----...----.---.-------.- 3.Where does river water go? \ ----.---..--.---.--.---...-.---...------.--------------.------------------.---, .d..Where does some of the ocean water go? -,........................-..-..........-................-............-.-.-.-.............................-.-...--..-...--..-....-....--..-....-...-..-............ 5.Where does the salt in the ocean go ? .--..............................-........-.......--.......-..........................-....-.-.......-....-...-.-.-...-..-....--.-.-.--.....-...-.-.--........- 6. Which has more salt, rivers or oceans? ...-.-...-................-.--..-...-.-.....-.--.-.-.-....--..-...-..--....-.-.-......-.-.......-.---.---.-.-.----.------......... 7.Why are some lal{es very salty? ----....--.--..-...--.--.----.--......-.-....--.-.-.-.-...-.---------..---..--..--.--.-.-----....---.-... 8. What is Utah? Where is it? 9.Name two famous salty lakes? -.-.----.-.-----.---.--..---..--.---.----.-.-.......-.-...-.--.-.--.---.-.--.-------.--..------.- 1D.Which is saltier, the Atlantic Ocean or the Dead Sea? Cuo f1'x-2()(}.1-d3 2 2. 2 . Instruction: The reading consists of two passages. Read each passage .carefully and the answer the questions that bellow. Write your answer in the provided space.(15 d) Farmers grow plants and animals on their fmms . Is it also possible to have a farm in the sea ? . . . People in many countries grow fresh water fish from eggs. They move the small fish into lakes and rivers. The fish live and grow there. People go fishing in these lakes and rivers. They enjoy catching fish. Fish is also good food. . Now Japan grows salt water fish. Most of them are yellowtail fish. Workers grow the fish from eggs. Every time they feed the fish. they play tapes of piano music. The fish learn that piano music means food. When the fish are small. the Japanese put them in the ocean near the land. The fish find some of their own food. Workers also feed them. They play the same piano music. The fish already know this music. They swim toward it and find the food. In a few months the fish are large. The Japanese play the same music. The fish swim toward it and the workers catch them. The Japanese get about 15 percent of their seafood from farms In the ocean 1. Is it possible to have a farm in the ocean? \ . ' ... ... ...... _. ... ... ..._ __ __'J.-... 2. Why do people grow fresh water fish? N.__...____._...._._......-------.--.---.-------..---..---.--------.- 3. What country grows salt waterfish ? --.----.----..--.-.--.----.-----........--...--...-.--.--------.----.----...----------- . . 4. What do the Japanese do when they feed the fish? N..............____.____.___....__._.__.._____.____.._____.__ 5. What do the fish learn ? ~.-.__._.._.......__.-.------.--.-------...-.--------------- 6. When do the workers put the fish in the ocean? ~-_.._-_........--.-.-..-.-.--.-...-.-.-.-..--.--......--...--.-----------. 7. When do the workers play the same piano music? -.-.------....---.--.--.-----------.-..----.-----------------.--------------- u_8. Why do the,fish swim toward this music? -....--..-...---.-.--..-...-.-.--...-.--.--..--.......-.......-..--.----.-.--.--.---.-.--.-....--.----.------ 9. Why do the workers play music when the fish are large? -.--------.--.--.-....-----------.-....---.---------.------------------------ 10. How much food does Japan get from fish farms in the ocean? .-......--...---.....-...........--...---.-.--.--..-.-.-......-..-.--..-....-....-...--.--....-------------.--.. coo hoc-:OO-l-d5 3 SECTION 3: CLOZE TEST (1 0 "i~m ) Instructions: Complete the following passage with the missing words. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word only. Many people believe that watching television had resulted in lower reading s~andards in schools. However. the link :..