(i) The Court's jurisdiction over the
dispute is over immovable is specified on
the following principles:
- The Court where the real estate is
located is competent in case the object of
dispute is real estate, except for other cases
prescribed by law (marriage case but there
is a dispute on real estate property, . );
- For disputes involving real estate, the
involved parties do not have the right to
choose the Court, except in the case of
selecting a Court where there is one of the
disputed real estate if there are many real
estate disputes;
(ii) Jurisdiction of Courts over non-real
estate disputes is stipulated in the following
order of priority:
- Determine according to the legal
agreement of the parties;
- Determine according to the choice of
the plaintiff, the requester among the Courts
prescribed by law;
- Determining according to the place of
residence, living, working or having
headquartered, if the defendant is an agency
or organization.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Complete recommendations about right to initiate civil cases, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
12 Tạp chí Khoa học Viện Đại học Mở Hà Nội 52 (02/2019) 12-19
Dinh Thi Hang, Dinh Ngoc Minh Trang*‡
Date received the article: 6/8/2018
Date received the review results: 6/2/2019
Date published the article: 26/2/2019
Abstract: Resolving civilian cases in the Court still faces many difficulties and
shortcomings, as there are many different opinions regarding fully implementing these
regulations which have not yet been explained by competent agencies in a full and unified way.
In addition, there are many new regulations that need to be accurately understood and specifically
instructed to implement in practice. From that fact, the paper presents a way to approach the
concepts of regulating civil lawsuit rights and at the same time indicates shortcomings and
limitations of existing laws.
Keywords:Civil procedure law, civil case, right to institute civil cases, recommendations,
1. Introduction
1.1 . The definition of civil
matter and initiate civil lawsuit
1.1. 1 The definition of civil
According to the Popular
Vietnamese dictionary "The case is a
matter, the matter is not good, the troubles
need to be solved"; "Civil affairs belong to
the civilians, distinguished from the affairs
of the official"1.§According to the Great
Vietnamese dictionary, "The case is a matter
* Faculty of Law, Hanoi Open University
1 Popular Vietnamese dictionary (1996), Education Publishing House, Hanoi.
2 Vietnamese Language and Culture Center - Ministry of Education & Training (1999), Great Vietnamese
Dictionary, Information and culture Publishing House, Hanoi.
that must be exposed to trial in Court" and
"Civil is a matter related to the people in
general"2.**Thus, in terms of language
interpretation, it is possible to understand
that civil matters are disputes about rights
and obligations related to people and must
be exposed to trial in Court.
In essence, economic or labor
relations also come from the willingness of
the parties to engage in voluntary relations,
like ordinary civil relations, but when cases
are resolved, they are separated into
Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 13
procedures differently; this seems to cause a
complication in legal regulations.
Meanwhile, the intellectual ability of the
people in the whole country is limited,
causing difficulties to access and apply legal
regulations. Therefore, in the Code of Civil
Procedure of Vietnam (CCP) in 2004,
legislators had a clear conclusion. The
concept of "Civil cases including civil cases
and civil matters" (Article 1 of the CCP
2014) has been specified in detail.
Corresponding to that, lawmakers have
delineated the disputant civil lawsuit
resolution procedures (civil matters) and
non-dispute cases (civil cases). The concept
of "civil case" is defined at more general
level, not only from traditional relations, but
it also includes a wider range of marriage –
family relations and business, trade and
labor (civil relations in a broad sense). From
this point, it can be seen that, the term "civil
case" only shows it’s spirit. According to
Article 1 of the CCP 2015, "Civil matter is
a dispute between individuals, agencies and
organizations regarding rights and
obligations arising from civil, marriage and
family, business and commercial labor
relations" therefore is resolved by the Court
in accordance with the civil-procedure
1.1.2 The definition initiate civil
According to the interpretation of
Vietnamese, "initiation" is the beginning,
3 Nguyen Cong Binh (2017), Textbook of Vietnam
Civil Procedure Code, People''s Police Publishing
House, Hanoi.
opening and "sue" which is the verb that acts
only by the law enforcement agency who
hears the damage to them through sending a
lawsuit to the Court. Dr. Hoang Ngoc Thinh
said "Institute civil lawsuit is a matter of
filing an application by individuals,
agencies, organizations or other entities in
accordance with the provisions of the Civil
Procedure Code, requesting the Court
having the right to legitimate rights and
interests of their own or of others”3.††
Accordingly, initiating lawsuits is the first
act of individuals, legal persons and other
entities involved in the Relationship of Civil
Procedure Code, which is the basis for
generating the Relationship of Civil
Procedure Code.