(1) television and printed b'Joks is not as simple as that. In many (2). television actually encourages people to read: for example. when a book is turned into a TV series (3) sales otlen go up. One study of this link examined six-year-old children who (4) viewing a special series of 15-minute programmes at school. The series was designed to encourage love of books as we" (5)--to develop the basic-mechanical skills of reading. Each programme is animated film of a children's book. The story is read aloud (6) certain key phrases from the book appear on the screen. beneath the picture. Whenever a word is read. it is also highlighted on the TV (7) . One finding was that watching these programmes was very important to children If anything prevented them (8) seeing a (9) , they VI,' e very disappointed. What's more. they wanted to read the books which the different pl,~S of the series were based (10) P.J.RT 2: WRITING SECTION 1: CONTROLLED WRITING ( 15 di~m ) Instruction: From the following suggested words and phrases in the given se~uences, make all the cllanges and additions necessary to produce sentences, which together make a complete paragraph. Follow the example. Eiample : my aunt ( born ( England( now I she I live I Perth I Australia Answer : My aunt was born in England, but now she lives in Perth, Australia. 1. conservation I be I s3fegIJarding atH! preservation I natural resources ....-.-.----.....-.-.--..-.----....--.----.----------.---------------------- 2. tho past Imost people ( believe ( world's resources I can ( never~ luse up ---.-.------...-.---------.---------------------------------------------.. M."______.___._____.___._____.__________-----------.----------- "--.--.-------------.--..---.--.--.--------.... 3. today-( we I know I this I be I not (true. 4. There I be I serious waste (forests, soill wildlife and minerals. --.-.--------...---------.---------------------------.-----.-.----.---------- 5. Th~reforeI prevention I waste ( be (Important part (conservation .----------------------------.-----------------------------.-.-------.--- M M M M M M..M.MM MW.___ eno hoc-20O.f-d3 6. Fight / pollution / our environment / be / also / great/Importance ----------...---.-.---.--.----.--.------.--.--------------------...-..----------- 7. Particular / we / have to / fight/ dirty / and poison/ air and water ---------------.----------------------------------------.------.------- ------------------------------------------------------------------.. 8. Conservation { be { concern {reclaiming {land -------------------.------------------------------------------------- 9. This { do ( irrigate deserts, drain swamps{ or push back the sea. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Conservation/ include / search / alternative fuels / energy / wind / or sun. -------------------------------------------------------------------- , SECTION 2: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (15di~m) Instruction: Use the words given to rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the original sentence. EXAMPLE: ANSWER: I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years. It's years since I enjoyed myself so much. 1. The bus couldn't run because of the flood The flood "::.1i. __ , -- --- 2. Most children don't know much aboutlhe job of 1heir choice., Most children have ___________________________...___________________. 3. I regret not studying English when I was young. Iw~h _~ ~__:__________________________________---- 4. They won't get to the station in less than 20 minutes. It will take them at ___________.____________________.__....__________ 5. It's not easy to learn a foreign language in eight weeks. Learning __.__ _', _.__ __ - -.-.-- -.- - - - - -.------- 6. My parents couldn't speak English. N~lher ------------------------------------------------------ 7. Living in a big city is exciting Most people find it ___L__._..._..._.....__._.__.______.___.____._.__.__.._.__.-.-------.--- 8. He is not accustomed to, living in a big city. He isn't used _'-.______.----.-.--.---.-.---------------...--.--.--------------.. 9. he couldn't speak French well until the second year. ~wasnot_______________________________________________--------. 10. They produce a iot of paper, so they need a lot of wood pulp. The more _-<..,' __ _.:.:.____ - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - -.- -- SECTION 3: TRANSLATION ( 15 diifm ) cao hoc-200../-dJ 5 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Mbi [\gfly .Nga bo ra hai tieng c16ng ho nghe c1fliSSC _ _ _ .." _.___ __ ___.____ __ __:-__ __ --"'f;--.:r-- ._- - -"",---:r -- --- --- - -- -- 2. Ch<;lybQ i.am cno tim khoe m<;lnh hdn va giup cho chung ta giam can. . 3~5 ~_..S;~khi ~~hi~~ -;;u- ~hii~' ~;:oikh6 ;;h8~ t~~6~~";ic-~h~-k~~;h~~- khi~~- 6:nh ding kl16i thuoc co the gay h<;licho suc khoe ngl1di kh6ng hut thuDc. ~ '-f -'.:--- ..._m-.. ... -.-.-j' '';::-;;).2~~, .~:~-- --- - ' '-.-- -.. -- -- - - -- _.' _ _ _.. ._.n ___ ill. __...~_.." ,... c._-". --- --- -- ...--- Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese. . ~1{1 \ 1-2 . Each of us must be awme of the necessity of planting and protecting forests if we are to avoid natural disasters =.l:==== ==i:: =,2:= =~~.~=========== ==~:==========~~I;2=== ============= 3 4. It is ackrillwledged that Vietnam had a complete control over SARS from a . very early stage of the epidemic. . ,.-.-.--.--.-------------------------------.--------- M_._.______..______.______-----.------.-.-----.------------- 5. No matter how great challenges are. we will succeed in the cause of industrialization and modernization of our country. ....\ -- ... : ... - ." --- ..---- - ~ _._._. _. _._, _. - __. ._no_ _._ _ --- ... -.-"--'" "'- ....-- ... ... This is the end of the exam paper. 6 cno hoc-200.f-d3 ! ser/iC-..d how failed -1 although off ; accusing fall found suggested at last , to having diseases between persuaded what . blaming 'It the end capable broken \ able, ; find to have in spite of tamong of - : f)jem bai thi . Bang s6 ChIT ki v cham 1 ChIT' Iv cham 2 Biing chu PART 1: VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION SECTION 1: VOCABULARY (15 diem) 1. Instruction: Choose the best wordJ phrase in the box below to complete the sentences that follow. Each word f phrase can be used ONE ONLY. 1 u it was raining heavily, he went out without a raincoat. 2_The chief of police said that he saw no connection the six murders 3. After the party the children were allowed to finish the remailling sandwiches and cakes . _ . .. .. _ 4_ I disapproved people smokjng in public places. 5. the wet weather, the football match went ahead. 6_ I find the time of English meals very strange - I'm not used ___.__________.______ dinner at 6 p.m. 7. It's no good me of getting the figures wrong 8. Children with infectious should not be allowed to go to school. 9. It was clear that young couple were of taking charge of the restaurant. 1D. I have been looking for this book for months, and I have found it II. It's time he ~ a wife 12. She is travelling to work by train today because her car is being ____________ 13. He his friends to go camping with him 14. She wondered her lather looked like now, after so many years away. 15. When the electricity , he struck a match to find the candles. C,ohoc 1005. de so I SECTION 2: READING COMPREHENSION (30 diem) Instruction: The reading consists of two passages. Read each passage carefully and the answer the questions that bellow. Write your answer in the provided space. PASSAGE 1 Bob Geldof was born in 1953 in Dublin ,where he went to school .Though he was an intelligent student, he left school with few qualifications. He had a variety of jobs in England, Spain and Canada before eventually becoming a successful pop star However, he is now best known foctbework he has_done to help starving people in Ethiopia. Like many other people he was shocked by TV programmes of people dying of hunger there in 1994. He therefore decided that he would persuade famous British pop singers to make a record together, and use the profits from it to send money and food. The record, called "Do they know it's Chrismast ?" was a great success and made a lot of money, all of which was used in Ethiopia. It soon became clear that much more money was still needed, and also in 1985 Geldo! organised two huge concerts on the same day, one in England and the other in US. Many of the world's best known pop stars played and sang, all of them perf9rming without being paid .The concerts were shown on TV throughout the world, and it has been estimated thatnearly a billion people saw some or all of the broadcas~.While they were watching the live perfomance on TV, people were ( asked to send money and many did so. In Britain alone, over forty million pounds , was given . \ 1.Where did Bib Geldof work before he became a successful pop star? " 2. Why'is he now best known? -------------------------------------------------------.. 3.What did he deceide to do after seeing people dying of hunger on TV? --- -- - - -----. 4. What word / phrase from the passage means. convince' ? ----------------------------------------------------------- 5. What does" it" in " _., and use the profit from iF refer to ? 00 Caohoc 2005. de so I 6. Where was all of money used ? ,------ 7. Why did he organise two other concerts in 1985? u 8. What phrase from the passage means' evaluated" ? ------------------------------------------------------------. 9. How many people throughout the world watch these concerts? ~--------------------------------------.. 10. What were many people wiiling to do while watching the live perfomance on TV? ....