Institute civil lawsuit is a civil
procedure activity that initiates the process
of civil procedure at the Court, which is very
important for resolving civil matters. To
ensure this activity is effective, the law must
specify the order, procedures and modes of
operation. Currently, Vietnamese law does
not stipulate the definition of initiating civil
lawsuit. However, through the above
analysis, it can be generalized that " Institute
civil lawsuit is an application by
individuals, agencies, organizations or other
entities according to civil procedural laws
and regulations to request the Court having
jurisdiction protects legitimate rights or
14 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion
interests of their own or of others protecting
the public interests and State’s interests ”4.‡‡
1.2 The important of the right
to institute civil lawsuits
The civil procedure code is a legal
means for entities to their legitimate rights
and interests. Accordingly, the law on the
initiation of civil cases is the legal basis for
the Court to conduct activities of accepting
and settling civil cases to protect legitimate
rights and interests of agencies,
organizations and individuals. Therefore,
the law on the institute civil lawsuits plays
an important role in the effectiveness of
institute civil lawsuits:
Firstly, the Civil Procedure Code
on instituting civil lawsuits, openly and
transparently is the basis for entities to have
full legal means to protect their legitimate
rights and interests before the Court, against
act of infringing upon the legitimate rights
and interests of his/her own and ensuring the
right to institute civil lawsuits.
Secondly, the Civil Procedure
Code on instituting civil lawsuits to meet the
consistency, uniformity as well as specific,
clear, scientific and non-contradictory rules,
the Court will be easy to consider and accept
civil cases as well as entities with legitimate
rights and interests are compromised in
access to justice.
Thirdly, the Civil Procedure Code
on instituting civil lawsuits that meet the
4 Hanoi Law University (2015), Textbook of
Vietnam Civil Procedure Code, People''s Police
Publishing House, Hanoi.
feasibility and suitability criteria will make
these provisions not only meaningful in
writing but also effective in practice in order
to ensure the right to institute civil lawsuits
of subjects shall be complied.
1.3 Practical implementation of
the provisions of the Civil Procedure
Code on the initiation of civil cases
1.3.1 Achievements in the
implementation of the provisions of the
Civil Procedure Code on the initiation of
civil cases
Over the past years, the Court has
always tried to accept civil cases quickly,
comprehensively and promptly to ensure the
initiate and to access justice of the persons.
The activities and achievements of Court
are shown in the following statistics:
From 1st October 2016 to 30th September
2017, the Courts have resolved 438,625
cases out of a total of 491,384 accepted
cases (reaching 89.3%) in all fields, while,
the number of civil cases accounted for the
highest proportion in the three fields: civil,
criminal and administrative. Specifically,
the Court has accepted 387,051 civil cases,
adjudicated 338,756 civil cases and reached
a rate of 87.5% , increasing to 2.5% of the
set target (compared to the same period last
year, the number of accepted civil lawsuit
rose of 27,303 cases, settlement of civil
lawsuits increase of 32,033 cases)5.§§
5 Supreme People''s Court (2018), Summary
Report in 2017 and key tasks of People''s
Courts in 2018.
Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 15
Among these civil cases, marriage
and family, business, trade and labor that the
Courts have accepted to resolve according
to the first-instance procedure, the number
of civil cases is 119,927 cases (an increase
of 6,835 cases compared to the same period
last year), accounting to a high percentage
of disputes over property loan contracts,
disputes over land use rights, disputes over
land use right transfer contracts, disputes
over land lent, and depend on using,
encroachment. Marriage and family cases
were 231,662 cases (up 24,850 cases
compared to the same period last year),
divorce due to family conflicts accounted
for 73% of the total number of divorce cases
that the Court had resolved; business cases
were 15,446 cases (reduced to/from 576
cases), mainly made up of disputes in the
areas of financial investment, banking and
goods trading Labor cases were 4,810 cases
(reduced by/to 2,618 cases compared to the
same period last year), this was mainly
disputes about disciplining, dismissal and
unilateral termination of labor contracts6.***
In the settlement and adjudication
of civil cases, the courts have effectively
paid attention and remedied the civil cases
beyond the time limit for settlement
according to the provisions of law. In 2015,
there were only 116 cases overdue due to
subjective errors, accounting for 0.03%,
decreasing by 0.01% compared to the same
period in 2014. In 2016, there were only 67
6 Supreme People''s Court (2018), Summary
Report in 2017 and key tasks of People''s
Courts in 2018.
cases of overdue due to subjective errors,
accounting for 0,02%, decreasing by 0.01%
compared to the same period in 20157.†††By
2017, the settlement and adjudication of
civil cases of the Court were still maintained
in order to timely protect legitimate rights
and interests of agencies, organizations and
Through the annual and most
recent statistics of 2017, it can be seen that
the Court sector is striving to improve the
quality of trial activities, the time for
accepting cases is shortened to timely
protect right sand the legitimate interests of
1.3.2 Restrictions and
shortcomings in the implementation of the
provisions of the Civil Procedure Code on
instituting civil lawsuits
In the implementation of the civil
procedure, law regulations regarding to
institute civil lawsuits, the following
shortcomings and shortcomings exist:
Firstly, difficulties and obstacles
in implementing regulations on jurisdiction
of competent Court
Disputes and conflicts
arising in social life when cited to the Court
must be accepted by the Court unless other
cases where there are other law regulations.
However, the current cases do not have the
applicable law at the time of resolving a
civil case, there are no specific legal
regulations to directly adjust the civil case
7 Supreme People''s Court (2018), Summary
Report in 2017 and key tasks of People''s
Courts in 2018.
16 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion
but there is need to have custom, law
provision in the same matters, basic
principles of civil law, precedents and the
justice be able to resolve civil cases (Article
45, CPC 2015)
On the other hand, the fact that the
Court fails to accept jurisdiction still exists,
affecting the right to initiate of the subjects.
For example, on 22nd March of 2017, the
Investigation Agency of the Supreme
People’s Procuracy issued a notice to Kien
Giang Province People’s Court on
preliminary investigation results related to
letters accuse Judge and Secretary of Phu
Quoc District (Kien Giang) made a mistake
when resolving first instance case "Dispute
of a civil contract for capital contribution"
between both Nui Ngoc JSC and Mr. Le
Minh Hue and Ms. Le Thi Thanh Tu. In the
process of supervising, it was found that
Phu Quoc district People’s Court accepted
and adjudicated of first instance of civil
lawsuits, but there was a false sign of
authority because in this civil case, the
parties were living and working in Canada,
so under the provisions of the Civil
Procedure Code of Vietnam the case must
fall under the jurisdiction of People’s Courts
of province8.‡‡‡
Secondly, difficulties and
limitations from the initiate civil lawsuits of
the subjects are illiterate, legally
incapacitated persons, people with limited
8 Ha Thuong (2018), "Judge and Secretary of
the counterfeit signature of the litigant", Youth
Electronic Newspaper, July 17, 2018.
cognition or behavior control and disable
According to Point c, Clause 1,
Article 189, Civil Procedure Code
“Individuals of cases specified in points a
and b of this clause who are illiterate or have
visual disabilities or who cannot draw up
petitions or append signatures or
fingerprints themselves may request other
persons to help them draw up the petitions
under the witnessing of persons with fully
civil procedure capacity”. However, the
actual application of the above regulation
also has some shortcomings, such as
illiterate persons who do not know how to
read and write but who in fact can still sign
and write their name If the Court does not
check, verification will lead to mistakes
andviolations against procedures. Failure to
verify whether the petitioner is literate is an
omission, which may result in a cancellation
of the case due to a serious violation against
Thirdly, difficulties and
limitations from individuals, agencies and
organizations shall assist the involved
parties to exercise the right to institute
through the provision of documents and
In fact, when resolving cases
where documents and evidence are being
kept and managed by agencies and
organizations, collecting them is not simple.