---.-.-----...-.--------------.-------.---------------------------- PASSAGE 2 The zipper is a wonderfuJ invention. How did people ever live without , zippers? Zippers are very common, sa we farget that they are wonderfuL They Je very strong, but they open and close very easily. They come in many color sizes. In 1890s, people in The United States wore high shoes with a long row of buttons. Women's clothes often had rows of buttons too. People wanted an easier way to put on and take off clothes. . Witcomb L. Judson invented the zipper in 1893. He was an engineer in Chicago. He called the zipper a slide fastener. However, it didn't stay close very well. This was embarrassing, and people didn't buy many of them. Then Dr.Gideon Sundback from Sweden salved this prob1em. A zipper has three parts: 1. There are dozens of metal or plastic hooks ( called teeth) in two rows. 2 These are fastened to two strips of cloth. The cloth strips are flexible.They bend easily. 3 A fastener slides along and fastens the hooks together. When it slides the other way, it takes-the. hooks apart. --~ . Dr. Sundback put the hooks on the strips of c!oth. The cloth holds ail the hooks in place. They don't come apart very easily. This solved the problem of the first zippers. -' 1. What does the passage tell us about? --------------------------------------------------------------- Woboc :005 de so 1 J 2. Why da we lo.get that z!;Jpers are wondertu!? --------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Are zippers strong? --------------------------------------------------------------- 4. What kind of shoes did Americans wear in the 1890s? --------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Who invented the zrpper? When did he invent it ? - -- ,-,-., - - -- -- - - -- - --- -- --- -~ - - - - - -- - - - --- - --- 6. Why were the first zippers embarrassing? ...---------------------------------------------------.-------- 7. What country was Dr. Sundback from? ----.----------------------------------------------------------- 8. How many parts does a zipper have? What are they? --------------------.------------------------------------------- 9. What part of a zipper is flexible? -~--------------------------_._---_._----------------------------- 10. What did Dr. Sundback do to make zippers better? --------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 3: READING CLOZE ( 10 cliem ) \ Instructions: Complete the following passage with the missing words. Fill in each , blank with ONE suitable w0.rd only. My wile and I have always enjoyed travelling (1) sea, and last year we decided to go (2) a Mediterranean cruise. (3) our hoHday was rather expensive, we thought that the high standard of accommodation, the f;r~t c!2.~~f00d 2.nd many interesting places we saw were well worth the price we (4) We found that most of (5) other passengers were friendly and interesting, but there was one man, a Mr. James, who irritated and a.nnoyed CaOO:x: 2005. "= so 1 , , // hs, and not (6) us but all others who shared our table at dinner. ./ Whatever subject we talked about, it seemed that he was an expert (7) it He (8), apparently, read more books, visited more countries and studied more language, than anyone (9) . After a few days, we ate our meals in silence, because nobody wanted to begin a conversation that (10) soon be taken over by this man. PART 2: WRITING SECTION 1: CONTROLLED WRITING ( 15 dii!m ) Instruction: From the following suggested words and phrases in the given sequences, make all the changes and addition.., neceSSctry to produce sentences, which together !)'lake a complete paragraph. Follow the example. Example : my aunt / born / England! now / she / live / Perth / Australia \Answer. : My aunt was born in England, but now she lives in Perth, Australia. 1. Mount Everest, which / highest mountain / world,! be in / Himalayan Mountains! NepaJ/ China. ----------------------.------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay/ be / first people / ever I climb Mount Everest. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3.'Since their climb/ 1953/ men / different countries / be successful/climb it. --------------------------------.-------------------------------- .4. However, / first woman / make this difficult climb/ be / 35-year.old Japanese woman! name / Junko Tabei. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5. She Ihousewife / bt;t / really interested / cHmb mountains. Caohoc :005. de,., I 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 6. She I earn moneyl her trips! by ! leach English I piano! young children. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7.19751 Tokyo news-television company f organize (Mount Everest climb (women. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 8. They I choose fif1een women I mountaineering c1ubs( go Nepal. ~-~--------------------------------------- 9. Women I climb I several daysl when. there! avalanche. and most I women I injure. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------.------------------------------------------------------- 10. Junko Tabei I able I climb the last 70 metres I and stand (top I world. ---------.------------------------------------------------------- \ S=C;!~ 2: S!:NTENCE TRANSFOAMA TION ( 1~i~m ) \ Inltt~lIction; U~e thE! words givE!n to rE!write each of the fOllOwing ~entenc-EI~ in ~uch a way that it means exactly the same as thE! origin.1 sentE!f"1GE!. EXAMPLE: ANSWER: I haven't enjoyed myself so much for years. ft's years since f enjoyed myself so muc:h. 1. Collecting dolls from foreign Gountries is one of .Iane's interests. Jane~_________________________________________________-. 2. Can you get somebody to send these letter before tomorrow? Can you have -------.-.------.--------------------------------- 3. How long is it since you got a letter from Paul. When ,. - - ,. - - --- -- - - -- - --- - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - --- 4. I've never seen such an extraordinary behavior in my life. 6 Caoboc 2005. de so I .\ / I Never in my life ____________________.____._______________________5. She regretted asking her boyfriend to lend her $50. She wished ________________________.______________.__________ 6. You didn't remember to bring a corkscrew, so we can't open the wine now. If you ____________________________________________________ 7. I'd fike to visit India more than any other country in the word. India is ____________________________________________________ 8. Jenny is a further swimmer than you. youcan1_______________________________________________--- 9. The writer spent 2 years collecting information for the book. It took ____________________________________________________ 10.1 prefer Vietnarnese food to English foad. I'd rather ------------ SECTION 3: TRANSLATION (15 dh!m) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Toi hon em tra; tOitam tu&. N6 con nhe tuoi qua ehtia c1ihQe c1tivc. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Co ay c1anhmay nhanh gap doi toi ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Chung toi c1aqueI'. voi vi~e di bi) c1enInJang. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SQ.nco tM k~ len m<)tso ntioc noi Tfeng Anh nhu' Tieng me de du'vc khOng? ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5. TNte Kia ngtiC1i ta ltiOng r~ng ngu6n t.!!inguyen Ihlen nhien kMng 1M bj can kl~1 dtil;le. Caohoc zoos. de so I 7 -----------..----------.-.---------.-------.----------------------.---- Translate the following sentenC"s into Vietnamese. 1.3. The National Museum of Natura! History IS one of the most visited museui'71S if, the world. From six to nine i'71illionpeople visit the building every year. More than one miHion of them are international visitors. -----.------.-------------.---------------.------------------------- -----------------------------.----.----------------.----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5. The museum has the largest collection of any natural history museum in the world. There are more than one hundred twenty-five million objects in its collection. '. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the end of the exam paper. i, , 8 Cwhoc 2005. 6e 5.:)1 i range y,-atched rather what left reward I bec3use whenever worth how get monitored I locking atA:ustomed reads worked pnze computation I preventing employed like to lock read computing ~~1 . Di.jm bal thi . ! BAng 56 C h cr ki v cham 2 s6 hach BiJ.ng chCt PART 1: VOCABULARY AND READTh'GCOMPREHENSION SECTIO:'i 1: VOCAB1JLARY (15 diem) Instruction: Choose the best wordi phrase in the box below to complete the sentences that follow. Each word: phrase can be used O:'iE ONLY. 1. She likes to travel ... she has a few days vacation. ., To prevent flooding in winter the \\-ater flowing from the dam is constantly... .. . ... ... . .. I.. .. . . by a computer. 3. He couldn't afford to hiscarrepaired. 4. I would ... ... ... ... you didn't leave just at the moment. 5. No matter ... ... your specifications, we can build to your requirements. 6. It's high time we ... ... ..' ... ... ... this place. 7. Our teacher suggests that Ken ... ... ... ... more about motorized suburbs. 8. Mr. Churehill quickly became ... ... ... ." .~.... ... ... the demands of the new job. . 9. A... ... is being offered for information leading to the arrest of the bank robber. . 10. We have those hats in a full ... ... ... ... ... ... of colour.;. 11. I don't remember ... .,. ... the front door when I left home this morning. 12. There are many different ways of ... ... '" food from going bad. 13. A few year.; after you buy it, a house is usually ... ... ... ... much more than it originally cost you. 14. A computer can do simple... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 15. He is ... ... as a taxi-<lriver. SECl10N 2: READING COMPREHENSION (30 mem) IOJItructioa: The reading consists of fours passages. Read each passage carefully and the answer the questions that bellow: Write your arlsV.-erin the provided space. PA~SAGE 1 \ '- . t~"'Oi \ ,..'1'1'/\ ~,\.vU ;';)J . " ,itV"'"...--JT\(,~ " J v '. v~The Mediterranean has been described as the wo d's largest swimming pool. However, itcan also be descn'bed as the world's dirtiest s wer~af~ it is full of rubbish, oil, chemical and ., q.., waste of all kinds. Unfortunately, most COlmtriesbo enng the Mediterranean differ greatly in jW'-'.their attitudes towards this problem. While some coW1tries \\-ant to start cleaning up the Mediterranean, other.; have begim building new ~ to develop their oil fields and natural gas fields. Industries have now developed. in all the co~es surronnrling the M("tlit"""",."n It will take a cennuy for all the water in the Mediterranean to run into the Atlantic Ocean and be replaced complctely by clean water. Three great river.;, the Nile, Po and Rhone, all run into the Cooiroc. 2()()(j.'lJ. de so I 1 -- -- , , , N( Mediterran, canying Jots of rubb'ish into the sea and making it very dangerous for everyone who swims in the Mediterranean and who eats fish caught there. I. Why can the Mediteranean be discribed as the world's dirtiest sewer' :. 2. Do most countries bordering the Mediterranean have the same attitude towards such a probJelT)? / ,1 "" , "',,, , ' .;:{.9.1. ...1:...,-€.'}-~ ~~_ ... .. .\.. x~... .2..tv..~.".'.J.~::,. ~...(7-X\t:.:.1~..':... ... ... ... ... '" ... . ____. ... 3. How long will it take all the water in the Mediterranean to nm into the Atlantic Ocean and ~ ~.11ac~d completely by clean water? . .., 4'.'~ i;i~.~~~~~~.i~.~~i;,;.~~;i~;.fi~.h.~~~hi.~.ih~.M~i;~;;anean' ,-- --'--' ......................................................................................... ......... 5. What word I phrase from the passage means" wiping up" ? ............................................................................................................ PASSAGE 2 \"-~< Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them; our purpose is to fit them for Iife. A5 soon as we realize this fact, we will understand that it is very important to choose a system of education which will really prepare children for life. In fact, when we say that all ofus must be educated to fit us for life, it means that w~ must be educated in such a way that, first1y, each of us can do whatever job is suited to his brain imd ability, and, secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society I. Is education an end or ~an~ to an e.nd? ...............2: What is the purppse,of education' / ,h, ..1.:, L.~J..!... :.' L.,f ". ... ... ... ... 3. What kind of system of education should we choose? ....................................................................................... ... ... ... ... 4. What does the ",Titer think we must be educated for? ... ... ... .'\. .1\/(.. ~ '" ... P' ... '" ......... 5. What kinds of jobs should we do' ......... ............ ........................................................................................................... PASSAGE 3 't:<..!" . v~.:<.,r" . - r~~cy Irvine answered the advertisement and made a dream come true. She went to live .,i I,_('.