In many cases, even though the parties have
Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 17
travelled many times to request agencies
and organizations to provide evidence
related to the settlement of the case to
supply evidence to the Court, they were
denied with all types of reasons. Denial is
usually just by words, attitudes, gestures.
With the refusal, it is difficult for the parties
to prove that they have applied all measures
but still have not collected evidence to serve
as a basis for asking the Court for
collecting9.§§§This may lead to the court not
guaranteeing to fully resolve the petitions
for lawsuits of inhabitants, leading to rights
to institute civil lawsuits to be affected.
2. Recommendations to
improve about initiating civil lawsuits
Firstly, it is necessary to issue
resolutions and sub-law documents guiding
the regulations on instituting civil lawsuits
According to Civil Procedure
Code 2015, the State needs to promulgate
more specific legislative documents on
regulations that are still general and
ambiguous, especially with regard to the
issues that still exist. Obstacles in
regulations of the implementation of the
right to institute civil lawsuits and the
responsibility of accepting civils lawsuits of
the Court in practice are affected and limited
such as the statute of limitations for
lawsuits; on changing, amendment and/or
supplementation of lawsuit petitions before
accepting the case and before first-instance
trials; on determining the legal status of
9 Pham Thai Quy (2010), "An arduous collecting
evidence in the proceedings", Online Newspaper of
People's Deputies, 3rd May, 2010
households and cooperative groups when
participating in civil procedure relations;
assigning the Judge to resolve the case or
issue of filing a first instant lawsuits through
the online system.
Secondly, it is necessary to specify
the determination of the subject those have
right to institute civil lawsuits and the
legitimate rights and interests of that person
have been infringed upon may designate
any other persons to initiate instead
If you understand that only the
subjects who involved in civil law relations
have Right to institute civil lawsuits to limit
the right of individuals, agencies and
organizations. Therefore, the Resolution on
the implementation of the Civil Procedure
Code in 2015 should provide a criterion for
determining whether the legitimate rights
and interests of subjects with being
infringed upon.
In addition, in order to create
favorable conditions for people request
Courts to protect legitimate rights and
interests of theirs have been infringed upon,
avoid improper application of the provisions
of Article 186 and Article 189 in the Civil
Procedure Code of 2015 in the direction of
forcing people with infringing rights and
interests to sign or point to the lawsuit
petition above and to ensure uniform
application of the law requires specific
guidance of the Judges Supreme People’s
18 Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion
For divorce cases that do not apply
to a representative regime that requires a
husband or wife to stand for a lawsuit
petition and participate in the proceedings,
it is impossible to request other persons to.
The reality shows that divorce cases related
to husband and wife who are limited
capacity of exercise are becoming more and
more popular, but the current law does not
have regulations to adjust this situation. So
can a father and mother be the
representative to protect the legitimate
rights and interests of their children - people
who are legally incapacitated persons in the
divorce case? Currently, the Court still does
not accept the settlement of cases where the
legal representative is the father or mother
of those. Therefore, in order to protect the
maximum legal rights and interests of
citizens, it is necessary to issue documents
to guide them to allow parents to be
guardians in the second line (wife and
husband are supervisors households in the
first row) have the right to represent
children who have lost their living skills in
lawsuits and participate in proceedings in
the divorce cases.
In order to ensure the uniform
application of laws in the People’s Court,
there should be consistency in the
awareness of law provisions. Therefore, it is
necessary to give specific instructions to
authorize the implementation of individual
initiate lawsuits.