-on a tropIcal Island ITom May 1981 to June 1982. The dream was more romantJc than the TI:aliI}',ClU ' They took only provisions and so in order to survive, they fished and hunted for food. They used to live in a small tent, and at night they would retire quickly into it, othemise they were attacked by all kinds of insects. Here they used to entertain each other v.ith stories of their childhood, but they would argue about how to organize their life on the island. Lucy used to like going for long walks, while G, who was often ill, had to stay near their camp. I. Did Lucy. use to live alone on a tropical island ITom 1981 to June 1982' \' I I , '1 JQ\... ~".\.1.';,. "')""t..Q..l~'.:i. ... ... ... ... ... ... '" ... ... ... ..' ... ... ... .. . 2. Who did she Ijve there \\ith' , .. .IN,.~t,... ..,1............... ............. r annO\ - 20()6 R- clew / !, J " \ . 3. \Vhat would happen if they di?n't, live in :heir tent ~t night? L ' " 1 f' .. ~ j _.r'( I" I.' 'v'~¥ . " \"..A: 'j \ " ~I 'I.., "-<..- '<.. ._t.. '~~i! . . J. ..-""'" ., ,..~ P' .~ ~.. ... .. .c.. . ,". -. - . ",., ..~ .. ,,". . . 4' H;W 'did theY use to entertain each other? ' . . ..................... ..................................................................................................... '5 \~i1V did they often argue ",iIh each other? ................................................ ............................................................ PASSAGE 4 It is necessarv that we learn English, which is the international language . The English language enables us to complete our higher education. The students who want to specialize in science, economics, medicine, law... should know English, because most of the text-books in these fields are ",Titlen in EnglislL It also helps us to improve our knowledge when we read newspapef$ and magazines written in English. - In the field of international trade, the English language enables us to transact business with businessmen from other countries. 1. Why do we need to learn English? ,......... 2. What does English enable us to complete? 3. \Vhy should the students who want to specialize in science know English? ............................................................................................................ 4. Why should we read newspapers ar.d magazines written in English? ............................................................................................................ ... ... ... ..' ." ... ..' ." ... ... ..~ ... ..' ... ... ..' ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..' ... ... ... ... 5. What does English help us to do in the field of international trade? ............................................................................................................ SECTION 3: READING CLOZE ( 10 dlim ) Instructions: Complete the following passage with the missing words. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word only. The first traffic signal was invented by a railway signaling engineer. It was installed ..' .:. ,c (I) the Houses of Parliament in 1868. It ,.' ...(2) like any railway signal of the time, and was operated by gas. '.'-'k ... (3), it exploded and killed a policeman, and the accident discouraged further development 0" J (4) ~ became common. Modem traffic lights are an American invention. Red-green .,j. (5) were installed in Cleveland in 1914. Three-colour signals, operated (6) hand from a tower in the ... "-.0 ..(7) of the street,wereinstallcilinNewYorkin 1918.The(8) lights of this type to appear in Britain .~, ...(9) in London, on the junction betWeen StJames's Street and Piccadilly, in 1925. Automatic signals were installed ... ... (10) year later. PART 2: WRITING SECTIO~ 1: CO~"TROLLED WRITING ( 15 diim) Instruction: From the following suggested words and phrases in the given sequences, make all the changes and additions necessary to produce sentences, which together make a complete paragraph. Follow the example. Example : my aunt I born I England! now I she I live I Perth f Australia . . 'l'V'.. ' 3 Caohoc -:006 B. d.: so J -.----.--- Answer : My aunt was born i~ England, but now she lives in Perth, Australia. L Compter / be i in use / since 1964 H. HM ~rh4i4;'(J.'. "j '" ..i\.Av:~, _.. .J-;~u\. _.. """ _. ... ...2. It/mai\..el i machine age -. :L-~.:'.~ '" .kL.L... X: :~.'-.'..c).. '" ;:,..... ... ~.. J,'. >~~_. .cL'./(J.~. ... '._ ... ... '" ... ..3. Computer / can do j simple cOmputations . ...c.,... .d:.t; ...r... , :......................................... 4. It .' can gather I wide range! informatIon; many purposes . 11 (D" ..;i"r'j " .;, .~ ,. '/. )",' ~:-It.~.~~'~~~'.i~:f~.~~tl~~}~~~r.~~~.~j~~.:.. ~./f~~,.'..'.'.. ~'....'. ........ 6. It i can keep i bank accounts / up to date. /.:.