10 Tran Anh Tuan (2018), The summary record
of a conference "General provisions of Civil
Procedure Code 2015", Hanoi, June 2018
Thirdly, it is necessary to amend
the legal provisions on determining
territorial jurisdiction of the Court.
The research and analysis of the
thesis shows that the structure of provisions
in Article 39 and Article 40 of the CPC 2015
on territorial competence is not reasonable.
In terms of the nature and logic of the
matter, the provisions of Article 39 and
Article 40 of the CPC 2015 determine the
territorial jurisdiction of the Court but the
title of Article 39 are "Territorial
jurisdiction of courts", while the title of
Article 40 is" Jurisdiction of Courts selected
by plaintiffs or petitioners ".
So is the provision of Article 40 of
the Civil Procedure Code 2015 not
regulated by territorial authority?10.****
In addition, to determine territorial
jurisdiction of the Court correctly, the order
of application will be (1) point c, Clause 1,
Article 39; (2) Point b, Clause 1, Article 39;
(3) Article 40 and finally (4) point a, Clause
1, Article 39; This will make it difficult for
parties to initiate the lawsuits in the Court
when determining the territorial jurisdiction
of the Court. Therefore, it is more
reasonable if the provisions of Article 40 of
the CPC 2015 are presented in Article 39 of
this Code and arrange the terms in the order
of reasonable priority of the following
Nghiên cứu trao đổi ● Research-Exchange of opinion 19
(i) The Court's jurisdiction over the
dispute is over immovable is specified on
the following principles:
- The Court where the real estate is
located is competent in case the object of
dispute is real estate, except for other cases
prescribed by law (marriage case but there
is a dispute on real estate property, ... );
- For disputes involving real estate, the
involved parties do not have the right to
choose the Court, except in the case of
selecting a Court where there is one of the
disputed real estate if there are many real
estate disputes;
(ii) Jurisdiction of Courts over non-real
estate disputes is stipulated in the following
order of priority:
- Determine according to the legal
agreement of the parties;
- Determine according to the choice of
the plaintiff, the requester among the Courts
prescribed by law;
- Determining according to the place of
residence, living, working or having
headquartered, if the defendant is an agency
or organization.
3. Conclusion
By analyzing the provisions of the
law, the author found that the Civil
Procedure Code has inherited the positive
points of the old Codes of Civil Procedure
as well as the previous Resolutions,
although they have expired but are remain
valid points. Besides, the provision of "The
Court is not allowed to refuse to resolve a
civil case for reasons of not having a law to
apply" is a new step in legislative thought to
create a solid legal premise for people
exercising their right to initiate. On the basis
of summarizing research results, the author
has made some suggestions on the
improvement and implementation of the law
to improve efficiency to ensure the right to
initiate and contribute to building a stable,
fair and civilized societyn/./
1. Civil Procedure Code 2015.
2. Hanoi Law University (2015), Textbook of
Vietnam Civil Procedure Code, People''s Police
Publishing House, Hanoi.
3. Ha Thuong (2018), "Judge and Secretary of
the counterfeit signature of the litigant", Youth
Electronic Newspaper, July 17, 2018.
4. Nguyen Cong Binh (2017), Textbook of
Vietnam Civil Procedure Code, People''s Police
Publishing House, Hanoi.
5. Pham Thai Quy (2010), "An arduous
collecting evidence in the proceedings", Online
Newspaper of People's Deputies, 3rd May, 2010
6. Supreme People''s Court (2018), Summary
Report in 2017and key tasks of People''s Courts
in 2018.
7. Tran Anh Tuan (2018), The summary record
of a conference "General provisions of Civil
Procedure Code 2015", Hanoi, June 2018.
8. Vietnamese Language and Culture Center -
Ministry of Education & Training (1999), Great
Vietnamese Dictionary, Information and culture
Publishing House, Hanoi.
9. Popular Vietnamese dictionary (1996),
Education Publishing House, Hanoi.
Author Address: Faculty of Law, Hanoi Open
Email: dinhhang0409@gmail.com
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