~~-', 7. At times / computers / seem / almost / human ........................................................................... .................. 8. They / can read! handprinted letters ............................................................................................................ 9. But / computers / can / never replace / brains............................................................................................................ ...........................................................................................................10. How we use / for us / not / computer. decide ............... SECTION 2: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION ( ISdilm )Instruction: Use the words given to rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the original sentence. . EXAMPLE: I haven't enjoyed myself so mueh for years. ANSWER: It's years since I enjoyed myself.>omuch. I. Annie is the best swimmer of the students in her school. - -. . - -Noneof.U". ~ I\\L .:.s..iL./,.. ...j...,.,ILI... .:i-L .\'vcJL ..'~;........ 2. My mother finds fault \\<itheverything I do ,No matter ... ... .~'. ..'o.t.~"... 1':.;.:.J. . .h~~'.!:..~~\ .! :'::. q.r. ...~. .';. !... ...3. She is so difficultthatnoone \~~ t~~eti,n!~~ch ~~ ,he~l) ~o_ . She ISsuch ..v .d..'''Y5' r.'C..:... ."...0".." '.....4. Vietnam exports rice. Vie '-am\ f' s .~ "" ! ,< ': v _ ,-!'-i~{i';) , ./ UI ..1/ ..'r..i"..} ~~ :". ..~.. ". "~'. .'. ... ... ... ... ." ... 5. I started learning EngJish three years ago. 0 l I have... ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... '" ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" ... ... ... . .. .. . ..6. She never seems satisfied even though she is so rich Hon' ever \ 1'[', r v- ('I ~-. ,i-.. ',.'~ './ l J-' II H _1'1' ,\ _" .'. .'.~ '. , , L.. ..."' ... /}.~. ..\ ... __.. 7. She has a iady make speciaJ clothes for her. She has '" '" '" ... '" ... ... ... '" ... ... ... ... .. .. .. " 8. Do-."She know enough French to work as a translator? . Is his ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... .. ... "" 9. She wants to go to ~ Vegas more than anywhere in the worId. She'd ...........................10. I'm having a lot of trouble now because I lost my passport last week If I ... ... '" ... ... ... ... ... ". ... '" ... ... ... ... ... ... .... '" " . ':; ,11'" \. , .~ SECTIOS 3: TRA.."iSL-\TION (15 (film) CDonoc - 2O()(j B- de so I 4 Tr20~te the following ~nteoces into English. 1. 1'gt!<'Jiban hang thuiJng nh~n dt!<;fCti~n hoa hang cho mlli l.J:nban. NguiJi ay cang ban Jlf<Jc nhi~u thl cang nh~n dlf<;fcnhi~u tieD. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Thanh ph5 Ha Chi Minh vdi dan 56 8 tri~u ngtfiJi, tit lau dii Iii thj tntiJng hap d~n cua nrueu lo~i hloh dich VI!. ~----------- 3. Taxj c6 th~ 51!dl)ng cho nhi';u m,!c dfch , I~i vita Ijch stf ' ti~n l<;fi, nhanh ch6ng ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------.-------- 4-5. Cung cach phl!c \.'! vii li~n nghi tren xc Mai Linh Taxi ciing rat t6t Hi~n nay Mai Linh Taxi dt!qc nrueo ngltiJi Vi~t Nam cha'p nh~n vii 5U"d1!ng." . ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tran!late the following sentenc:C5 into Vietmlmese. I 1-2. With open -door policy and copious economic development potentials of Vietnam, specially HoChiMinh , quite a few foreign informatics companies are paying attention to this market and revealing their wish to co-operate. ..................................................................................................................... k................................................................ .................................................................................................................... ,- -- .... 3. The International Beverages Company (I.B.C) is a joint-venture between Saigon General Business Production and Senices Company (S.P.Co) and MACOMORA Y ...................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................. 4-5. To capacity to develop tea plants in Vietnam is still very great, but it has not been fully exploited yet because of shortage of capital to build new tea gardens, to take care of already existed tea gardens, to build roads to tea-planting areas and to tea processing. enterprises ..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................... This is the end of the exam paper. Caohoc -11XJ6 B- de so I 5 - ~-

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